Posts Tagged ‘#BlackLivesMatter’

While many of us are exploring the annals of Black History Month once again, it’s finding a time that many of us really need to ask, and of course, continue the cause of many figures and events that shook the country of America and yet the world. And of course, many have already criticized that it’s not being taught every day about racism. Or being decisive. Or being black only and not with everyone. Let me say this as a black man, “Don’t come for Black History Month”. Matter of fact, don’t come for Black History PERIOD! . What do I mean by that? Don’t come for all that weakness that you didn’t know because of a failed public school system. Heck, blame the curriculum and the previous past decisions of our government that made the wrong choices! All done by design. Again, don’t come for black history period in a sense like many assume that it’s not “YOUR particular history!”

It’s different, yes but it’s a way to understand why it matters. While many of us are summarizing the news about the current events of the world from idiots talking smack about Critical Race Theory, African American AP Courses watered down, to books being banned with black authors of telling the truth of America’s pasts, have the ultimate gaul of redistricting voting areas, or students being told of Black History Month programs being censored opting, and dozens of others that find the second month horrible but still asking why February?

And by the way, I’m still scratching my head again.

So Black People, are we still on that “January 1st – December 31st Black History every day” stuff with the memes?

Already, Viola Davis made the EGOT Status. Anyone wanting to comment on that?

Everyone is still asking, why is Black History Month in February? Matter of fact, this is the real question from last year to ask:

So it seems that the narrative, “Black History is American History” is once again challenged on two fronts: One, what about the different countries that celebrate Black History Month? It’s not just American History! And second, if “Black History is American History”, why are those who don’t want to hear about our history?! Usually coming from those that are so hypocritical about wanting to hear about the pureness of America’s pasts. Stop lying!

What was the best thing going on in Black History Month of 2023 that should be going on all day every day?

Here is a daring question: Why doesn’t any city or state have Black History Month Fireworks? Yeah I said it!

Which figure in Black History should have been recognized in 2023 thus far?

Which figure in Black History should have been recognized a long time ago before 2023?

Which figure in Black History could be and should be recognized in the next several years?

Which event in Black History must be recognized or examined in years to come, or should have been recorded long ago?

Has any city structures or landmarks in the country, or the world lit the Pan-African Colors of Red, Black, Green, and sometimes Yellow for Black History Month? If not, what’s wrong with your cities?!

Who in Black History is at current GOAT Status? Don’t just say Michael Jordan or Serena Williams!

Who in Black History should have been in Dark Horse GOAT Status a long time ago?

Who in Black History would be in a future GOAT Status in years to come?

Still, who is still shocked that Black History Month is more than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks?

Black Churches: are you still archiving YOUR Black History Moments?

Will Mandela Barnes go for a future election run with Milwaukee and Wisconsin Black supporters? And more of Black Wisconsin Media?

For you, the Roland Martin Unfiltered fans: Has the Black Star Network been very informative so far?

What is the real Black Experience we know very well?

You do realize that without Dr. Marian Croak, there wouldn’t be a use of VOIP on our phones or the internet. You heard? That’s Voice Over Internet Protocol by the way.

We all used microphones, right? Even a black man like Dr. James E. West invented a component for mics called the Electret Microphone. Without that, no telling what our microphones would do. You better research his name and why it matters.

The Grammys showed the 50th Anniversary highlighted of the most misunderstood art form of Hip Hop. Just to think long time ago, the Grammys never cared about Hip Hop. Left it off the table and there were rappers then protested the art form that should have been included. But in 1989, Parents Just Don’t Understand by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince aka Will Smith, won their first Grammy under the Rap Category. Now it’s years later it’s finally is getting it’s flowers. So, tell me again why this matters to many?

Last year, I commented about the low percentage of African American Households that don’t have access to the internet. And not enough African American families don’t have a computer. With this being the change in times, what will it take to invest in a computer for more Black households? And as of now, how many Black/African American households now have internet?

Next time you use a GPS, thank a black woman like Gladys West. Can you do that?

It seems that Black History Month seems to be falling on deaf ears when it comes to our young people. We see all the memes and when they hear the name of Harriet Tubman for example, they think the 20 Dollar Bill was an idea. But they really don’t know anything else about her! Same with Dr. Carter G. Woodson who was the brainchild behind the idea to further push Negro History Week. And the idea of black college students at Kent State University in 1969 to push for the renaming of Black History Month to celebrate all month long. Even when it was officially pushed to come out in 1976, the same year I was born! And in 1986, when I was 9 years old, on February 1st of that year, it was officially declared for all time. So those who are under 46 years old and utterly clueless about the memes and thinking decisive that it’s racist, get a freaking clue. Hit the showers! What is the real problem here? I think the dilemma is not Black History Month, the dilemma is them NOT understanding why it has been celebrated and founded in the first place!

Black History Month is 97 years old this year. When and how we would celebrate it when it turns 100 in 2026?

Juneteenth Day starts in 4 months on June 19th. What’s the plan? And many cannot say violence on MLK Street. Did I also mention that Black Music Month starts also in June?

African American AP Studies should matter. Just like the European, Asian, Hispanic and other AP related stuff we always hear should be in the classrooms and online courses. Agree or disagree?

Black History Month events in schools should not be censored for anything! Screw the curriculum, and screw the equity crap. Let our young people know and hear and see the entire truth in print, video documentaries, streaming, and many others. Not just post 1970, but before it. You heard the quote: you never know where you’re going, until you know where you have been.” Agree?

I need to see #DefendBlackHistory material advertised. No, Walmart you cannot do this. No other folks you can’t have this.. It must be BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN OWNED. Can this happen? All the time, maybe? Even in protesting modes?

You know other countries like Canada and the UK celebrate Black History Month. And even Haiti acknowledges it’s Black History. So for those who find this a false flag, why is it a problem only for America but, not internationally known? Black History is not just American History only. It’s also world history. Google it, kids.

One more thing, Black folks, when we research our folks in historical articles and it appears on Social Media that this event of that figure might be true, check the facts, first! Can that be done?

Did anyone took the Stephen’s Spot Black History Quiz without cheating?

And THE final thing to ask before Black History Month of 2023 goes into the archives: Exactly how would anyone take it very seriously to reference Black History daily? Not every week, but daily!

Word to the wise, for all the haters, racists, and self-closeted beings, please for the love of God, Jesus, Allah, or Buddha, don’t EVER come for Black History Month! Don’t even try it!

It’s been a long minute since I’ve written a Double Take. But I decided to take up a notch in terms of three words that seemed controversial, but also a purpose to exemplify a common cause.

It’s time for me to state my own claim and my own opinion in two parts: Black Lives Matter.

Take One: Black Lives Matter is a global black movement of opportunity to get us black folks to conversate about our concerns. Our issues. Our problems. This is what the other folks don’t get. And the fact of the matter is in it’s 7th year, it has made an impact. However like many new movements, folks will be talking about the negatives. Black folks, when we hear about the movement like BLM this is us now, why do we get so upset that when the organization doesn’t get involved in our neighborhoods? When for example, if someone in Chicago (since everyone likes talking Chicago so much) get shot in a black neighborhood, who’s going to march for him? Or her? No matter if you are a washed up DJ just want to make noise or just a ordinary Black Joe, folks always have something to comment about a movement that they want in the hood, than out against the Police Station. Here is my question about this. When I hear this question though, WHY AREN’T YOU MARCHING?! WHY ARENT YOU ORGANIZING? For all those that keep asking, “When is Black Lives Matter going to march for the hood, or when a black boy or girl received a bullet to be killed?” That to me is an overreach. It really is. Also its just like when we hear about these groups that do work in the country, you begin to ask where are the black folks? We all get like that, be honest. But in this case regardless the mentality of this movement, this organization, at least they are doing some right. All that complaining about them not showing up to your hood is not going to solve that. You do realize that there connections to the movement right? Why don’t YOU ASK THEM! We know that the organizers and founders of Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi have built this thing for a reason. It really goes back when Trayvon Martin was killed at 17 years old which launched this network of the movement. And since then, we know that the idea of rallying around black lives in this climate had taken off. But yes again, this is how the new movement got launched.

I want to be perfectly clear that this black movement of black lives is not just a catchphrase. This should be an everyday value! Our Black Lives since birth has mattered. Our Black Families – Mattered and still matter! Our presence at our jobs, clubs, health and wellness clinics, groups, and many other ideals and objectives still matter. Our stories in Black Media, News, Entertainment, Sports, Religion (the good ones) and dozens of others, do in fact MATTER! Yes, I know that many still want to see an “All Black Lives Matter Movement” in terms of not only fighting for our lives in the communities in the country, but also within our neighborhoods. Hmmmm……..If black folks have been saying this, when why haven’t MANY DO THIS?? Complaining, moaning groaning and pissing is not going to change things ONLINE! Like many folks had to ask, what’s up?! Oh it’s my opinion!” Yeah, but your opinion doesn’t mean JACK! UNTIL you bring it forward from your Social Media posts and actually ACT UPON IT! That’s how you get it done. Also, when a meeting like schools or neighborhood watch comes up IN YOUR HOOD and it’s a Black Lives Matter sponsored event, and the host has a connection to the Movement, here is the one question you failed to ask: What’s in it for me? Or I have an idea! Well that’s the problem! Doesn’t matter if you’re an old head pushing 65 or just young with braids and/or High Top Fade spilling your guts on Social Media. Yeah it needed to be said! Watch your mouths.

Speaking of that in a Part Two:

Yeah this is for all the so-called Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, Patriot Lives Matter, and other folks who think No Lives Matter. Listen up or get out of the way: First, there is no way that Black Lives Matter is a racist Marxist Organization that dictates racism or getting all your money from the likes of George Soros. Let’s clarify him on this. Several months ago it was rumored in a news story (a real news story) that George Soros funded protestors and Black Lives Matter. You all remember this? Oh, many of your browsers have viruses on them. Based on this, George has been through this several times. All fake and phony. And the real reasons why because many want to see all the fake stories on some websites that get flooded into social media feeds like wildfire. One stroke of the match that cause the flames will spread. This is part of the goofiness many that just want to see all this tabloid related stuff. The late great Michael Jackson commented about tabloid being junk. And he knew this because many who write the stuff just want money! That’s it! They doing it because of the money. Same when dealing with the coronavirus. There are those whom are on your timelines or someone’s news feeds on Social Media would say that it’s all a fake trick. Use the immune medicines and such. But I need to ask, when was the last time your doctor said this? I need to see the script! I do not believe that many who say this are telling the truth. They just want to be entertained, or wanting to be tricked to be telling the truth their way to make you think it’s a lie. We need to stop this mess. That is lack of education, lack of knowledge, lack of politics in which is dangerous, lack of truth, and it’s lack of societal/economic summaries we go through everyday all the time! Of if you think that no lives matter, stop. Without the ideal birthing of your parents, and God your life that you have right now probably matters what your think!

Just recently our so-called President that labeled Black Lives Matter is bad for black people. Really? What a dang joke. He’s being demented in the head that failed to realized the common cause of the movement. He like many who follow him like a cult figure believe into the lies that he spews out. Oh, don’t call him that! Truth is HE DOES THIS! All because of ratings. Another is due to white fear. Uh-Oh, have we heard this before? Let’s be real clear, within the next 20 years or so, the minority majority of this nation will be black and brown folks. In the words of Paul Heyman, “That is not a prediction, its a spoiler.” Or as I like to say: Spoiler Alert! Also, if Black Lives Matter is supposed to be bad for black folks as indicated, when was the last time 45 met with the organizers or founders of the movement? Oh, wait a minute. He never tried it. What a coward!

And yet the only reason why Blue Lives Matter is getting hyped is because of the phrase: Black Lives Matter. Let me also direct your attention to this picture you probably saw on Facebook:

Let this be real clear: the real lives everyday are on the line 24/7 are black lives. Blue Lives is just a copy cat. Don’t fall for the Okie Doke.

Another reason why you asked? Look at this from Twitter:

My question for all the fools who think that BLM is Marxist: where are you reading this crappy information? This is why folks are getting their knowledge and stories attacked. Oh let’s define what a Marxist really is:


NOUN a supporter of the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.”some of the workers are Marxists”

ADJECTIVE – relating to or denoting the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. “Marxist ideology”

Wait a minute. Read those again. Ask yourself honestly: since when many think that Black Lives Matter is connected to Marxism, knowing that Marxism is really following the theories of Karl Marx and Friedrick Engles? REALLY?!! Many of you probably never heard of these men. Don’t know the reasons why their “marxism” was originally planned.

Also “marxism” can be classified at this:

“Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. Marxism posits that the struggle between social classes, specifically between the bourgeoisie, or capitalists, and the proletariat, or workers, defines economic relations in a capitalist economy and will inevitably lead to revolutionary communism.”

SO AGAIN: What does this relate to Black Lives Matter? Where does it related to fight police brutality, or social injustice? Or where does it relate to BLM going to the neighborhoods to prevent new hashtags? All of you conspiracy folks are being played out like suckers!

My advice: before anything comes out the mouths and onto the screens, you all better do some freaking homework! Instead of crapping down Black Lives Matter, go to the real sources! Not the hood source, because they don’t know enough. They’ll know what they hear and think trying to be conscious. We know woke folks can be fools too. Okay some of them know their role.

Until all lives really matters to all: Black Lives NEED TO MATTER as well!

Well here we are. For the 244th time, it’s America’s birthday. And still many of us have a pandemic on our minds to keep safe. And being aware of the on going struggle of rights and privileges that everyone American should be created equal. We know everytime we see those words should be a constant reminder of every person reading this blog and of course those that use everything else.

However between last year and this year, this Indepenence Day has been a drastic change: COVID-19. Usually I say this that the folks who were here last year celebrating or observing or protesting this holiday are not around this year because many of the thousands have died after suffering this symptom of the Coronavirus. Many of our traditional gatherings at parks, festivals, activities had been either reduced to the social distancing or cancelled for the rest of the year due to the virus. The many folks who previously protsted state capitals in the Don’t Tread On Me Flags, or the Rebel Battle Flags or with Rifles strapped with guns all had this distain that the state houses were promoting “Tyranny” in terms of those wanting to go back to work. That’s not tyranny, that’s being stupid and ignorant. And what’s funny that I mentioned this in the last blog about the words “Tyranny Response Team” on the backs of shirts. Really?

Those men and some women are not a Tyranny Response Team. They are frauds! I know I shouldn’t be saying this on the 4th, but I had to say that it’s apparent that they are misguided about the use of freedom. Oh yes, with out our military and all the guise of implications of our Indedpendcce, we wouldn’t have a 4th of July to celebrate. Nor I dare say a Juneteenth Day. And yes those are #facts!

Let me further say three words on this 244th occasion: Black Lives Matter! That’s right: BLACK LIVES MATTER.

The very same words that our so-called president labeled the organization as a symbol of hate. Other individuals that deflected those words to something like “All Lives Matter”. Let me dive in on this again. I know many had the chance to listen to activists in a response to the message that Frederick Douglass stated years ago called “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Oh yes, that is the speech that many are afraid to read and hear, but to us in the black community, Douglass revealed in his speech of the concerns that the black slaves never had to say but to feel what they were thinking. Even though they couldn’t stand up for themselves. But what Douglass really told was the hardcore truth that the celebration was fine for most folks, but to the black slave: Not as much. He stated at the time was “this is your celebration, not mine”. He also stated that while you celebrate your liberty in all, he must mourn. Keep in mind this was in 1852 on July 5th. Now 168 years later his Great-Great-Great-Great Grandchildren are reciting that same portion of the speech as he did. And it’s poetic because they need to know what their 4th Grandfather had to feel. BUT…….they also must read the WHOLE SPEECH! Not just that portion. My advice to them would be (and they’ll have to understand) read the whole speech before making a comment on Social Media in a weird way then you know. Of course, if Frederick Douglass were alive today saying that speech, either he would be attacked on Facebook, harassed, or shot dead. All because he was revealing a thought that many had been thinking for so long. But he also wanted the Country to improve in a sense of getting to that promised land of opportunity.

Henceforth: Black Lives Matter!

This is also the occasion that individuals like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others in the country who are black had been killed by the hands of the police, and racism are not here. Which still lingers to this day. The activists of today who scream out Black Lives Matter are the new colonists. They are the new Paul Reveres that ring out warnings. They are the Elizabeth Cady Stantons, and many others of the yesteryear that are ringing out the concerns that many need to be aware of. Or in this case, STAYING WOKE! I know that many of us were on our live feeds today or leading up to the 4th, in regards to wearing black. In terms of Black Lives Matter and many others that wouldn’t wear the traditional colors of Red White and Blue.

So what.

Many know that the folks of Morticians or Goth wear black every day and nobody says nothing. How many folks wear black shoes EVERYDAY? I’m just saying! This is all coming from those who were logging into Facebook in Blackout groups that many tried to get others to join to participate. The whole idea was to be informed about the concerns dealing with black lives, and there is some advertising for black-owned businesses. Me personally, I support black businesses all the time. The ones I know very well from Black Barbershops, Black Daycares, Organizations here in Milwaukee like the Northcott Neighborhood House which was founded by the denomination that I was confirmed 30 years ago in 1990, the United Methodist Church, and my church is black supported! So I know this very well. My thing is like every July 7th, we know that Black Out Day is a time to support black businesses, but it is also a reminder that the support of the black dollar goes on all the time!

Also on the fourth, well there were some that have something to add in the concerns: There was an event and a protest held in Pewaukee and Milwaukee in regarding that Black Americans were excluded from celebrating the 4th of July Celebrations. The idea of the event and acts were to address the concerns of Police Brutality and Racism.



Also, over the weekend, former NFL Player Colin Kaepernick made his remarks over the holiday by stating “we reject your white supremacy.” He writes on Twitter:  

“Black ppl have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by America for centuries, & are expected to join your commemoration of ‘independence’, while you enslaved our ancestors. We reject your celebration of white supremacy & look forward to liberation for all.”

No matter if it was on MSN or Yahoo the story was picked up. And just as I was logging off, here come those who are overly patriotic saying in the comments: “Get over it” or “Go back to a history class”, “quit whining”. Part of what he was saying was in fact true. There has been concerns that America terrorized nations without any consent, bombed innocent people, declared in the Declaration that Indians were savages, and oh, escalated the use of Slavery before, during and the after the founding of the nation. And yes, some of our Founding Fathers that signed the legendary document were slave owners. Even the father of this land by the name of George Washington was a SLAVE OWNER! Instead of hiding from this so-called Fake News, just admit the truth. Yes, of course we can celebrate the 4th, and yes there were black men that fought in the Revolution, but still some of them went back into Slavery! And some also maintained their freedom. Let be real about it.

Also: when many were talking about that had not been researching the story of a white supremacist. I’ll bet that many of those who helped shaped the country, no matter what roles have occurred before and after 1776 probably were connected to White Supremacy! You have the state of Mississippi for the first time in over in one century brought down their state flag with the rebel sign on it. I’ll bet many who were Mississippi born felt jubilant in a peaceful manner that the flag that gave them so many nightmares is finally done! Those monuments of those who were “Civil War Heroes” that lost the war, were taken down. Some were actually destroyed.

In speaking of that when NASCAR finally halted the thought of the Confederate Flags at the events and races that was a jubilant moment. Yes, you can thank Bubba Wallace for that in order to see change happen in the sport.

Now let me conclude this with this. The Fourth is a mixed bag for many folks. Let’s just call it what it is. However in the result of this mixed bag of controversy, yes it’s a day to acknowledge the turning point of the country’s Independence. The document proved to be a starting point to change, to inspire and to confront the issues, concerns and accomplishments that the country endured since it’s founding of 1776. Yes, over the course of human events in the last 244 years, America hasn’t “been that great”. And yet America hasn’t been perfect. But in the years preceded this one in a time frame of a pandemic that already silenced most of the Fireworks displays, parades, and other old-school related events the real Americans must stand up. It must stand up to get the ideas of being self-evident that yes all men are created equal. And should be created equal no matter who or what. Those are not just words, they should be a way of life. All day every day! If that’s the case however then explain why there is so much racism in regarding African-American citizens. From jobs to finance to housing. Even Healthcare! If many are saying “Oh Stephen, you should be lucky to be an American Citizen and have the freedoms to do so. Why are you complaining?” Look, I want THIS COUNTRY TO CONFESS the truth, the ideals founded and have that equality thing that many have been preaching about since Day One! And I also have been discriminated, disrespected, overlooked, unappreciated, devalued and nearly forgotten about. Yes, me! No I’m not going into “I Have A Dream” and recite the same sentences that Dr. King said in 1963. Many of us need to read the whole speech regardless! The same with Frederick Douglass’ speech about again, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July.” The one portion of that speech many recited over and over again. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BEGINNING? And black folks you should know better! I’m just saying.

And the part regarding the “Mericless Indian Savages” in the Declaration, and if those who were wearing those shirts on the 4th in regarding the three words, you may have missed out on the words regarding the complaint regarding KING GEORGE III! Beginning with the word “He!” Now many of you saw on Instagram of the picture of Cree Summer (whom had a acting career on A Different World and the voice of Penny from Inspector Gadget) that displayed the shirt just like this:

Merciless Indian Savages Declaration Of Independence T-shirts

You know what was missing? See below:

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

Question to those who wore this shirt, why wasn’t the whole quote mentioned? There was also a missing thought that it wasn’t addressed to ALL INDIANS! Look at the sentence again: What does it start with again? HE – as in the King of England at the time. The founders I think were describing the dilemmas that were problematic. So when folks said all the Indians, that is taking the quote way out bounds. Hear me out. That’s almost like saying all men are dogs. Or all black men are no good. See the angles here? Or in this case all BLM Members are racists and being funded by George Soros. Or when he was touring the country in the poorest neighborhoods, there were individuals or groups that commented that Bill Cosby had “Harsh words for African-Americans”. Get that mess out of here! And according to the stories, there were Indians that fought with the continental army and for the British crown. You know which folks did that also? Black folks! We got to be real! This is not to drown out the Native Americans here. In which I don’t do at all.

People: it’s time to review everyday of this Declaration. In terms of further understanding the thoughts of why the articles and listings were made and not only just to be one sided. You should be asking why they were one sided at first. I should start by saying #AtFirsttheFourthOfJuly wasn’t a holiday for black folks. That is a fact. And yes, you have many saying the same thing, probably on your timelines on Facebook of asking why. But at the same time, we must not forget that the longevity of the struggle still continues! And also there were black men that fought on the side of the continental during the revolution. If you think that Crispus Attucks was the only one that fought and died in that timeframe, guess what? He was not the only one! There were countless others that served like James Armistead, who was a spy on for the Continental Army under George Washington that helped the Americans. Another was Peter Salem, as well as Salem Poor at the Battle at Bunker Hill. Even the 1st Rhode Island Regiment also fought. Why aren’t these names being mentioned like Attucks? In addition to the struggle, that also is an everyday reminder that must hold dear to these three words: Our Sacred Honor.

So yes, as the nation turns the page, or levels up at 244, and it’s ok to celebrate for a moment. But when the next day happens, its back to work.

It’s back to fight White Supremacy.

It’s back to help Homeless Veterans

It’s back to educating our children.

It’s back to realize that Virtual Learning does count like the Traditional Classrooms.

It’s back to supporting Black Lives Matter, in a sense to find Breonna Taylor’s killers.

It’s back to fight unemployment, health issues of COVID-19.

It’s back to defuse the wickedness of Backing the Badge and Blue Lives Matter.

It’s back to stop the abuse of Police Brutality, stand against racism as well as discrimination based of age, religion, gender, education, and experience on the job.

It’s back to fight for the Church in a sense of fighting depression, hunger, finance problems racially, and it’s back fighting the same “Colonial Causes” that were and are in a long working progress. Which includes VOTING!

This year marks 150 years that African-American Men received the right to vote under Amendment 15. Also it’s been 155 years since the Amendment 15 which declared slaves free, hence brought Amendment 13 in April of 1864, thus making it plain in January of 1865 leading to June 19th.

And the beat, in fact goes on.

Preface: you may have seen this on your news feed this morning. Or in the last few days.

So what has protesting accomplished?

👉🏾Within 10 days of sustained protests:
Minneapolis bans use of choke holds.

👉🏾Charges are upgraded against Officer Chauvin, and his accomplices are arrested and charged.

👉🏾Dallas adopts a “duty to intervene” rule that requires officers to stop other cops who are engaging in inappropriate use of force.

👉🏾New Jersey’s attorney general said the state will update its use-of-force guidelines for the first time in two decades.

👉🏾In Maryland, a bipartisan work group of state lawmakers announced a police reform work group.

👉🏾Los Angeles City Council introduces motion to reduce LAPD’s $1.8 billion operating budget.

👉🏾MBTA in Boston agrees to stop using public buses to transport police officers to protests.

👉🏾Police brutality captured on cameras leads to near-immediate suspensions and firings of officers in several cities (i.e., Buffalo, Ft. Lauderdale).

👉🏾Monuments celebrating confederates are removed in cities in Virginia, Alabama, and other states.

👉🏾Street in front of the White House is renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza.”
Military forces begin to withdraw from D.C.

Then, there’s all the other stuff that’s hard to measure:

💓The really difficult public and private conversations that are happening about race and privilege.

💓The realizations some white people are coming to about racism and the role of policing in this country.

💓The self-reflection.

💓The internal battles exploding within organizations over issues that have been simmering or ignored for a long time. Some organizations will end as a result, others will be forever changed or replaced with something stronger and fairer.


🌎 Protests against racial inequality sparked by the police killing of George Floyd are taking place all over the world.

🌎 Rallies and memorials have been held in cities across Europe, as well as in Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand.

🌎 As the US contends with its second week of protests, issues of racism, police brutality, and oppression have been brought to light across the globe.

🌎 People all over the world understand that their own fights for human rights, for equality and fairness, will become so much more difficult to win if we are going to lose America as the place where ‘I have a dream’ is a real and universal political program,” Wolfgang Ischinger, a former German ambassador to the US, told the New Yorker.

🌎 In France, protesters marched holding signs that said “I can’t breathe” to signify both the words of Floyd, and the last words of Adama Traoré, a 24-year-old black man who was subdued by police officers and gasped the sentence before he died outside Paris in 2016.

🌎 Cities across Europe have come together after the death of George Floyd:

✊🏽 In Amsterdam, an estimated 10,000 people filled the Dam square on Monday, holding signs and shouting popular chants like “Black lives matter,” and “No justice, no peace.”

✊🏽 In Germany, people gathered in multiple locations throughout Berlin to demand justice for Floyd and fight against police brutality.

✊🏾 A mural dedicated to Floyd was also spray-painted on a stretch of wall in Berlin that once divided the German capital during the Cold War.

✊🏿 In Ireland, protesters held a peaceful demonstration outside of Belfast City Hall, and others gathered outside of the US embassy in Dublin.

✊🏿In Italy, protesters gathered and marched with signs that said “Stop killing black people,” “Say his name,” and “We will not be silent.”

✊🏾 In Spain, people gathered to march and hold up signs throughout Barcelona and Madrid.

✊🏾 In Athens, Greece, protesters took to the streets to collectively hold up a sign that read “I can’t breathe.”

✊🏾 In Brussels, protesters were seen sitting in a peaceful demonstration in front of an opera house in the center of the city.

✊🏾In Denmark, protesters were heard chanting “No justice, no peace!” throughout the streets of Copenhagen, while others gathered outside the US embassy.

✊🏾 In Canada, protesters were also grieving for Regis Korchinski-Paquet, a 29-year-old black woman who died on Wednesday after falling from her balcony during a police investigation at her building.

✊🏾 And in New Zealand, roughly 2,000 people marched to the US embassy in Auckland, chanting and carrying signs demanding justice.

💐 Memorials have been built for Floyd around the world, too. In Mexico City, portraits of him were hung outside the US embassy with roses, candles, and signs.

💐 In Poland, candles and flowers were laid out next to photos of Floyd outside the US consulate.

💐 And in Syria, two artists created a mural depicting Floyd in the northwestern town of Binnish, “on a wall destroyed by military planes.”

Before the assassination of George Floyd some of you were able to say whatever the hell you wanted and the world didn’t say anything to you…


Don’t wake up tomorrow on the wrong side of this issue. Its not to late to SAY,

“maybe I need to look at this from a different perspective.

Maybe I don’t know what its like to be Black in America…

Maybe, just maybe, I have been taught wrong.”

There is still so much work to be done. It’s been a really dark, raw week. This could still end badly. But all we can do is keep doing the work.

Keep protesting.


How beautiful is that?








Copy & paste

Postface: The Struggle INDEED Continues! Now we don’t know who wrote this piece, but whom ever was the writer of this statement will be revealed in the future. But in the mean time: #BLACKLIVESMATTER!

This probably might not set well with those of my demonination. But this will get an attention: The demonination of the United Methodist Church. Right now in Portland Oregon, there is the General Conference taking place and in this conference, like many will see monthly will talk about the decisions made to see where the direction of the UMC might go in terms of variety of topics, concerns, groups, or many other aspects. The actual defininton is as follows courtesy of the United Methodist Church:

The highest legislative body in The United Methodist Church. The voting membership consists of an equal number of clergy and lay delegates elected by the annual conferences. General Conference convenes every quadrennium (four years) to determine the denomination’s future direction. It is the only body that can speak officially for the denomination.

This we know mostly.

But this is not what I’m talking about.

The main concern of all of this, is what happened in the pause of the moment concerning this demonstration:

Yes, what you are looking at is a protest and demonstration of the actions of Black Lives Matter. Yes, the movement has now reached the door of the United Methodist Church. And I have to say, with all what’s going on with use of some of black UMC churches with some elements of the LGBTQIA folks in the mix of concern, this is another conversation that the church MUST ADDRESS! We need to wake up!

Now there are those either in The United Methodist Church and outside of the Church are on the side of “Oh look the UMC Members got those BLM Gangsters in there conference. Very hypocritical. ALL LIVES MATTER!”


I need to tell you so-called “All Lives Matter” vocal fans that when you mention that in a sense, don’t you dare EVER say or think that notion. Obviously, you really don’t know what ALL LIVES MATTER means yourselves. You probably might bust out all the “I got Black Friends” speeches, and again spar up the ol’ MLK Speeches about color and character. I’m going to bust heads open: Clearly many of you saying this or implying this, and it doesn’t matter if you are UMC or not, you are part of the problem! Yeah I said it! And for far too long, black folks’ voices and concerns have been NOT heard, or spoken to address the situations of what is really taking place! Racism, Sexism, targeting those whom are innocent and Black, effects of Slavery,  the new Jim Crow, and those whom are refusing service due to being black. Think about it! And it happens in 2016. And a long time.

And don’t bust the comments of “black on black crime”please. It’s not here for it. Not once here also, there weren’t any commentaries of “white on white” crime. Which does happen by the way!

Here in Wisconsin for example, there are “alleged angles” that Black Churches in UMC were and are under attack  about subjects or concerns that were hitting the fan! Even also if the church’s pastors who have served A LONG TIME, got the boot to make way for those whom are younger and appeal to the current era of worshipers. And sometimes it might take a black D.S. to do the dirty work. Even taking out mininsters who have all the credentials and acculades, and black and sometimes disabled are being shut down to be lay leaders. There are only a few BLACK United Methodist Churches in Milwaukee know about this too well similarly. One former UMC black pastor was ousted forcefully on “inappropiate purposes” due to the fact the church previously served, was in (in the D.S.’ words) declining numbers per say and is now out of the UMC doing his own church ministry. Other ministers probaly felt the shifts and left. And on a side note, I have a connection to these churches because again, I grew up United Methodist and one of the UMC Churches I go to has been in business since 1949 in Milwaukee. And at times, I hate to say that there was many times that the Wisconsin Conference (with all due respect on the nice things accomplished) has NOT had the back of these Black UMC’s! I believe it’s time from the TOP ON DOWN that the Bishops and many other districts NEED TO HEAR the concerns about the Black United Methodist Churches that is ongoing and hidden to talk at the table. And not to be left out of the talk period. The last bishop, whom was black, LISTENED to us Wisconsin UMC black folks of our concerns. Period!

And I say this unapologetically, as a 4th Generation Member of the UMC.

This mix of Black Lives Matter and the General Conference of the UMC appears to the haters like oil and water. But when those say “All Lives Matter” is nothing more than a mere smoke screen with White Supremacy. That’s right I said it! On the pic, there was a sign that read All #BlackLivesMatter, and below: it listed the items: Bisexual, transgender, poor, heterosexual, lesbian, gay, disabled, women, men, young, and children. Well, I have to say again, this might not sit well with the rest of the denominaton, but the talk of the concerns in our Black UMC Churches and Black UMC things  MUST BE ADDRESSED MORE! Just like the others.

I know we got the BMCR. And for many many years the BMCR has addressed the black concerns in and outside of the church. But I think NOW the BMCR and the high authority of the UMC must address the issues of Black Lives Matter as well as any other Black concerns that the high leadership of the UMC MUST LISTEN!

We are all suppose to eat, sleep, breathe, drink, pray, worship, spread the good news, and fellowship as God’s Children, right? We know we do. But many of us need to be reminded of that. And even though that many do follow that notion, some of us I hate to say need the “Come to Jesus meeting”. Even if you say “All Lives Matter!” in a sarcastic, anti-conscious and threating manner. But you know the All Lives Matter, MATTERS to God. Just my opinion.

For those that lead the fight or this new fight in the UMC, I say as a black man that is a member of the UMC, out of Wisconsin, 4th generation in all: that is what the fleek I’m talking about! My childhood Pastor said in a sermon, “Speak truth to power, and power must listen!”  Don’t hold back nothing but the butt naked truth! Let them know!

Mad respect to those who lead that protest. Mad respect to the Black Pastors and Associates that did this! I’m assuming that the spark from that Black Lives Matter demonsration will be the new fire that many United Methodist Churches of Color must pass along!

Enough with the sitting quietly and listen. But even silence, will spark also new voices to commence.

Like the pastor said at the end of the protest, “this is our church as much as it is their church.”

As it should be.

Can they get an Amen?

Read more about the protest here via the Reconciling Ministries Network and the United Methodist Church News.




Can I set up my Centerpiece, now?

Black History Month is back, yet again! Love it or hate it, it is a worthy celebration.

90 years ago, during the week of February 7th, 1926, Dr. Carter G. Woodson started something that was very real talk about the use of talking about us.  Us as in African-Americans in telling our stories, our commentary, our viewpoints, news and many others that others think that we shouldn’t. Personally, I’m glad we can talk about our stories. The idea of this is to not only tell the stories, but also review and store the conversations that we hold dear today! And pass on.

Black folks, we have come a long way. A mighty long way. And still a mighty long way to go.  For my folks, and non-black folks who had to go on these questions, we know what they are as under review:

  • “Why can’t we celebrate this everyday?”
  • “Why does it have to be about color?!”
  • “I feel that Morgan Freeman is right about not having it, why can’t we have an American History Month?”
  • “I know everything about Blacks. Why a month though?”
  • “What about White History Month?”
  • Or my personal favorite: Why can’t they teach this in the schools?”

Spoiler Alert: you will hear this again. And as embarrassing and annoying as is.

These questions like this to me kind of lacks laziness. It really does. And it’s being asked EVERY FREAKING YEAR! Folks, especially black folks, we ALREADY know the answers! Many of us WILL NOT celebrate our Black Historical stuff everyday. And yes, partially it is about color because of the misconceptions about black men and women when it comes to being loud, looking like thugs per say, don’t want no N*ggers working at the same company where many of the workers got their jobs though nepotisms. We know what Morgan Freeman said, but he had to realize that without the contributions he was brought up on, HE wouldn’t have the accolades he has now. And again, if AMERICA wants a so-called “American History Month” of any kind, then guess what: America has to EARN IT like the Declaration of Independence and many others. And it has to EARN IT the right way. Not the dictatorship way like evil empires. And not like the rant of Stacey Dash.

We say we know everything. WRONG! We don’t know enough half way.

One thing about Black History Month or Black History in general, it never ends. Everyday it’s always stories that are uncovered, and uncommented about Blacks that are still out there. How many black stories that are going to be uncovered for Black History Month in 2017? And to those who are still stuck on mush, can I be straight with you readers here again?

  • Black History Month is not racist.
  • It’s is NOT separating the uses of humanity.
  • It is not hate.
  • It is not self-hate.
  • It is not degrading of others.
  • And it’s not degrading anything.

Neither this so-called propaganda stuff. Get that out of the gutter. So for those who say its separating the human race, I call B.S. on that. I do. Without black folks leading the stampede, there wouldn’t be a Human Race of anything period! Let’s get the language right. No matter if you’re Generation X or Millennials. We all need to get the language right, period!

Plus, I need to say this: White folks, you have a month. Period. You have more months than the Hispanics, Asians, Samoans/Polyneisans, Islanders, and even us Black folks combined. So I want to know is, what is the haps? Don’t act like it’s not very questionable! Never try to ask that question that you already know. Just like all those channels from NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, ESPN, and even those channels that have that exotic soft-core stuff. Um, HELLO!! STOP TRIPPING!

And as far as #BlackFutureMonth: I gotta say this. I know what that is. It’s about the upcoming players in the Black Community making waves, in which I kind of respect that in a truthful viewpoint. BUT, without the use of the past to learn from, there wouldn’t be a future of anything. Just a side note to you Internet Revolutionary Conscious folks.

CALLOUT: I can be conscious too. But just saying in a Introverted, Black Male type of fashion!

So yes, Black Future is upcoming, but it’s not truly historic, yet. It needs guidance. We need to understand that. We know that the use of #BlackLivesMatter is in full force. That is the current state of Black America right now in the era of President Obama. And yes dwellers, we know that there are those who are going to copy off the movement as a mockery. As in #AllLivesMatter. But don’t forget what I said last year about if all lives really matter.

Speaking of the schools: We all know that many of our public or private or charter school districts will only highlight MLK, I Have A Dream, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and Harriett Tubman. REALLY?! Is that it? When I was coming up, We learned about them and Garrett Morgan, Lonnie Johnson, Guion Buford, Ronald McNair, and many others. Come on, y’all! I’m not putting the educators to shame on this. I’m putting the mindset of what is being summarized in the curriculum in shame. And of the record, I was raised by educators in the house and church! When I got to college, and along growing up,  I got the real eye opener of Black History Month that was NOT mentioned in the schools!

Since the Rise of the Introverts have began years ago, I often wondered who were and are the black introverts that contributed in black historical events? Well guess what Spotters, I will be doing this in Black History Month. I will be highlighting those who were or are introverted in which have made contributions and achievements. And the thing is, we know the names and recognized their crafts. But the thing is, we didn’t know that they were or are introverts. So this will be new. And it’s the kind of those introverts that probably got their movements supported through someone else. From marching, to activism, to sports championships, and even political angles of greatness. Even those who are the unsung. Those who haven’t have a high title, but still made a component of success in Black History.

So I ask again, can I set up my Centerpiece, now?

Let it commence.


Preface: As we all know, the year of the GOAT, (aka the year of 2015) will be in the barnyards and rest for the archives. More like out the pasture. But before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve and making a box empty for 2016, I have once again decided to bring out the good, bad, ugly and the scratching my head thing for this year that has gone down. 2015 had a lot galloping like a Goat on hills so many times around the track, but like every other year, it had it’s ups and downs. So with that being said in all, this is the list of 2015 that I think stood out. Was 2015 the G.O.A.T?


Call it the traditional Stephen’s Spot Annual Blog Review.

The Goods:

The Dow Jones was well above 10,000 points. Maybe more.

Gas Prices FELL below $2.00.

President Obama still remained influential. Even though he said he has no more campaigns to run.

Coloring Books made a comeback. For Adults that is.

The battleflag in South Carolina comes down!

The march on Selma turned 50 this year.

Attention NYOnAir: I like your work. I’m following you! Again!

Shoutout to Outdoor Afro AGAIN for getting Black folks to rexplore the outdoors!

The WWE Network is STILL a hit. Now with prepaid cards at Walmart. And yes with Raw and Smackdown.

Misty Copeland is still my new favorite black ballerina! Plus with Ownership!

For the second year in a row, Drones were a seller.

Big Smartphones with the 5.5 screen size rocked.

For us Gen X folks and cartoons: Robotech and ThunderCats hanged for their 30th Anniversaries.

The Marriage Equality thing is the law of the land. We know!

The Wiz Live was a good OnStage Live Hit! Now on DVD.

Articles of African-Americans using tech in churches was finally recorded and summarized.

Back To The Future turned 30 this year and Hoverboards are turning heads.

Viola Davis winning Emmys.

Scandal, How To Get Away With Murder, Empire, Being Mary Jane, Real Husbands of Hollywood, If Loving You Is Wrong, Black-ish, News One Now, and The Haves and the Have Nots still rolled.

The ACA still took in more folks. Beat that Haters!

The ongoing saga and slogan of #blacklivesmatter still caught on.

Periscope went hard this year. And Snapchat.

McDonald’s got breakfast. All day!

Lester Holt moved up with the NBC Nightly News.

The Simpsons went to a point of their Halloween shows that was a Halloween Show.

Facebook continued to dominate.

Twitter continued to #dominate.

Instagram was and still making waves.

WWE happened again in the year. Oh, the NXT folks are making waves.

In movies: Selma, Straight Outta Compton, The War Room, Terminator Genesys, Creed, The Hunger Games MockingJay, and Star Wars rocked.

The Christmas commercial with the VW car, the salesman and the black family. You know what I’m talking about!

#SoulCyphers were born on BET.

For those that retired: Jon Stewart of the Daily Show, David Letterman of the Late Show. Just an extra retirement announcement: Willard Scott from NBC. And those who took over for Jon and Dave: Trevor Noah, and Stephen Colbert.

SNL turned 40.

Change of the guard: Eric Holder goes officially out. Loretta Lynch goes in as the US DOJ Top Cop.

Kobe Bryant announced his retirement for the ongoing NBA Season.

Cuba and the US broke a 54 year streak of diplomatic relations.

Video Games: we know PlayStation and Xbox, but some talk about the Nintendo NX has stirred the pot.

For sports: New England Patriots, Golden State Warriors, and Kansas City Royals all won their championships. Two of the teams waited 30-40 years to win the straps.

On the day that we gave thanks: Brett Favre’s number was officially retired at Lambeau Field.

For the College Football: The Ohio State Buckeyes winning the National Title.

Former Oakland Raiders and Green Bay Packers CB Charles Woodson announced his retirement prior to Christmas Eve.


Speaking of the Packers Fans: I like this dude called “The Pack Daddy”. He is a real fan 24/7. Plus he’s black!  G’s Up indeed!

Well here in Wisconsin on the good side:

Kenosha gets the Amazon Distribution site open.

The Northwestern Mutual Tower downtown is underway of construction.

The 833 Building near the US Bank Building is almost finished.

The new Milwaukee Bucks arena has been approved for construction.

The Milwaukee Police Department helped out the homeless of folks.

The Milwaukee Streetcar is officially on the list to be built. After a 25 year battle.

Near the inner city area of Capitol Drive and Hopkins Street, a new building is almost done: Century City I. Look for it in Milwaukee.

The Riverside Theater downtown got a facelift: A new Marquee and a Sidebar sign on the building for the 90 year old company.

414 Video Spot making waves late nights on TV.

Packers: Aaron Rodgers had a fair year banner year with the Packers along with Eddie Lacy, Randall Cobb. They had to play without Jordy Nelson due to a surprise IR injury. But went out and got James Jones back to try to fill in the void. Plus Aaron Rodgers was the league MVP.

For the season that was in a highlighted sense:

Bears- Snapped a 3 year start losing streak.
Seattle- needed that W.
49ers-a decent vengeful W
Chiefs – decent W

Rams -decent win

Chargers- Phillip Rivers wasn’t a joke. But the Pack still won with the throwbacks on.
After the Bye week:
Denver -Luck.
Carolina -Super Lucky. And the nerve to take down the cheesehead banner. Really?
Vikings – stopped the bleeding with a win.
Lions pt. 1- so they got a W in Wisconsin
Bears (pt. 2) They evened up the series with a CB named Tracey Porter.
Lions pt. 2 – Hail Mary!!!!
Raiders – Coach McCarthy took back the keys to the team. And still won. And secured a spot in the playoffs for the 7th time.
Cardinals- Tough and not lucky

Wisconsin Badgers Football ended their previous season on New Years Day by winning the Outback Bowl with a send off to Melvin Gordon. Plus, Gary Anderson leaves Wisconsin to go west. And the Badgers went and got Paul Chryst, a Badger Alum. Most recently, the team finished the season of 10-3 with a win over USC in the 2015 Holiday Bowl. The Badgers Football crew won back to back Bowl Games in the the same year, in a span of 11 months.

The stand outs: Joel Stave, Dare Ogunbolwale, Derek Watt, Joe Schobert, Vince Beigel, Corey Clement, Sojourn Shelton, Robert Wheelwright, Alex Ericsson, Chris Orr, Mike Caputo, and Jazz Peavy.

The Wisconsin Badgers Basketball Crew also owned the West! And the West NCAA Basketball Championship. And were a runner up to the National Title. Plus the view of Frank Kaminisky. #OnWisconsin!

Uber and Lyft are still making moves in Milwaukee.

Colder’s Furniture commercial with the “Step Up” jingle. It’s real fun with advertising.

Summerfest was showing recap footages via the Internet.

Community Retirements: On the same day, May 20th, 2015 that David Letterman retired after 30+ Years in the Television Game, our own Mike Jacobs from WTMJ Channel 4 retired after 38 years on the air.

Here was a 2015 good thing: To those of repping V100, Jammin 98.3, WNOV, and many others in the Black Milwaukee area of radio, even online. Keep it up! I’m listening! 

The Mayfair Collection (part of Mayfair Mall)  near US 45 is nice again with Dick’s Sporting Goods, Old Navy, Nordstrom, and oh I should point out: a bakery. Plus Osgoods is open! Not only that, Pizza Man.


The Bad:

Racism struck again in 2015.

ISIS. Again.

Like 2014, 2015 also was a high year of one of the worst stories to write and comment: Killing unarmed black men, while white police officers who did the job go free, EVEN after chokes being recorded on video. Unarmed black women were targets also.

School/College Shootings in America that were in places that was not mentioned alot did occur.

Even though the Dow was getting high in 2015, the number of African-Americans unemployment remained high as well. And there were other factors.

The ending results of the murders of Sandra Bland and Tamir Rice: not guilty from the cops.

The SAE fraternity in Oklahoma City was declared out due to N*gger word chants.

In South Carolina: A black teen in a Classroom got slammed to the ground by a Police Officer that we all saw on video.

A Pool Party in Texas was interrupted by the McKinnley Police Department. Racially Motivated.

Paris was hit twice due to terrorism.

Mali and Kenya were also attacked.

In Ferguson, Missouri: another shooting death of an child sparked outrage. And a partial but not effective blame on the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Baltimore was under siege with violence due to the protest of Freddie Gray’s death by the Baltimore Police Department.

9 members of the Emanuel AME Church were gunned down during a bible study meeting by Dylan Roof in Charleston, SC.

Flooding in South Carolina.



And the bad side of things in Wisconsin: 

Burger King in Wauwatosa  and some Educator Credit Union ATMs got hacked.

Polarized politics in 2015 deepens worse in the state.

A freeway shooting on December 9th on I-43. No kidding.

Racism and segregation still lingered.

Isiah Taylor, son of Wisconsin State Senator Lena Taylor, was detained in December of all things……delivering a turkey to a needy family. RIDICULOUS!

THIS JUST IN: HOT 102 Online got a notice of being cancelled. NOOOOOO!!!!!! I grew up with the station. Man!

Unemployment maybe down in Wisconsin, but still up in the Black Milwaukee Area.

As far as the Dontre Hamilton saga: no further sentencing of former MPD officer Christopher Manney.

Kmart in Wauwatosa and Office Depot in Milwaukee’s Midtown Center – Rest in peace.

Plus, African World Festival was canceled YET again.

Dustin Diamond, (aka Screech) gets his serving papers in Wisconsin.


Who did I listen to in 2015? (Hint, no whack rappers, no Bieber mess, or boy bands):

Kendrick Lamar – This dude woke up everybody again in 2015! King Kunta and We Gonna Be Alright!

Faith Evans -20. or Her 20th Anniversary Album

Jody Watley – yes Jody Watley! (and Dancer Remixed is on my playlist!)

Puff Daddy – Finna Get Loose!

Adele – Hello

Chic f/Nile Rodgers – I’ll Be There/Back In the Old School

Janet Jackson – No Sleeep/Burn It Up

Dr. Dre – Talkin’ To My Diary

Drake – Energy

Vivian Green – Get Right Back To My Baby

Macklemore – Downtown. Featuring the OLD SCHOOL Rappers like Kool Moe Dee, Melle Mel, and Grandmaster Caz.

Empire Soundtrack Season 1 – Keep it Movin, No Apologies.

Missy Elliott -WTF

Jodeci – (YES, JODECI MADE A COMEBACK THIS YEAR) Every Moment, Checking for you

Jidenna – Classic Man

Monica – Just Right For Me

Alabama Shakes – Don’t Wanna Fight



The Ugly:

Fox News and the right wing media needs to shut up about Loretta Lynch. Let her do her job. Plus also those like Stacey Dash and the other guy whats his name, needs to be fired than suspended of the Obama Remarks!

Trying to forget the name Kim Davis, whom made a name of not issuing marriage licenses to Kentucky residents because they were LGBT Material. But Kim did have skeletons in her closest though!

Donald Trump is still talking. Even though his commentary might be troublesome for 2016.

Bill Cosby: Again,  Bill Cosby has been under the gun with this whole scandal. And even folks like Janice Dickerson and Beverly Johnson all calling him out. Cosby was also stripped more of his honorary degrees including one from Marquette University. Now , Bill Cosby has stepped up to defend himself and to sue those whom have defaced his name, reputation, etc. Plus there was a warrant of his arrest in which was dated back to 2004. Cosby was bailed out by 1 Million Dollars and this case is to be continued in 2016.

Hulk Hogan: For many, many years, the Hulkster has electrified fans all over the world. Even as an ambassador and a well known public figure in the eyes of the fans of Professional Wrestling and Entertainment. HOWEVER: this year, Hulk Hogan was fired from the WWE due to some off-color racist commentary in regarding the angle with his daughter Brooke years back. That also began a backlash against the man who wanted his younger fans to Train, Eat their Vitamins, Say their Prayers, Believe in themselves, etc.

CALLOUT OF ALL FOLKS – Next time: Can folks who have no experience step outside and let the REAL vets take over?! Seen that a lot this year.


Ugly things that the Badger Residents faced:

145: The amount of homicides that Milwaukee had in 2015. 25 Years ago, the homicide rate was up at 160 at the end of 1990.

Sheriff David Clarke: Oh I got something to comment. He had the Gaul to go onto Fox News and had the nerve to say that Police Brutality ended back in the 60’s. And on top of that he got grilled by a black network host, Roland Martin!

MCTS had a Ugly moment in which there was a bus strike during a portion of the summer.

7,310: the amount of stolen cars in Milwaukee.

The Milwaukee Lion. Seriously we were duped in the city. More like bamboozled.

Like last year:  We had a cease fire weekend back in the spring, and more shots rang out. From 1 year olds, to 5 year olds, to preteens teens, and to grown folks. No fun!

Governor Scott Walker has been named the worst person in America this year. RIGHTFULLY SO! And even he commented that Wisconsin’s problem of jobs is lack of trained workers. Still laughing at that statement as well as his failure for not running for President.

Milwaukee Salvation Army Kettle Volunteers were robbed at gunpoint. SERIOUSLY UGLY!

Speaking of ugly: I like the Green Bay Packers. But the loss score of 38-8 by Arizona is what it is: Ugly loss. And this thought of Aaron Rodgers playing scared is preposterous.

Another Ugly: Robbing kids of those hoverboards. Yes, this is aimed at Milwaukee’s rough neighborhoods.

Scratching my head this whole time:

Question again: Have these  Negropeans ever got it yet of they shouldn’t being ashamed to be black? – Reference with all respect AGAIN: Raven-Symone.

Caitlyn Jenner. For real?

Was the BET Awards that serious this year?

How is Kanye West really gonna run for President in 2020?

About that dress though. Really?

REPOST: When employers have said about “we can’t find anyone.” in relation to new applicants on the map, have they actually looked hard enough? Or they are just being lazy?

Hold Up: This dabbing thing though. REALLY?!

For the Robin Jeans fans out there: Um, what is the real deal with those pants?

Question again: Should there be a rule when folks who were homegrown born in all, made good money elsewhere, and then when trying to comeback to their homecity with promotions or events (nothing wrong with that), SHOULD THEY NOT get an attitude of making folks to come out? I don’t care if you’re a Milwaukee born person, went to the south and made good money and comeback home to force folks to come out and support a cause not worth knowing. There are folks HERE in Milwaukee that are on the grind everyday that are trying to be the best possible to help out. Now you know why it is? Watch yourselves, promoters!

Attention-Note to the “fair weather folks” in all YET AGAIN: Many leave cold places due to weather and rant and complain. But doesn’t that equate those hating the hot places go to cold places?

Why is the GOP reps in Congress was wasting their time in repealing the ACA?

What was that hate about a Horse that didn’t get picked, but a deserving Serena Williams got picked for Sportsman of the Year?

Why are certain online radio stations are getting shafted with all these fees, and copyright stuff? (I.E. Live365, Hot102 Online)

Has the hype of Ronda Rousey ever slowed down after her first loss from Holly Holm?

What was the so-called hype about Iggy Azalea and Erykah Badu beef?

I know some Sports Folks had to ask about Olivia Munn and the slump that Aaron Rodgers went through. Wait a second,  do they realize who is Olivia Munn is?!!!!

Will Ride Along 2 and Barbershop: The Next Cut be a hit in 2016?

Still asking this question: with all the “crimes” in the cities, what’s up with the drug problems in the suburbs?!!!

MASSIVE SOCIAL MEDIA CALLOUT AGAIN: Can we PLEASE use the “You’re” word on Facebook correctly as well as other forms of Social Media? Like for example, “You’re It!” Not “Your it”. Or “If you don’t follow me on so and so, you’re not welcome here no more. Not “If you don’t follow me on so and so your not welcome here no more.” We need to respell and check our words, folks! 

Again: Can Facebook users please be polite and to kindly ask not to be so rude when game requests happen? (No need to be all dramatic and serious. It’s not a threat or an act of war!)

How will us Americans alike be with President Obama in his “Really Last Quarter” in 2016?

Will any of us Americans stop denying prayer so much?

Speaking of President Obama again: when the issue of race comes up and many of us black folks feels that it’s killing us. So I ask: What do we want him to say?!!!!!

Here is a response: President Obama gets Black Lives Matter. The true reason. Do any others?

Still asking: Are the protests of unarmed black men and unarmed black women being killed are getting attention in the cities nationwide, as well as worldwide yet again? #HandsUpDontShoot #BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe

SHOUTOUT CALLOUT: For all my Sagittarius folks: was this year of the horse played the cards well, since part of our zodiac is a Centaur? And will 2016 be THAT YEAR for us to fling our Bows and Arrows?

For you Skeptical Social Media folks and Conscious Minded: When folks had to dig up about certain challenges, or activities, and they tie that into slavery or bad incidents in black culture, even self proclaimed Pagan related stuff: WHERE ON EARTH IS THE MAIN SOURCE THAT YOU GO TO?!!

REPOST: For those of us who go to Walmart in Milwaukee, what is up with the bootlegging folks? (All I hear: We got CD’s and Movies!)  Nobody has no time buying something that has your digital camcorder or computer virus on it!

Knowing 2016 is an election year, can we African-Americans ever have a massive Mid-Term/Local Voter Turnout like the Presidential ones?

Was the movie Concussion really THAT controversial?!!!!!

When folks comment about “being apart of the human race”, have they realized that it was black folks that started the human race, per say? Had to ask that again.

Has those who accused President Obama of everything like unarmed black folks getting killed had realized that he is not at fault?

Has the State of Wisconsin really made a  serious error about NOT bringing the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino to Kenosha? Like the high speed rail?

AGAIN: We all know that #AllLivesMatter, and #PoliceLivesMatter but why folks got to be against #BlackLivesMatter in a sense of being twisted and racist, which is not?

For you Black GOP Fans out there: Is Ben Carson really “Truthful and Honest” to be President?

Why were and are certain folks had to STILL  “redline” job seeking folks because of their address on their resumes?

You know 2016 is a leap year, right?

Why can’t we have our Grad Tassels tied to our rear view mirrors, knowingly it’s somewhat might get you a ticket?

Will body cameras be an assist to the Police when crimes happen in 2016?

Did the Milwaukee Coalition of Justice really overstep their boundary of interrupting the Lincoln Center Arts Middle School Choir?

Since when Hoverboards and those in the ministry like Pastors come into play?

ATTENTION NPHC MEMBERS: With all due respect to the colors and letters you wear with your goals and objectives, can you guys lay off the Iotas? I ask this with love!

Can the Consumer Drones, or Parrot Drones, or Radio Shack drones, or DJI Drones or any drones be good money makers for jobs in 2016?

Has The TSU Social Universe been a force again for Social Media? In terms of paying the user of postings, etc?

Same as last year: Why can’t folks can’t be real with folks who are real? – church, the jobs, economic status, sex, etc?

And………Will 2016 be the “that year?”

 My own highlights of the year.

For this portion, 2015 was not too shabby this year for me. Outside of me blogging and fronting,  and in addition to my community stuff,  I now own a drone, that makes me a legal eagle to be a registered user. Also 2015 marked 10 years of me blogging. Yep 10 years and it’s only the beginning.

For those who have read this blog like over 10,000 times with Tumblr – and the repeated blogs that many of you had to read again, Thank you!

For those who have read this blog for support (I.E. The Milwaukee Streetcar), Thanks.

As far as my Alumni Stuff: My Marshall Eagles from the Class of 1995 turned 20! I finally went to a UW-Stout Alumni Milwaukee event that had eluded me since last year. Via the Brewers Game.

Had a second Family Reunion in which many were impressed of Milwaukee.

And now…..those who have passed on.

BB King – We all know who he was right? Blues Artist.
Leonard Nimoy – Spock.
Johnny Kemp – Had a hit song called “Just Got Paid”.

Rev. Robert H. Schuller – Evangelist.

Joe Dudzik – Milwaukee Alderman.

Ameilia Boynton Robinson – who marched in the original Selma March and the 50th Anniversary March along with President Obama. 104 years old!

Helen Bartz – the last name is familiar to us Milwaukee Residents.

Orville Pitts – Former Boxer turned laywer and civil rights activist in Milwaukee.

Quinn Johnson-Harris – Airman, United States Air Force. Wisconsin Born.

Sandra Bland – Activist/Member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority.

Notable French people killed in the Charlie Hebdo shooting.

Jerome Kersey – Former NBA Great and Portland Trailblazer.

Lemmy Kilmister – Motorhead band leader.

Stuart Scott – ESPN Analyst and the man who used BOOYAH!

Van Alexander – Composer.

Meadowlark Lemon – Former Harlem Globetrotter.

“General” Lee Holman – Former Harlem Globetrotter.

William Guest – One of The Pips.

Ozell Sutton – First African American to serve in the US Marines.

John “Hot Rod” Williams – NBA Basketball Player.

San Bernardino Victims.

Planned Parenthood Victims.

Al Molinaro – (aka Al from Happy Days and Wisconsin born)

Koopsta Knicca – Founder of Three 6 Mafia

Jackie Collins – Novelist

Zaevion Dobson – a High School Teenager, Football Player and Mentee who risked his life to save three teenage girls in Tennessee after a shooting incident. He shielded them by using his body to cover them up. Died at 15 years old.

Wes Craven -You horror fans should know.

Yvonne Craig – aka Batgirl

Julian Bond – Former NAACP President

Frank Gifford – Former NY Giant and the voice of Monday Night Football.

Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown – Bobby and Whitney’s only daughter.

Ken Stabler – former Oakland Raider.

Dick Van Patten – Remember Eight is Enough? I do.

Beau Biden – Son of VP Joe Biden.

Dusty Rhodes – Wrestling Legend.

Rowdy Roddy Piper – Wrestling Legend.

Moses Malone – Former Sixer and Milwaukee Buck.

Darryl Hamilton – Former Milwaukee Brewer.


Some of the folks I know that died in the year:

First, I want to highlight, Nellie Kendrick.

She used to have a saying:

“If I can help somebody, then my life will be worth living!” – See more at:

Y’all don’t know her. Nellie a former church member of mine who gave tirelessly in the city. She was a former worker of Blue Cross Blue Shield whom like many back then worked her way up. She also worked as a manger and inspired those to be mangers during her tenure. Nellie was a sorority sister. A real sorority sister of the organization: Eta Kappa Theta.

She and her husband George whom I also know from church were married for 45 years, since the 24th Day of June of 1970. Nellie wasn’t just a member that I knew, she was more than that. She was one of the first black women who on the fore-front and an inspiration to give back. I hope that the women of TODAY can learn from what she did and to take into appreciation of their craft and hard work. Nellie passed this year in February at 81, and she was honor from those of the city, county, state, her chruch homes, former colleagues and many who have known her. And the lasting words from her euolgy, “What legacy will you leave behind?”

Second, I have to highlight two key members of my church: Cleadoretta Keys and Charles Lee Patterson.  For Clea, she was a real person. Make that a real Black Queen! Even though at time she appeared to be strict at times. But her heart was in the right place. She was a former school teacher of Milwaukee Public Schools when MPS had real teachers! A devoted church member who like many was active with the United Methodist Women. And was very vocal about the structure and well being of the church during her tenure. She also was one the reasons why I say this statement: “Hey Black, Child!” For that she wanted us to learn about our black culture and not to be ashamed to be black period! Mrs. Keys was a real woman of God, and a Black Queen that will be missed. She passed this year in June at 82 years of age.

For Charles Lee Patterson, or Mr. Patterson as I respected. He was a mans man. Let me say that again not to hate on the guys reading this blog, he was a man’s man. Mr. Patterson was very active in the church. Married for 56 years. Father of six. Grandfather, relative, friend and Godfather. Mostly as a Trustee. Very Active with the United Methodist Men, and also supportive of the then-church’s weekly activities of the Helping Place. Even part of our Men’s Choir. Mr. Patterson was a Korean War Veteran, whom served 3.5 years in the US Army. Later on, he was employed by the USPS for 35 years as a mail handler. I often have love for my Alumni in which I stay active the most part. I kind of drew that from him since he was a charter member of his Mississippi Valley State University Alumni. He often complement my work as a secretary, my talent of music and most of all, gave me some props of my seasonal decorations! The one last thing before his passing, he was part of the Honor Flight to Washington DC in which it was for the Veterans of WWII and the Korean War era. His passing was in July of this year at 83, but many turned out for the Homegoing and Committal as a way of sorrow, grief, and most of all, love.  His spirit of support still lives on!

In closing: 2015 was one of those years that we walked through pain, fire and brimstone like the years past. But there were along the way, there were positives, and great stuff that happened.

I ask again: Will 2016 be no “monkeying around” for the greater good? We shall see!


I think I got my wish, as well as the rest of the African-American Community Nation.

Finally, Sheriff David Clarke has come to black talk TV. And this time, it’s in front of the Black TV audience. And the thing is: I don’t want to spoil this, but the Second Black Sheriff in Milwaukee County History got straight grilled by News One Now host Roland Martin. While many of us and of course many in Milwaukee were at the job, this happened. And it was coming!

For those who don’t know much about News One Now or Roland Martin, you really need to pay attention. For all those who voted up for Clarke way back when, or recently, or if you live the suburbs that voted up for Clarke, it’s time to listen and ask, did I really thought that the Sheriff was so votebale?

Take a look at the podcast of  News One Now Exclusive with the Sheriff. Make those want to think twice.

After listening to the entire podcast interview, it is very very clear that the second black sheriff in the county is clear out of sync. Nevermind his accomplishments from the Naval Academy and others, Milwaukee is the the guy that many of you put in office is worth all the words he expressed about this? Milwaukee’s Black Community: is this the worth just because he’s black? Get off the da*n high horse!

Plus also I hope MANY in Milwaukee, especially in the black community will get a chance to listen to Roland Martin’s Podcast Interview of Sheriff Clarke. And just to be aware, Uncle Ro-Ro pulls no BS in his interviews on a Black Network like TVOne. Even with Sheriff Clarke! So for all you Conservatives, Liberals and also those in the mix on Sheriff Clarke’s side, just a heads up.  And just for the record, Roland Martin is not a Democrat or a Republican. He’s just him.

I hate to say but Sheriff Clarke may have slid by on the other networks, but he has not (and I mean NOT) slid by on TVOne’s News One Now, a black network there are no themes of Fifth Amendments. This is not Fox News or MSNBC or even Al Jazeera. Expect to come out and back your stories like you bet on Vegas. I’m just saying.

So again, feel free to hear the Exclusive Podcast of this interview.

Plus also I want all the black media in Milwaukee (from the radio, blogs, internet sites, Black Milwaukee/Wisconsin Social Media Groups, newspapers like the Community Journal or the Milwaukee Times or Courier, or any other black Badger related media) to summarize this interview knowingly that the rest of America does now know about Sheriff Clarke and his “so-called point of views” of his political observations that feels that the Black Lives Matter Movement are in his words sub-human creeps. Or about Police Brutality was ended back in the 60’s in which that is STILL FALSE! Police brutality does exists. Any type of Police Brutality does exist. Read the files. Even if you graduated from the Naval Academy. Nothing against that, but just stating.






Well, I have been on a break. Had to take a blogging break to ease the mind. After celebrating a milestone of High School 20 Years, and other things, its time to get back to the grind with a three way dance!

First on the card: 20 years of the Million Man March have passed. It’s been 20 years since the Nation’s Capitol was filled with black men from all walks of life for the one Day of Atonement. Ranging from speakers, even the late Maya Angelou spoke. And yes the Minister himself Louis Farrakhan. It was also for the first time in many, many years that many have set foot on the Mall in DC to address the concerns of African-American Men facing in our communities everyday.

20 years ago was the start, now it’s JUSTICE OR ELSE!

Like many, I tuned in to see and hear the speeches of many had to be said. And even from the words from Minister Louis Farrakhan of his remarks. Two things that stuck out in this anniversary of the March was the Boycotting of Christmas and also passing the torch. We know that Christmas is coming. And yes there will be a many of us probably going out to spend the holiday cash. But in the last few years, the Christmas Holiday start per say had kind of dipped because there are those in the Black Shopping Network have decided NOT to shop on Black Friday Weekend. It will be like, nobody black don’t shop on Black Friday after all the discriminatory like ideas against black shoppers in a Walmart, or a Kmart, or any other store that might take our money, but may not take us! The minister called for those to celebrate the part of Christmas that is missing: acknowledging the parents whom act upon the Santa Claus role of providing the gifts to the families rather than the usual Santa of course taking all the credit. We know this. And many others. It’s been talked about before. Plus it’s also been a recent commentary that yes some might be offended that many didn’t attend the march due to family commitments, or other personal issues to address. OF COURSE THEY ARE MAD! Not everyone is not going to attend, or in this instance, had not attend because of the their commitments. So I say this: CHILL OUT! As long as the message continues to spread and to summarize, hopefully it might be able to catch on during the next 20 years if possible to enhance the lessons. Can this be done? Plus also the Minister talked about passing the torch. Well, he’s on point with that. There may have to come at a time when the torch must be passed to the next leaders that are coming up. That goes for anything. But in order to be the next in line to get that torch: you got to be trained right! You can’t just skip over in appropriately and just get your due. That’s not how it works, folks. Even those in the Nation have to understand that. It takes years (YEARS) to get to that spot and it’s not a fly by night stuff.

Second Dance on the Card: The Mess out of Raven-Symone.

How does this chick stay relevant? So on a recent episode of The View, the then still Olivia actress had stated that she would discriminate someone with “ghetto” names. We know those names that can be made up at times and sometimes couldn’t even pronounce. Many of us know. And alot of folks who probably were birthed with the so-called ghetto names were probably offended. I don’t blame them for earning the names. That goes on the parents. It’s like if you got a name like “Karisha” Or “Majohnte” Or those Niqua names, chances are there are those in America who are looking for work, many not hire them all because they’re mothers, or fathers or both named their kids with those particular names. Remember when President Obama talked about Jacob, not Jamal? Sounds Familiar?

Speaking of that, and Raven-Symone: I know many had to remember this show-

Does this sound familiar? This one scene from That’s So Raven, had so many folks questioning, about the judgment words that Raven-Symone made. How you going not to hire black folks per say, when you made a show that folks didn’t want you because you’re black? REALLY? Is this where the thing is going? Clearly, this is a matter of messed up minds at work. And Raven is (or has) been on the cusp offending herself, and those that rallied around her, including African-Americans fans of her, and of The Cosby Show of way back. Oh since then, she had apoligized to those who might been offended, but as far as her stature………..which remains to been seen.

Third Dance of the Card: #BlackLivesMatter Does NOT endorse Police Killings!

If anyone in America, black or white feels that the Black Lives Matter is all about police killings, you are sad and delusional. Sorry to say this, but it’s getting to the point that the apex is growing. Folks fail to mention that. I said this once and again, I thought Black Lives Matter was about addressing the concerns of black men and black women. Why is this so political?! Then the mocking and the “copycats” come out and say, “ALL LIVES MATTER” or “Police Lives Matter”. That right there, is just that: a mere smokescreen that will get folks all confused and assume that the folks saying Black Lives Matter are racist and don’t care about the other lives that mattered, or matters. I have to comment this: there are those in the mainstream media, or the local media, or your local news, or your inner Social Media Circle, that had said, or currently saying this. Hell, I don’t care if they went to your High School or University Class Reunion. Yeah I said it! You also have folks like Allen West, or the Milwaukee County Sheriff himself David Clarke going on Fox News and talking about the negative of Black Lives Matter and assuming it’s all smoke and mirrors. I call BS on that. These dudes and many like them, even the Right Wing Media Maniacs just like to pour on the ingredients just to scare folks.

Black Lives Matter DOES NOT overshadow all lives matter. Nor does kill cops!

We know that all lives really matter in all, but if all lives really matter or mattered, why is it when black folks get discriminated in any way, it’s way for the other folks to say get over it? Seriously? As a wise black woman told me that there are somethings that you can’t get over! Chew on that, Black Lives Matter haters in all! Want to know? Do a thing called research!

Yeah, they can mock the original sayings all they want, but the ORIGINAL CORE of the Black Lives Matter thing will still be in place to explain the real truth behind the rhymes and reasons.

It’s time for the three way dance! We know how this goes. For this, it’s nothing but the FLOTUS getting real on Racism, a teacher in Georgia and also, there is not new black. But the word black has in slogans of uplifting has been in effect for years. Oh yes, we all know with conviction and meaning.

First on the card: I’m sure many viewed the First Lady’s Commencement Speech from Tuskegee University. And the FLOTUS didn’t disappoint in which she went hard on a subject in which many feel is dead: Racism. Before I begin, let me say that Race plays in many factors. No matter what we do or say, or comment or act or the analyzation of crime, martial status, education, jobs, housing, economic status, or many other things, race has and will play a part in stipulating those factors. Of course many might say, Oh it doesn’t see color….or  we have black connections well scouted with friends, or we have a Black President now, racism is dead (OH REALLY?) And many other factors.

But in this speech that the FLOTUS gave: Really raw and convincing. And no, Conservative-Like Minded citizens, there was no race baiting. It was bringing up a thing called #FACTS:

In the most conversed portion of the speech as everyone knows, she highlighted the resources of being a target of race. All that about her being too loud, too this and that. Would she be subtitle like the previous First Ladies of Hillary, Laura, Barbara, and Nancy? And that cover of the New Yorker having that caricature of her and Barack doing the fist bump with the FLOTUS dawning a machine gun with an afro. Don’t act like many haven’t seen it! We’ve all seen it! So is this what is like to publicize the notion of African-American Women, whom by the way this mother has an IVY LEAGUE DEGREE, and promoting support for the Military Families, Encouraged ALL Americans to dawn their Alma Mater College Shirts so those can be inspired to go to college on National Signup Day for them. By the way, I was wearing my UW-Stout Shirt in Solidarity and Support for the next Blue Devils that might be in doubt about a Wisconsin University to attend! And also the Let’s Move Movement, doing the dances on Ellen and Jimmy Fallon. So seriously is this what it is about getting those haterisms on? Many say, “Oh there’s no real racism…” Stop the bleeding folks! All of those things and chatter that she so far endured, are just noise in her words. That’s all there is nothing about noise. The same noise that we hear when folks say all black folks are like this and that in one pact. It’s becoming more and more apparent that there are those in America that don’t like the FLOTUS that is one thing: Black. Period. When Hillary Clinton, and many other First Ladies were in office in my young life, no I didn’t call them the hater words that most know well. Actually I was just young.

Second card on the dance: We all know by now that the Georgia Teacher has shown her horns of being a racist. Let’s review shall we?

Now in the videos that were posted, and many have viewed them after the remark, “look at all the black people”, guess what in the longer videos that were posted not many of the blacks didn’t got up as the now FORMER teacher Nancy Gordeuk commented. And also there were some whites in the audience got up and left also. And the thing is, the setting where the graduation was, in a church sanctuary. Oh boy, now I know many have to be asking why would this woman who struck a nerve with many of the blacks in the audience would say that in the house of worship? And oh, she claimed that the devil made her do it. Who does she think she is, Flip Wilson?! By now as many knows also, yes she gave her apologies and commented about the words “black people” not being racist. Which is not. And furthermore: when she said something about using the term African-Americans, in all by saying that they’re not from Africa and are American born. Try saying that to those who carry themselves as Asian-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Irish Americans, German Americans, and others. But why to do certain folks detest the words “African-Americans” in the first place? Oh like we’re supposed to be on the same side? For those who detest, listen up what I’m about to say: I USE, and Comment, and Say, and Critique, and Express the words AFRICAN-AMERICAN. Why? Because I can! It’s my right and privilege. I often say and haven’t comment to say in a while that why I can’t embrace BOTH my Ethnic Heritage of African Decent and the American Born side of things at the same time? Yes, I know I’m American born. BUT I WILL NEVER surrender, nor overlook, nor misjudge, nor disrespect the ethnic side of my Ethnic heritage! NEVER! I want to be extremely clear about it! I like American pie, but will try and bake a cool African dish. I might dig the drum beats of punk rock, but never overlook the same inspired beats of an African Drum! Just wait until the Fourth of July gets here, because like the firecrackers, there will be Oooohs and Ahhhhs on here!  And by the way, the same teacher who spilled the beans of “look at all the black people” comments, was just fired. So for all you upcoming 2015 Commencement Masters of Ceremonies out there, you better watch your words in the era of Smart Camera Phones and IPads that will record every word you say!

Finally on the card: let’s look and review the word BLACK. In terms of slogans.

  • Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud.
  • Black is Beautiful.
  • Black Power!
  • It’s a Black thing, you wouldn’t understand.
  • And the now: #BlackLivesMatter

When I was coming up in the late 80’s and early 90’s during the golden age of Hip Hop, we used to see the slogan of “It’s a Black Thang, you wouldn’t understand!” A pre-Black Lives Matter and a post Black Power slogan. Oh, it was so much hype and circumstance in asking about what was about this thing of blacks that many wouldn’t nor understand?

Was it our state of mind?

Our approach for life?

Our way and I mean OUR WAY of purpose or objectives?

Or was it us defining US to lead, or innovate?

Those of you who are 90’s born, yeah you guys that are in the forefront of Black Lives Matter, you were born in the era of It’s a Black Thang. Don’t forget it.

Our It’s a Black Thing, like the Black Lives Matter Movement, was a movement itself. Or sort of. The Urban Dictionary website highlights the word “thang”. It is read as such:

Starting around 1990, roughly concurrent with the release of Spike Lee’s seminal motion picture “MALCOLM X” and the dizzying successes of rap music stars, a t-shirt slogan started to appear which said; IT’S A BLACK THANG, Y’ALL, YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND. The word “thang”, used in this context, was an Ebonicism used to refer specifically to a cultural meme or norm, which those who belonged to the special group– in this case, African-Americans, would immediately recognize and understand… whilst those not belonging to this group (whites or non-blacks) would fail to understand, appreciate, or even recognize. Thus, by extension, a “thang” is a folkway, meme, norm, predilection, code, shibboleth, artifact or behaviour exclusive to, or closely allied with, a particular sub-group of the larger populace.

This was our #BlackLivesMatter before #BlackLivesMatter wasn’t even though about! And of course everyone else had to come up and copy about It’s a White thang, or a Latino Thang and or many other thangs to it. Even the LGBTQ folks had their expression of thang also in the spirit of It’s a Black thang also. But no matter the copies, there was an Original and that ORIGINAL belongs to the black culture! Sort of like Cultural Appropriation. Remember that talk about the so-called Harlem Shake were folks were just shaking and wiggling? But not acknowledging the 1980’s version? And Melissa Harris-Perry had to go in and straighten out the white media of the real meaning of the dance? Go back view it!

Before I was born: yes the slogans of Black Power and Black is Beautiful were, are and STILL powerful. It needs to be Powerful even for those who comment about human powering up. Don’t forget Millennials and those who follow their philosophy no see color, that Black folks were the originators of Human Power! Everyone else just duplicated the originality. The slogans were not racist or this fear of separating the races, as many would comment. It was to elevate our black pride, our black spirit, and to let folks know that despite of us being African Decent and being dark for many, we are bring and proud folks of the decedents of our ancestors! To me that is what being black and proud is. Not holding my head down, but also realizing my vision has to remain up even in the era who are confused or raised or just so hyper sensitive about darn near EVERYTHING. Even black folks today in 2015 need to keep their visions up and be appreciative with pride and dignity.

But sadly, there are those who feel that blacks are the enemy, the racists of internal and external hatred, having this Utopian-like structure of the new black, which I don’t believe there is a “new black”. And also those whom feel about being black enough in all. And many hidden reasons of the hypocritical mindset, anti-alliance, the sexist and many other concerns of black related hate concerns! We know who they are. Just to go your workplaces, some of your churches members/districts areas, your neighborhood watch groups, your family dinner tables, your relatives, your bosses/supervisors, your frat brothers, your sorority sisters, and many other you interact with EVERYDAY!

But with this, I’m gonna say this, I’m appreciative of my race, my pride, and my well being of black structure in this Continent of North America. And even though that it’s not a formidable concern to many, but to me this is all I got to get me going! So yes, my black power life thing which nobody has to understand, STILL matters!