Archive for the ‘Racism’ Category

Well, here we are one more time.

This blog post is for all mothers. It is the weekend that many will be celebrating the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, women who function as a mother, old-school mothers, and upcoming mothers. It is also the weekend that many might look forward to the warm weather of spring going into June. But also, still, the problems of the world of corruption, unfair banished penalties, reckless drivers, slight upticks in the coronavirus, the Dark Web is a constant problem that must be destroyed, Cyberattacks against AT&T, Milwaukee’s Election Commission is getting a change in leadership, the abortion fight of the right media and politics, the United Methodist Church had its General Conference in North Carolina, black men having this thought of choosing Trump as a candidate pick, employers are still asking their workers to come back in person, Generation X being questioned yet again, our Asian American/Pacific Islander folks are celebrated nicely, and about No Mow May again, why? But I’m scratching my head again…

For all the United Methodist Church folks: we had our UMC Moment with the General Conference. What is the next step in making sure this is a UNITED METHODIST CHURCH going forward?

For all you WCA/GMC folks that left the UMC like third-period French: Stop saying that the “United Methodist Church is no more”. That’s B.S. The United Methodist Church will go through whatever it needs to go through to go next level without your presence. Can that be done? Leave us alone!

As I am writing this, I need to ask: Should the Dark Web die out now?

The Milwaukee Election Commission has made a change in the leadership position. The current Election Director, Claire Woodall, is being replaced by the Deputy Election Commissioner, Paulina Gutierrez. Keep in mind, that we’re at halftime for the Election Year, and it’s about 6 months to go until November. Even though many don’t know why it was switched knowing that the voter turnout and others in elections must improve. Did Mayor Johnson make the right call? For many of us as Poll Workers and Poll Chiefs, PAY ATTENTION!

Generation X: quick question here. Since we are helping our aging parents, and kids (which I don’t have any) when was the last time we helped ourselves? When was the last time Generation X helped Generation X? No Baby Boomers, no Millennials, no Generation Z, and certainly no Generation Alpha. What about us?

Last year in May, the antics of KFC in Milwaukee on Appleton were operating after their so-called manager thought I was wasting his clock. Well, now that same location is permanently closed. I knew karma was taking place. Can this be a lesson to all restaurants?

Most recently, Aisha Carr resigned as MPS Supervisor of the School District. Now with all this stuff regarding her, and the MPS Budgets, Referendums, and all, what awaits next for Milwaukee Public Schools going forward? And keep in mind there are few fans of MPS based on experience and/or opinion. And it’s usually the most that either attended, or worked for MPS, or MAJORITY those who NEVER WENT TO MPS! Be clear.

Does anyone follow again, “No Mow May?” I don’t. Sorry but not Sorry! If the grass needs to be cut before it reaches too tall, it will be cut.

Many believe that the protests on College Campuses over the conflicts in Gaza are messing up the chances of College Graduation. Yes, students, it’s time to Graduate. Get your family, graduate invites, caps, and gowns, and get your degrees. After that, you can still protest and shout “Free Palestine”. Can you do that?

As you TikTok folks know by now, President Biden already signed into law banning TikTok. This means it would force the hand of ByteDance to sell the app to another buyer. And still, many of you are worried about your businesses and promotions on the app with all the rumors about the app viewing your logins, and surveillance? But you can still do it with others like Threads, right? Why still tripping? Go to Fanbase or other apps that can do it. If you can move your videos from TikTok to another app, you can still do business. Many of us remember before TikTok, we were still using Facebook and MySpace. And Instagram and X. So again, what’s the problem? Move on it!

Can AT&T clean up this Data Breach? As well as any other organization or company that is dirty from the cyber-attacks?

Speaking of Computers, NY Governor Kathy Hochul made a comment in which she thought that Black kids in Harlem don’t know what a computer is. SERIOUSLY?!!!! How many kids TODAY, especially Black Children KNOWS ABOUT A COMPUTER AND HOW TO USE IT?! We know it was taken out of context, but that does not justify the thought that Black Kids see computers all the time. They know! Computers are everywhere, many used to say in 1983 on Saturday Morning cartoons.

I’m really enjoying Black Generation X on Instagram. Everything from “Where’s Gen X?” To “Why don’t you have kids?” Talk about judgy. Even for single Gen X’ers who are single but not lonely. You Millennials and Gen Z folks want to know, do you? And the same for the Baby Boomers. Why do you all care?!! Don’t poke the bear, or make the rattlesnake mad!

So, coming out of the UMC General Conference is an innovative word called, “Metho-nerds”. Are many still Metho-nerds or just temporary?

In speaking of Gen X again: I’m looking on Instagram at the content creators of The Real Slim Sherri and Kelly Manno who to me are the front runners of the subject. They go in the most. For the Gen X Men, I would say Mr. Professor 318, Retrorewind80s, and The Dadbod Veteran are killing the scene. Are many getting the Gen X message yet? What was it again, mess or the “four letter F word around and find out?” Don’t try us!

How many of us are still wearing our masks when we go out to the store, church, restaurants, or even travel? Let me remind ourselves that COVID-19 is not done with us yet! Even though some places made it optional.

CALLOUT: What is up with the recent murder of Airman Rodger Fortson, in all places: FLORIDA?!!!

With Mother’s Day 2024 coming up this weekend, how many will go hard on Father’s Day next month? Don’t speak all at once! And women: DO NOT tell all men Happy Father’s Day. Not all men are fathers. Sorry, it’s the painful truth.

This month of May is for our Asian American Pacific Islander folks. For the haters, do you have a problem with this like many do for Black History Month?

Oh, I know many go all out for the Military in May. So, what’s the plan for National Military Appreciation Month this time around?

Still, do many celebrate Cinco De Mayo with Sombreros and Margaritas? How stupid. Read the real history behind it.

Men, why do we at times record videos on our phones and not help females when they are being attacked as being in person? Put your phones down!

We are again halfway to the second part of the election season. Still holding up for August and November?

Black men, you really can’t seriously believe that Donald Trump is your pick for the candidacy, do you?

All this beef war between Kendrick Lamar and Drake: Nothing new. But I’m surprised that no one else declared the rappers on notice. Agree?

Right now, Microsoft is constructing an AI Data Center in Racine, Wisconsin. On the same site that Foxconn was supposed to be built. And unlike Donald Trump, Scott Walker, and Ron Johnson showing up with Golden Shovels and digging holes like false grave diggers, at least President Joe Biden stepped up and made sure the Tech site would come to reality with good paying jobs, training, and connections to Tech Colleges, and UW Milwaukee. Fair game?

The Wisconsin GOP like all the GOP still has this disdain for hate attacking DEI. What is really being said to them?

Now Meta is jumping on the AI Image Creating bandwagon. Like Bing, Leonardo, and Google’s Gemini. So, after typing a prompt and trying to see a picture of the image what you see is what you get. Any thoughts on that while some prompts may not work?

Are many of us still working from home? Even though some or most businesses want to work in person. Do NOT overlook nor shoot down working from home or remotely!

1984 was the debut of action cartoons of The Transformers and Voltron. And they are both 40 years old. Does anyone feel old in a Gen X kind of way? And here’s the kicker: they were two of the best cartoons that came out in the 80’s and way better than today’s standards.

Also, when 1984 came out: Beverly Hills Cop. You know, Eddie Murphy’s movie that played the character Axel Foley? Yes him.

Like last year, churches most recently have seen an uptick in attendance so far. And many are asking the members to come back into the buildings. But let me halt this right here and I need to say this: People now communicate differently. Either in person, online, text, or by email. Why do I say text? Few don’t like phone calls. Ask the Introverts. The days of showing up in person to hear what’s going on seem to be not the fastest thing going. Right now, no matter what type of communication goes on, people are still going to hear the latest happenings. That’s just the way it is. A long time ago, many used to go to school in person, now it’s that and virtual communication. The same with jobs, Virtual Parties, and Clubs. So, what is the real problem with people not attending in person, but still doing their contributions online? Either way, folks are going to know what’s going on. Period!

The situation at Ole Miss with a group of white college students heckling a Black graduate student went so viral, even the Fraternity that one of the male students was recently kicked out. Let this be a lesson College Students, when you’re acting a fool in a public setting in which it was a racial manner, chances are your after-graduation options might be shut down because of your behavior, and oh, guess what? Those cool jobs you’re looking for now, may not be there because EMPLOYERS are looking at you! If they see you act a fool, they will not hire you. Just like the female college student in Indiana talking smack about Beyonce on TikTok, and she wants to be a nurse. No hospital or clinic does not want her when she graduates! Any questions on this?

There has been a tug-of-war between the old-school hymnals and new-school gospel in churches lately. In fact, for quite a long time. We do understand the legendary foundation, which means no disrespect. And we must understand that young folks in church will not listen to “slave hymns” or “dead music”. They want to hear something alive and breathe air that would relate to them. Is there a way to compromise or have common ground?!

The month of May Healthwise is Mental Health Awareness Month. The next time you visit your doctors, they may ask: “How would you rate your mental health?” Be real about it.

WrestleMania 41 next year will be on Easter Weekend: April 19th & 20th, 2025. In Las Vegas. The last time Mania was in Vegas was WrestleMania IX, (that’s nine for those who don’t use Roman numerals) in 1993. And it was outside at Caesar’s Palace. This one will be in the same building as the previous Super Bowl. Who’s buying the tickets?

With the talk of the WWE going into the New Era: Most recently, the WWE Draft has made their picks from Raw to Smackdown and vice versa with NXT. In speaking of that: Alicia Taylor who is Black and is a Ring Announcer goes to the Blue brand. Check this: Alicia on Smackdown, Samantha on Raw. Do you realize that this is the first time that two Black women will be doing ring announcing twice a week differently? And look for those who feel it’s a racist thing or “bring race” into the subject of being the first, STOP. For an older black wrestling fan like me, this was a long time coming. Yes, I have seen Mike McGurk, who was the first woman ring announcer in the late 80’s and early 90’s for the company. She was also the first Ring Announcer to be featured on an Arcade Game which was titled, WWF WrestleFest way before Samantha and Alicia were born. The same can be for Howard Finkel, Tony Chimel, Lillian Garcia, Justin Roberts, and etc. Before he got into trouble for sexual misconduct, Mel Phillips was the first African American Ring Announcer who worked for the company. Just to add, the word on the street was Mel Phillips committed suicide in 2012 due to his past incidents. If he had kept his distance and been polite with his actions, there would be no way that his status as a ring announcer would have been more efficient. His name is missing from most of history. Heck, he was the ring announcer when WrestleFest was in Milwaukee in 1988! But anyway, Black folks in Professional Wrestling now are coming up. This is not “the few blacks in wrestling” anymore and representation does indeed matter. Questions?

And now: a tribute to the mothers

For all the New School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Old School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that had to work and still work all day every day: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who had to go back to school and get that degree many years later but did it for their kids: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who continue to teach Boys, Girls, Men, and other Women to be productive citizens in life all the time: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who served this nation in uniform and earned the title of Veteran: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are currently serving this nation in uniform and earning the title of Soldier, Airman, Shipmate, Coastie, Space Force member, or Marine: Happy Mother’s Day. And Happy Military Appreciation Month!

For all the mothers who are police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, mechanics, business owners, media, stockbrokers, and any other profession that is gender balanced: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are just committed to Unions, Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are a part of any Sorority that is NOT on the list of Expelled Members but paying their dues all the time for new members to join, or recommend men to connect with Fraternities: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who guide offices and positions in the workforce, the church, the community, the neighborhoods, and others: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Single Mothers who constantly push against the grain but still manage to prove others wrong: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are heaven bound, as in gone home to God and have been memorialized, funeralized, had the last rights, had the 21-gun salute, and many other final goodbyes: We thank those in their memories to live on continuously!

EXTRA: For all the mothers who were on the front line during the pandemic, and missed their children and husbands, and missing free time, family time, and had to Zoom, or FaceTime their folks: yes, you get an ultra-Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who do not go to the clubs and are not out making out with some man to get hooked up: yes you count on this Mother’s Day!

And for all the mothers who don’t have children. Yes, not every woman is a mother! Those who are like mothers, and who are just there as needed to be called upon: Yes, they too deserve a Mother’s Day also. EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN’T MOTHERS!

And to the mothers who look at my blog all the time or some of the time: yes, you too, deserve a Mother’s Day. Even to all the Introverted Mothers and Dark Horse Mothers who keep the peace in times of conflict and tell the truth! And still working.

So to all the Moms, Mothers, Mommies, Mamis, Madres, Mommas, Mother Dears, Original Big Mamas, Grannies, Aunties, Great-Aunts, Godmothers, Matriarchs, and New Big Mamas that need transitional ideas to move forward, and many other Mothers I can’t even think about: yes, this is your Mother’s Day. Enjoy it!

Oh, and PS: Dad’s count too in a sense. And Dads: next month it’s on you! Women, do not interfere!

If the concerns of the subject of racism cannot come at a worse time, it certainly has in this era. During Black History Month, in which many of us were relying on references to Black History, the video game maker 2K unveiled a video game cover WWE 2K24 for the public to see. It featured wrestling superstars Cody Rhodes, Rhea Ripley, and yes Bianca Belair. For Bianca, this was the first time that an African American wrestler female wrestler mind you became significant first to have her picture featured on a video game cover. And of course, with Rhea Ripley on the cover, it also marked the first time that women were featured on the cover for the upcoming video game. But never mind Cody nor Rhea, the backlash was on Bianca. It appears that many in the wrestling community and I dare say the video game community had a tough time and were bothered that a Black woman was featured on a video game cover for the WWE. What is it about certain folks okay let’s call them: white people or white video game wrestling fans who go on to social media, and to bash Bianca all because she is a Black woman on a cover for a video game. Is this where we at? In 2024? Well, technically that is a surprise to me at all in which it doesn’t matter what year it is. There’s always going to be an excuse when certain folks don’t want to see a certain individual or individuals or a group on a certain type of cover because it doesn’t exemplify them. But we’re going to unpack this. We’re going to unwrap every single crevice of this subject because there is a group out there who is utterly confused and very hatefully dangerous when it comes to racism based on inheritance, based on self-hatred, and most of all is based on jealousy just because a certain person or persons have never reached the Pinnacle of success, but has to look at somebody else who has a success just to put them down. Oh, we’re going to unpack this today! And trust me by the end of this blog, I hope everybody can understand what’s going on.

Highlighted below is a Facebook posting courtesy of The Pro Wrestling World Facebook page and it features a mini summary or a commentary regarding Bianca Belair. Please take the time to read it below:

WWE Games posted a picture of the cover athletes for WWE 2K24 on IG and people are mad. Take one guess as to why….

People think Bianca Belair does not deserve to be on the cover.

Wrestling fans are usually miserable, so this isn’t shocking. Because of course, someone had to drag race into it. One such comment stated “𝘉𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘢 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨. 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘢 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬.”

You may think it’s just one comment, but I’m here to tell you a lot of guys think like this. I know this because you’re way too bold on the internet. And it goes far beyond not liking Bianca as a character (although if I asked why you don’t like her….). This attitude extends to several Black talent across the industry. Especially Black women. Mercedes Mone. Naomi. Bianca. Jade. Athena.  Countless other Black women wrestlers are subjected to a barrage of nasty comments from a largely male dominated fan base which serves as a reminder…

Most wrestling fans are incredibly racist and terribly misogynist. Sit with that one.

The fact is Black people have made their mark in this industry. Let’s just look at Bianca…

• Undefeated at WrestleMania (3-0)
• Former 3x WWE women’s champion
• 2021 Royal Rumble winner
• ESPN Female wrestler of the year (2022)
• Longest WWE Raw women’s champion in history, longest women’s reign of the modern era (420 days)
• First Black woman – along with Mercedes Mone fka Sasha Banks – to main event WrestleMania

And you really think a career resume like that isn’t good enough to be on a video game cover? Chances are your reasoning is unsavory. Bianca Belair’s career is already the stuff of legends.

And that’s on EST.


Okay, pencils down. Now there are a lot of successful truths behind this commentary but I’m going to further stretch it and unpack it at the same time to the best of my ability. First of all, if you’re an individual of my age 47 years old and up, and have been playing video games for a long time since the days of Atari, and certainly the days of playing games like Wrestling Challenge or WWF Superstars, or any other wrestling video game that has been featured since the late ’80s and the early to mid-90s up until the 2000s. And you realize that the favorites from Hulk Hogan to Stone Cold Steve Austin, to Andre the Giant, Big Boss Man, and a host of others, even Sting, have all been featured on these wrestling covers for video games because they were the highest paid stars in the industry during their tenure. And it’s no surprise that they were the future stars because they were the ones who were making the most money for the company at the time. And yes, yours truly has had a knack of interest in the characters or being the characters in these games just to try to advance myself to the next level, and or to compete to win. But none of that was not on my list to complain. Now fast forward to the current day. When we see Bianca Belair on the cover of WWE 2K 24 and even though it spells a great accomplishment and a great outbreak of impressive expectations, yes, we should applaud her efforts in making it this far. But we must keep in mind as African Americans who are wrestling fans, there have been many wrestlers only a few that had a representation of us, and not a whole lot to draw from like Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold Steve Austin. There have been times that Black wrestlers had endorsed low concerns, and not enough praise because they were Black. That no one will ever see a Black wrestler wrestle in a major ring. That’s like saying:

No one does not want to see Black people in the wrestling business.

They have no place in the wrestling ring.

They have no place in commentary.

They have no place in the ring announcing.

All the other things that most African Americans and African-related individuals are doing currently in the wrestling game, you couldn’t see that more than 30 40, or 50-plus years ago during the height of segregation. Or during the height of Jim Crow as many will put it. There have been times that representation for Black wrestlers or black wrestling fans has come on terribly slow and the real reason I’m saying this is because this is what is transpiring right now. Yes, Black folks have always loved wrestling. I remember going to my first WWE live wrestling match in March 1992 when Milwaukee had the Bradley Center. I have folks in my family who had gone to wrestling matches when “Ivan the Terrible” was still in his prime at the MECCA Arena along with favorites such as the late great Da’Crusher. The main reason I’m mentioning Da’ Crusher here in Milwaukee is because he was a local wrestler who was a huge draw to everyone! But yes, we must talk about Black wrestlers. The first time I’ve seen a Black wrestler winning a World heavyweight championship it wasn’t the era of Booker T. It was the era when Ron Simmons won the WCW Heavyweight Championship in 1992 against Vader. That marked the first time that an African American wrestler Ron Simmons won a wrestling championship in the modern era of the sport. Now we could talk about Bobo Brazil and “The Big Cat” Ernie Ladd who also were champions, of Black wrestlers back in their heyday and they have won some championships in their tenure. We can also talk about “Soul Man” Rocky Johnson, the late father of the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. And, the grandfather of Simone Johnson, Dwayne’s daughter. Let’s not overshot that in the 80s, Rocky Johnson and his partner Tony Atlas defeated the Wild Samoans to become the WWE tag team champions and they were the first African American men to win a major championship. I remember seeing Ahmed Johnson win his first championship, the Intercontinental title here in Milwaukee, and was the King of the Ring in 1996. When speaking of The Rock, in 1998 The Rock won his first major championship title in the WWE becoming the first African American / Samoan wrestler to win the championship. Let’s keep in mind that The Rock is biracial for those who are keeping score at home. In WCW I mentioned Booker T. winning 5 championships, but he and his brother Stevie Ray won the WCW Tag Team Championships at least over 10 times and they were the first African Americans to win it. WCW had a history of not only winning championships under the singles holders but also for tag team holders and few of them were African American or Black if you will. For ECW, it was different in my opinion but yes there were a few Black wrestlers that won titles based on the ability to go to the “extreme” so to speak, and perform in front of their audience, and their various accomplishments that have been shown. D-Von Dudley, New Jack, 2 Cold Scorpio, and others competed. I’m not talking about when ECW was in WWE, but BEFORE they were in WWE.

So, what does all this mean? What does all this mean when it comes to black wrestlers and their accomplishments? Even though they are recognized, or are being recognized now why do some non-black and all wrestling fans who are a part of the “new movement” so to speak have to put down a black woman like Bianca Belair based on what she is bringing to the game right now, than those who have been pictured and also on a mantle for a long time? So many people are saying that Bianca Belair has no business being in the wrestling ring. They are saying that she has no business being on the cover of a video game cover that is out right now. Whenever I see comments coming from those who feel that Black people shouldn’t be allowed in this or that especially in the wrestling industry, it makes me sick to my stomach. It makes me so sick because of the fact that number one, I thought we have come a long way, but I am forever reminded that even though black folks in wrestling are winning now which is cool to see from my representation standpoint, I still think and have to face the reality that many of us still have this mantra that we have to be twice as good to get to the half like everybody else. And the reason why I say it’s not because it’s a line from Scandal, this is an everyday reference, and black folks have to been told to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and again to work twice as hard per se not just to impress the other guy just trying to catch up other people in a sense having no problem going through hurdles. But the fact of the matter is there are those of us who must jump through so many hoops and run so many obstacles, just trying to get to the finish line just like everybody else. That spells jealousy in my point of view not just because they were black, it’s the way that the plan was designed from the beginning. A way to make sure that we don’t make it, but lose to make it. That is how I see the concerns of the story when it comes to Bianca Belair. Now don’t get me wrong, there are those in the wrestling community who aren’t Black who want to see Bianca succeed. Let’s put that out there. Let’s put that out there in perspective but in the continuation unpacking this situation, what I see in the concern regarding this story is no different from what I read about every single day of discrimination, and also jealousy, and hate coming from the opposition who do not want to see other people succeed even further. This is what I see right now, and it may not be a shock to Black wrestling fans, but why is it a shock to non-black wrestling fans? The shock to them may be because most of them have never had that conversation with their African American counterparts. They never had that conversation with anyone who has gone to the mat with someone who was African American or Black in general but silenced them because the stories the other folks feel are all illusional. It is not.

This is an everyday reality that we are facing even in the 21st century and this discussion is still ongoing. Now don’t ever start quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the line about his “four little children will one day grow up in a nation not to be judged by the color of their skin, but by the continent of their character.” Well, the people who racially slammed Bianca forgot about Dr. King’s quote right there. But the fact of the matter is most of today’s generation folks don’t even read or comprehend. They never had that conversation with other Black people just to come together and sit down, shut up, and listen. They like to come over to Black social media pages and troll African American members just trying to bring attention, or just trying to “start some mess” as I like to call it. That’s all it is: it’s just a mess. And I’ll bet you that some of these folks who tore into Bianca are just jealous of her. From my understanding, Bianca is married to wrestling star Montez Ford. They are a real-life couple and from my understanding Bianca has children. She’s a mother. And I’ll bet you nine times out of 10, most folks won’t care about that. They will not care about her being a mother or being a wife coming from a good family having accomplishments in Track and Field in College, and making transitions to wrestling, winning championships, Royal Rumbles, and many others.

In the late 80s to early 90s, there was a TV show called “A Different World” and a scene and wish that there were White characters and Black characters in the same jail cell. It was an episode where one of the White characters played by Dean Cain talked about immigrants coming to this country who couldn’t speak the language, work hard, and make a valuable life for themselves and turning towards Kadeem Hardison’s character, Dwyane Wayne and asking him why can’t they see that? Kadeem’s character Dwayne responds by simply saying that even though their relatives were immigrants, he stated: “My family helped build this country”. And reflected that it doesn’t matter how many accolades he gets or how many successes he obtains he is just another “N-word”. . This is how I also see Bianca Belair being slammed on social media that it doesn’t matter how many accomplishments she gets or how many championships she wins or how much hard work and dedication she pours into, some still going to say “Look at that N-word right there.” That’s what they’re thinking. That’s what they’re assuming which no matter how many accolades Black folks get, there’s always going to be somebody else who will try to bring them down to their own ignorance. That is what I also see with this scenario concerning Bianca Belair. And even though this story is not a part of that sometimes Black people do this to themselves in a crabs-in-the-barrel mentality. As in a “self-hate” crabs in a barrel mentality. But we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about racism slander attacks online against a successful up-and-coming Black female wrestler, who never came from a wrestling family but has worked hard to break a new mold for herself to be the best she can be.

So, this is why I feel as a wrestling fan, excuse me an African American wrestling fan, that we need to be seen in these places too. And we need to be seen and heard in these places to make our mark very well-established. Keep in mind that way before Bianca Belair hardly anyone gave us any representation in this sport. Even though our faces and pictures may be seen or have been seen, the representation was slowly catching on.

For the Black Women wrestlers, I’ve seen them. Back before Bianca, I’ve seen Jacqueline dominate. When she became the first African American woman to be the WWE Women’s Champion like 25 years ago. I’ve seen Jazz compete and win championships in ECW and WWE. Including current stars of Naomi, Mercedes Mone (or Sasha Banks) Athena, and even Alicia Fox. And also I’m seeing the black women wrestlers doing their thing now in AEW, TNA, ROH, and even Women of Wrestling companies. So yes, it’s a new era. Get used to it, haters.

No matter what anyone thinks, black people will continue to be resilient despite the negative direction that others may assume. If those had been a lot smarter, they shouldn’t said anything that would affect their jobs, education, and scholarships. Many should know that these companies, schools, and I dare say the military would look into a person’s social media profile or comments and would reject the applicant due to what was said negatively! You haters better learn today! So even though the racist attacks on Bianca are somewhat decreasing with all the appreciation posts, which again is nice, racism is still a problem. Even in the wrestling community that has been lingering for a long time.

So in general, the struggle still continues. Even in the community of Professional Wrestling.

WWE 2K24, Deluxe Edition Cover; 2K;2024

It appears that the 98th Edition of Black History Month is over. But guess what? Like years past the occasion is once a year, but the references to Black History in general will continue to tell the truth, expose lies, and expose those who feel that it should not be taught. All the time, folks still say, well, Black History is American History……” That is a lie. It is a lie just to make those feel comfortable in their own skin or bones. When I think about BLACK HISTORY, it is really international. It is World History, not just in the good old USA. Sorry to those who are about to be offended, but that is the naked truth. Black History Month of 2024 really brought out the ugliness in folks who are not of African descent on two fronts:

The Black National Anthem of Lift Every Voice and Sing

Yep, Andra Day sang it live at the Superbowl, and already like before, she had to endure the hate. Oh, where do we get off with this dumb question like: “Where’s the Mexican National Anthem?”  “Where’s the Yellow National Anthem?” What about this national anthem or that one? ALL OF YOU SIT DOWN! The same thing happened to Vanessa Williams in 2021 where she performed the song on A Capital Fourth, which is the show on the Fourth of July. The same negative reaction that Sheryl Lee Ralph received. Alicia Keys received negative feedback through the NFL video comments after George Floyd during the Pandemic, and many others felt that the song was divisive. Let us be really clear, Lift Every Voice and Sing IS NOT a song to cause division just because it was labeled as “the black national anthem “. It was named for the reason the NAACP adopted it as their national anthem in 1919. Ever since that year, many Black churches, Black events, HBCUs, Black Sororities and Fraternities, Black History Month Occasions, Martin Luther King Holiday, and even Juneteenth Day have played the song on those occasions the most. But I think one of the main reasons why people feel is divisive is not because of the song’s title, it is because of how the song was labeled towards a group of people instead of the Star-Spangled Banner for many people felt it was for everybody. But in reality, when the Star-Spangled Banner was first created, it was not grouped to everyone. Keep in mind, that the Star-Spangled Banner was written at a time during slavery. And yes, Francis Scott Key was indeed a slave owner. This is something that many people particularly those who are not black, conservatives, and some black grifters, are not understanding. All that talk about “being Americans” and many others has not only backfired but also is giving them a sense of hard understanding of why a certain song like Live Every Voice and Sing actually has meaning. If people actually took the time to research the lyrics and to ask themselves what it means, technically it really does have some meaning when it comes to liberty, freedom, triumph, concerns, prayers, equality, and most of all having the ability to carry on for every single humanity option available. That is what the song is. And no, Lift Every Voice and Sing never overtook the Star-Spangled Banner at the big game. Where was the evidence? Show me the proof. Show me the script! Oh wait, they cannot!

So, people who say it is divisive clearly have not researched the song at all. Almost certain people say as an example, “Black History Month is racist.” They do not understand why there was a need and still a need for Black History Month. I am even surprised that even Black people who feel that the occasion should be ended forever, need to understand why it exists as well. I know that there are certain folks out there of African descent who have looked down on Black History Month because of the lessons that they should have received while they were in school. Here is the thing: The real Black History lessons start at home! Black History Month to me starts in the house. There was a time when Black churches (they still are) could summarize and teach Black history. And having stories handed down from generation to generation from mothers to sons, fathers to daughters, and so on, to make sure that the next generation does not forget or mislead themselves about a sense of history. Many people still say again, “Black History is American History”. I say Black History is international. It is world history because when you think about it, the first race of people that existed before everybody else was black! Let us be clear. You know how we watched WWE wrestling, and we hear and see Seth Rollins talk about being a visionary, a revolutionary type of wrestler. Or remember when Shawn Michaels used to call himself “the headliner,” “the showstopper”, “The Icon”, “the main event”, and so on? Well, guess what, Black people we too are the first headliners, showstoppers, main eventers, visionaries, architects, first creators, and so forth. The reason I am saying this is because it is not just a reminder, it is also motivation to look at the predecessors and actually summarize for us that we too can be better citizens and evolve wonderful things for the next era. Those who feel that we are lying, obviously have not been paying attention or lectured. So, for those who feel that Black History is a myth or a lack of concentration in American history, it is not. The only way that you will know about Black History is to learn it. It is not just for African Americans in general, it is clear to everybody if they are willing to understand.

REPEAT: It is clear to everybody if they are willing to understand.

Like I said in my last blog if I can expect somebody who is not black to study about us, and if I was someone to study Heritage months or appreciation months of Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, Native Americans, and many other so forth, then what will they say about me? In those cultural months that I mentioned, you are not going to hear much about them often. However, when an issue of Black History comes up, it is just like I said previously everybody has something to say mostly negative. And mostly in their feelings of being divisive prone. As an African American Male, I am incredibly grateful and pleased that Black History Month is something that we can still learn not just in February, but also beyond February. And the thing is, there was a time when no one was talking about us at all until Dr. Woodson started it in 1926.

This leads me to my second point: Country music.

For many years there has been a distant feeling of country music and Black people. In a sense, those of us who feel that country music has this fascination with white people with white Southerners in an attempt, to on their part them feel invented or discovered. Of course, you are going to talk about country singers like Loretta Lynn, Conway Twitty, Tim McGraw, Dolly Parton, Morgan Whelan, Jason Aldean, The Chicks (formally the Dixie Chicks), The Judds, Jelly Roll, and many other country artists that many listen to this very day. However, when it comes to African American country artists such as Charley Pride, Darius Rucker, K. Michelle, Linda Martell, and many others of African descent, there is either little or not enough knowledge about those country artists who are of color. If many have not been paying attention, it seems that Beyonce with her two singles “Texas Hold’em” and “16 Carriages” has blown up a new door to give Black country artists a chance. It really speaks volumes that I can say that the blackest thing that happened in 2024 for Black History Month, is Beyoncé with her country singles from her new album which will debut on March 29th. Now when you think about March 29th, that is Good Friday, which is also part of Holy Week. So yes, after many of us go to church on Good Friday, we can go and purchase Beyonce’s new country album and hear the whole album for ourselves without judgment and opinion. Many have already figured out that the way that Beyonce debuted her country singles was directly in her Super Bowl ad. And may have thought including myself was like “Oh it must be a skit or a fake type of advertisement”, but no it was a real deal, and Beyoncé dropped that like it was nothing. And then of course, after Texas Hold’em came out, you are going to have some petty negative attitude at Black folks who had to go all in against Beyoncé to say that yes “Her country single was the worst that they’ve heard.” And the thing is, Beyoncé is making money anyway. Whether you like Beyoncé or you hate Beyoncé, here is the thing: Beyoncé is one smart Black woman. She knows what she is doing. And as far as other country artists who might say “Well if you listen to Beyoncé, why don’t you give me a listen.” or “Give the other guys to listen.” Okay, let us listen to them. Let us hear what they have to say. Let us hear what every Black female country artist has to say as well as the Black Country male artists have to say. When you really think about it and I know this may upset some white people, that country music really started with Black people. The banjo that you normally hear in a “dixie-like style of music,” coming from White people, actually came from Black people. Yes, the banjo is an old-school instrument that survived through slavery, and of course when African Americans arrived on the shore in boats, chains, and branded due to captivity. So, with that, here is the million-dollar question:  why are white folks scared and also upset about Beyoncé singing country music, and Black people having this euphoric wave of emotion to say: “Oh why do they feel that it’s their music?” Here are the things white folks: it has already been said. And I know you are going to get upset about this. Black people and Black Africans started country music. It is deeply rooted in our heritage. Do you talk about blues music? Do you talk about gospel music? or Black spiritual hymns? Where did those come from? And we talked about country music as usual, where did it come from? And when you tie all those things together one by one, line by line, you know it came from the same culture that gave birth to every single genre of music that we have started. Some of you may sound surprised. The big question is, why are you surprised? You clearly have to understand that even though many of you kind of like our music, our culture, our clothing, our lifestyle, or any other thing that we put out there is a barrier of hate. Let us be real. You like our stuff, then around and hate us. Now for the white folks who can sympathize with us and to someone understand what we are coming from and all, I am not talking to you. Simply because you do understand how we feel. You do understand the atrocities and the concerns that we put out there every single time but then again, we get disregarded because of our skin color.

For many, country music is part of the Black culture experience. The same thing with Jazz, the same thing with R&B, the same thing with Pop music, most definitely Rock and Roll, Reggae, Ska, Metal, Folk, Inspirational, Instrumental, and yes Hip Hop and Rap music. And I know that for many of us who started listening to country music again, it is like giving us a re-education from whence we came. And a value of reminding us that even though many of us do not like this kind of stuff in a sense, we created the genre. We created the standard. We created the headliner, the showstoppers, the main events, the visionaries, the architects by design, and many other ideals that we set foot in every single day. So, the question is why are you mad? LOL! Well, I cannot explain that part. But it is the truth that we have designed, and art articulated many genres that most of you normally hear today.

What Beyonce is doing with her two singles, is rejuvenating country music to Black folks in a sense to remind us that we started this thing first. For her fans, The Beyhive may be new to them, or it may not be so new depending on their age and generation, it’s a challenge. But it is a new thing that even the late great Donna Summer helped started 44 years ago before Beyoncé was born. Many other country artists who are of African descent and who had a tough time trying to get their voices out have now had a chance to see and gain traction in this genre that many of us in the Black community have avoided for so long.

Now I do understand that there are Black people who are country through and through. And that is a fact. Now I know that there are Black people who are country through and through not just because of the instruments or the hand clapping, or the foot stopping, or the violin playing, or the banjo playing. They are country through and through regardless. So, the foot stomping, hand clapping, square dancing, and many others, it is no exception to country music at all.

So let this be a lesson to all of you as we conclude Black History Month of 2024, and to help generate Black Music Month in the next 4 months, we will talk about this again. Not only will talk about the subject when June comes, but in between we are going to continue to reference every single time: Lift Every Voice and Sing, Country Music, and many other genres of music that we help start not only to relive, but to be educated even more. And black folks, whenever we sing or dance to country music or any other genre of music that we feel at the time doesn’t have any soul, let’s be clear on one simple thing: it may not have to have a soul to move you, but it has a soul to educate you. It may not be on your top 10 genre list on your playlist that you commonly know very well and that is fine. But the fact of the matter is, it is about our heritage. It is about us. It is about our musical history that we help introduce to the world and not leave for granted. But now in 2024, it has a chance of a much-needed revival. I am not talking about a church revival! I am talking about our Black cultural music revival in an attempt to not be ashamed of what we started before many of us were even born. Or many of us who are old enough now to rekindle that education for once for men who are a lot younger during their 10 years or young adult years.

As Black History Month of 2024 will be in the archives on this Leap Day of the Dragon Year, it is still going to be referenced every day. I stated before and I am going to say it again: Black History is not just American history. Black history is really International History for all to reference, see, and celebrate, which many of us should do all the time.

And to those who like the troll: you can protest, and get fired from your jobs from social media postings all you want but we are still going to keep pushing and we are not going to lay down for nobody!

Black History is not going anywhere. There have been those who have blurred out African American AP Courses in school, books from authors of Toni Morrison, Martin Luther King, and other notable African Americans have been off the shelves due to certain words or phrases being on the banned book list which is ridiculous. And the scholarships like to minorities and DEI are being re-examined because many others feel it’s dividing the people. Many schools had this disdain for Black History and had not had Black History Celebrations. Why? Oh, because it’s Black History. Really? When the other American History-related celebrations take place, nobody says anything. BUT yet again, why does Black History have to be the proverbial punching bag each time? It’s like the repeated question “Why does it have to be about race?” comes up and many African Americans are sick and tired of that sentence! Many should know the reason but do not want to admit the reason. And like the repeated phrase of “Go Back To Africa”, kill that noise. Many of us were born here and not going anywhere, even for many who have built this country. Like I said, Black History is here to stay. And if it needs to be defended every day, then so be it.

That blog readers, is not a promise. Call it a guarantee.





Star Trek TNG: All Good Things pt. 2; 1994

Folks: it is now time to archive the year 2023. It’s time that the Year of the Rabbit is to be archived in the wildlife forest.  But of course, the living examples of voting, racism, protesting, the pandemic that dominated most of the year, and yet many others will linger on. We’ll know, it’s about time that the year 2023, is now over. But before that happens of dropping balls and popping corks: let us review the year that was: My way.

In that case, it’s time for the Traditional Stephen’s Spot Annual Review Blog of 2023! It’s time to review, summarize, and learn from the year that has gone by very efficiently.

The Good Nationally:

Most recently on December 31st, 2023: The Dow Jones ended the year at 37,689.54.

Covid Vaccines.

Covid Testing.

The Texas Rangers won a World Series Title.

The Denver Nuggets won the NBA Championship.

For the NFL: Kansas City won the Super Bowl.

For the NCAA Men’s Basketball: UConn Huskies

For the NCAA’s Women’s Basketball: LSU Tigers

For the WNBA: Las Vegas Aces (2x)

Yet on TV Again: Sistahs, Sherri, and The Equalizer still dominate. On Netflix: Cobra Kai Season still strikes for Season 6. Meanwhile, Abbott Elementary continues to come with good intentions yet again.

CBS All Access: Star Trek: Picard ended the series in the third season on Paramount+. Highly regarded as the best season of the series ever! And acknowledged the Next Generation Cast Members 35 years after the first season of 1987-88.

Also on the streaming channels: 1923, and Yellowstone on both Netflix and Paramount Plus. 

Amazon Prime: Jury Duty, Gen V, Dead Ringers.

What was also good:

Student Loans Forgiven, the rise of AI Images on Bing and Canva with ChatGPT.

VIRTUAL COMMUNICATION WAS AND IS STILL A GOOD THING! – for School, Church, and the Workplace!

Roland Martin’s Daily Digital Show, “Roland Martin Unfiltered” turns 5 years old, and it continues to fuel the minds of those who have been misused or intellectually lied to by other networks. Especially among African Americans. But his show is a teachable lesson in what is going on in the Black community. In addition to the Black Star Network with new shows, he also launched his book, “White Fear”. This book is a “MUST READ” for EVERYONE!

Yet again, the Hallmark Christmas specials came back for their 14th year.

WWE: The WWE had a lot trade ups and Superstars making their debuts in NXT, Raw and Smackdown. Ranging from Jade Cargill, to CM Punk. Also the company along with UFC became a part of the organization, TKO Group, which is now listed on the Stock Exchange.

On the flip side of changes in the Wrestling World, Edge or now Adam Rated R Copeland is now in AEW, and Sting announced his final year in Wrestling would be in the coming year.

Milestones in 2023:

North Shore Bank here in Milwaukee, turned 100.

Hip Hop turned 50 years old in August officially.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company turned 120 years old. And has announced that it will have celebrations annually.

Disney and Warner Brothers celebrated 100 years respectfully.

Puma, the shoemaker, and clothes designer turns 75.

Playboy Magazine (now online) turned 70.

Doctor Who turned 60 years old.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated the youngest of the Divine 9, turned 60 years old.

Also turned 60: the Anniversary of the March on Washington.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show from 1973, is 50.

Jurassic Park and Mighty Morphing Power Rangers both turned 30.

WWE’s Monday Night Raw celebrated 30 years on the air. or Raw is XXX.

Ford Motor Company turned 120 years old.

Honda turned 75.

Scarface, the movie that defined the work of Al Pacino, turned 40 as of the Christmas weekend.

In honor of Michael Jackson’s Thriller Video- 40 years.

So So Def, the record label founded by Jermaine Dupri: Turned 30 years old.

In remembrance: The 50th Anniversary of the passing of Bruce Lee and the 30th Anniversary of the passing of Brandon Lee.

Google turned 25 this year.

Black Lives Matter turned 10.


Donald Trump and those mug shots after all that mess with January 6th in Georgia.

When the BET Awards this year happened the most: The 50th Anniversary to Hip Hop.

The cord-cutters of Roku and Amazon Fire TV continued once again to have an interest in those ditching high-priced cable and satellite! More people are switching up this way.


NBA: Jrue Holiday was traded to the Boston Celtics. Damian Lillard comes to the Bucks. Adrian Griffin took over as the new coach of the Milwaukee Bucks while former coach Bud Budenholzer was dismissed.

NFL: Aaron Rodgers hinted to play for the New York Jets, and he did. In which made the full debut of Jordan Love. Rasul Douglas was traded from the Packers to the Buffalo Bills. Erik Wilson was acquired from Minnesota by the Packers. Randall Cobb, and Allen Lazard who were formerly of the Packers were traded to the New York Jets.

NCAA: Lots of Transfer Portals. But closely, Jordan Turner of the Wisconsin Badgers recently was entered into the Transfer Protocol as well as Skyler Bell, Logan Brown, and Dean Engram, just to name a few.

MLB: Brandon Woodruff, Rowdy Tellez, J.C. Mejía all traded away from the Milwaukee Brewers. And Craig Counsell was traded to the Chicago Cubs as Manager.

Straight Outta Wisconsin in an effective way:

For the Wisconsin Badgers Football team: The Wisconsin Badgers Football team began the season with a new coach Luke Fickell for the 2023 Season. Many of the Badgers came to the Cardinal and White were new to the Big Ten except for a few of Chez Mellusi, Braelon Allen, and others. The Wisconsin Badgers finished the season at 7-5. They regained the Paul Bunyan Axe Trophy from the Minnesota Golden Gophers for the first time in two years while maintaining the Freedom Trophy against Nebraska. The Badgers lost the Heartland Trophy to Iowa. The Badgers brought a new offense called the Air Raid, but still maintained an offense that they knew well which was the running game. Towards the end of the season, Braelon Allen announced on Twitter that he would be entering the NFL Draft, while Chez Mellusi committed to one more year next season in Wisconsin.

Marquette University: The Marquette Golden Eagles Basketball Team won the 2023 Big East Tournament and finished the season of 17-3 in the conference, overall: 29-7. Marquette’s victory was a first in its school history since the Conference USA’s win in 1997.

Milwaukee Police Department goes after Reckless Drivers in the Hot Spot Zones of the city. Just like last year. YET AGAIN.

For the Green Bay Packers: As of press time, the Packers finished 2023 at 8-8 with a potential push to the NFL Playoffs. Jordan Love made his official debut as the starter of the team. He is the first African American QB to start for the team, ever. Since the start of the season, the Packers had some uncertainty going into the season by beating Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit on Thanksgiving, Carolina on Christmas Eve, LA Rams, LA Chargers, and Kansas City. But losing to Atlanta, the Las Vegas Raiders, Minnesota, Chicago, the NY Giants, and the Denver Broncos. The Packers have young teams that are at least 25 years old and younger with talents of Romeo Doubs, Luke Musgrave, Anders Carlson, Tucker Kraft, Ben Sims, Lukas Van Ness, DeVonte Wyatt, Corey Ballentine, along with vets of Aaron Jones, AJ Dillion, Rashan Gary, Samori Toure, Bo Melton, just to name few. Many are saying that the future of the Packers is in building mode since the departure of Aaron Rodgers last season. Jordan Love became the first African American starting Quarterback in the team history during the 2023 season. There was a lot of concerns and negative media talk of him, but seemed to prove the doubters wrong based on his growth of performance.

The Good Locally

Milwaukee Public Schools started classes early like in August, again. In-person and virtually. It was also announced that next semester, the school year 2024-2025 will begin in September and end in June.

Milwaukee had cruise ships coming in and out of the port. One of them was the Viking Octantis.

Summerfest and the Wisconsin State Fair returned to their regular schedules which were weekends/weekdays.

The State of Wisconsin discussed a plan or an idea regarding the future of I-794.

The State of Wisconsin along with Amtrak planned to discuss the future of passenger rail between Milwaukee and Madison with the Twin Cities and Chicago. But…..let’s remember that was supposed to be the High-Speed Rail Line before Scott Walker gutted the idea in his reign as Governor.

The Milwaukee Brewers finished with a 92-70 Record but lost to the Arizona Diamondbacks in two games in the playoffs.

The Milwaukee Bucks finished with a record of 82-58 with a Central Division Title. But lost to the Miami Heat 4 games to 1.

The Milwaukee Streetcar celebrated five years in November.

Light The Hoan turns three.

Healthcare Heroes Bridge Lighting – Light the Hoan, 2021

The Milwaukee Art Museum unveiled, “Light the Wings”.

Museum “Wings” Illuminated – Fox 6 Now, 2023

The Bublr Bikes still expanded. Yet Again!

The Bird Scooters returned.

Well-known to retire locally:

Carole Meekins – 30 years on the air for Channel 4, 42 years overall.

Jeff Wagner-25 years on the radio for WTMJ.

Dave Luczak – 40 years on the radio for WKLH.

For the Music of 2023: No mumble crap!

Beyonce and Taylor Swift concerts

The 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop Concerts and Reunions.

Special: Michael Jackson’s Thriller 40.

So-So Def’s 30th Anniversary.

Leela James

Kool & The Gang


Janelle Monae

Tracy Chapman

Special Honor: Missy Elliott, Rage Against the Machine, DJ Kool Herc, and Don Cornelius were inducted into the 2023 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Lenny Kravitz

Liv Warfield

Coco Jones

At the Movies in 2023: Either at the Theaters or Streaming:

Candy Cane Lane

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Fast X

The Color Purple


The Little Mermaid

Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One.

The Bad Nationally


Don Lemon was done at CNN after 16 years.

The Writer’s Strike in Hollywood.

War in Ukraine.

Whoopi Goldberg’s truth rant about Millenials and Generation Z working 4 hours a day and not getting a house.

AI Issues.

George Santos.

The constant concern of White Fear in media and education.

Reckless Driving.

Nikki Haley and her comments about the Civil War and Slavery.

The false case of Bishop TD Jakes allegations.

The non-factor of Vivek Ramaswamy and his viewpoints of eliminating Juneteenth Day as a Federal Holiday.

Hamas vs Palestine.

Lenny Kravitz comments about the lack of appreciation when it comes to Black Rock Musicians.

Several African Americans (including some hip hop artists like Sexxy Red and Waka Flocka Flame) had commented about voting for Donald Trump in 2024.

Former Star of That 70’s Show, Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 years.

Rev. William Barber was ordered to be removed from a North Carolina AMC Movie Theater due to the theater’s “policy” that he couldn’t bring his chair to sit down. MORE LIKE: an ADA Act regulation.

Schools most in the country erased books and history based on Black History, and LGBTQIA+.

The allegations against Lizzo via weight shaming and sexual harassment.

Several artists from Pink to Cardi B had items thrown at them during their concerts.

The Riverboat Brawl in Alabama.

The United Methodist Church had lost several more churches in the United States due to the disaffiliation.

The Bad and Ugly Locally

Racism, of course, struck Wisconsin. Not just in Milwaukee.

Milwaukee’s Juneteenth Day’s Miss Juneteenth was criticized due to her nationality, as well as the choice picked by the Milwaukee Juneteenth Committee.

The assumption of clerks and cashiers in stores and cafes of alleged shoplifting.

Milwaukee’s Population continues to drop slightly due to relocations.

The areas and locations in Milwaukee had low staff workers and a decrease in hours of operation regarding employment.

UW-Stout unveiled its new logo, but not many liked it. Logos change all the time!

Plus, it is not even ugly enough for 2023: Milwaukee’s number of homicides has gone down but remains a problem since 2021: 161.

Reckless Driving.

Hacked and Unpublished Facebook Pages.

Bad Customer Service in Stores and Restaurants.

Sales Tax in Milwaukee will increase starting January 1st.

We Speak their names – the last toast to those who passed on in 2023:

Tina Turner

Ryan O’Neal

Rosalynn Carter

Richard Roundtree

Suzanne Sommers

Rudolph Isley

Burt Young

Dianne Feinstein

Jimmy Buffett

Bill Richardson

Bob Barker

Paul Reubens (aka Pee Wee Herman)

Sinéad O’Connor

Tony Bennett

Treat Williams

Gordon Lightfoot

Jerry Springer

Harry Belafonte

Len Goodman

Willis Reed

Lance Reddick

Richard Belzer

Raquel Welch

Lisa Loring (aka the Original Wednesday Addams from the Addams Family)

Billy Packer

David Crosby

Lisa Marie Presley

Jeff Beck

Andre Braugher

Samuel Wurzelbacher (aka “Joe the Plumber” from the 2008 Presidental Campaign)

Tom Smothers (one-half of the Smothers Brothers)

Cindy Williams

Lola Mitchell (aka Gangsta Boo)

David Jolicoeur of De La Soul

Melvin “Magoo” Barcliff (one half of (Timbaland and Magoo)

DJ Casper

Jim Brown

Dick Butkus

Antonio Inoki

Hossein Khosrow Ali aka “The Iron Sheik” 

Terry Funk

Windham Rotunda (aka Bray Wyatt)

Laura Lynch (Founder of the Dixie Chicks)

Henry Kissinger

Fred White

Lanny Poffo (aka The Genius, brother of Randy “Macho Man” Savage)

Tori Bowie

Jordan Neely

Christine King Farris

Richard Moll (aka Bull Shannon from Night Court)

Norman Lear

Jean Knight

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

Bob Knight

Matthew Perry

Hughes Van Ellis – One of the last survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921.

Tyre Nichols – killed by 5 black police officers in Tennessee after a traffic stop.

And to those that passed on in Milwaukee/Wisconsin in 2023:

Bishop Sedwick Daniels

Former U.S. Senator, Milwaukee Bucks Owner, and founder of Kohl’s Food Stores, Herb Kohl.

Final Take:

And the final analysis of my point of view: Well, this has been a year of blogging with the quarantine. I’ve tried my best to fill in as much as I can, but the thing is all hasn’t been that bad. If many take the chance, I do this on Stephen’s Spot Facebook Page and Twitter Page to extend the news and viewpoints to gain more twists and turns to get the gears going. Of course, the old stuff mattered. But what does matter IS THE NEW! I’ve talked about topics that affect the concerns and needs of the people. And if you’re one of the online folks who jumped aboard, well you’re on time. Late, but……

Now I must say this, again. If you the audience no matter where you’re from and if you checked out this blog beforehand or just now tuning in, thank you. Yes, this blog site has reached over 1,000 posts and over 25,000 hits. But likewise, there is so much to unpack. Ideas like health, finance, employment, gender rights of People, introversion, Voting, my city of Milwaukee, religion, social media false postings and opinions, and other avenues to explore. Even as a Black man in America, I too must draft my stories because nobody else can the way I do.

Knowing that yes, writing blog posts was and is, challenging work! It’s not easy at times, but when it’s on your mind to know and summarize what’s going on in your community, which is when you get your mind jogging and get to work.

1,000+ posts are good. But the best is still YET to come!

Happy New Year!

And the dragon year of 2024 awaits………

SSP Thanksgiving Day Logo

Here are the rules: Everyone knows how this goes yet again. And it’s simple. No need to link, Google, or even #Hashtag. Today, many around the country and in households or other areas, we Americans will be celebrating that holiday of food called Thanksgiving. From Thanksgiving Parades to the NFL Games, Dog Shows, or other modern traditional ideas that will boost the food day. And yes, there might be those going out to the clubs and shaking off the pounds to get loose for Black Friday or Christmas. And plus, staying home for the house parties without the hassle of big crowds. Or just now, folks going shopping. Really?! Not this Thanksgiving Day.

And yes, there will be ongoing constant reminders of the horrors that our Native American brothers and sisters will not participate in this Thanksgiving Day due to the killing of their ancestors outside of a church on a Sunday morning many moons ago. Henceforth, The National Day of Mourning. But there will be reminders of why they are stating this as part of history that has gone whitewashed.

But this holiday, yes does have the two words of Be Thankful for the things and ideas we already have. So here in its 16th Anniversary tradition, here is another traditional Stephen’s Spot Thanksgiving Blog of “Be Thankful”. Even though we are battling ongoing systemic racism, backstage politics, homegrown terrorists, and among others: Break out the tablets, Smartphones, PCs, or laptops. Start reading while maintaining staying put!

Before we begin the blog, let us take the time to reflect on our thankfulness of this day and our thankfulness despite
the divisions, the struggles, the arguments, the valid points given, the political angles, the issues of holidays, the generational values of lessons, religious or non-religious concerns, and problems, and most of all, our personal values and goals that we want to be better and brighter for all to inspire!

If you have a GOOD PAYING job that is good for you and pays well for you or your family, be thankful.

If you don’t have a job and are still looking and STILL not quitting by going to the job fairs making connections, or networking remotely, even in the pandemic, be thankful!

If you have good insurance, either health, auto, home, vision, or dental that you haven’t lost, STILL be thankful.

Always working? Always busy? Be Thankful you can still work!

If you love to volunteer, and it’s not a problem out of your time, be thankful!

If you have a good car or truck that gets you to work every day and still runs well with or without repairs, be thankful for that!

If you have been thinking about a new car or truck and still have a list to find one, be thankful!

If you have a new home, or are still fixing up your old home, or investing in a home you grew up in and not selling it to those who want to rent out, but want it for life even more: BE TRULY THANKFUL!

If you STILL have a good physician or you still don’t have one, but still want to get that monkey (and constant NAGGING) off your back, STILL be thankful for improving your health. And STILL trying. Take your time!

If your birthday or anniversary is coming up or it already just happened, be thankful!

If you have been given a side gig and love to be paid with that cash money or checks, no matter what it is, be thankful.

Men, did you again celebrate and not forget International Men’s Day in #Movember, I mean November? Be Thankful!

Got a good pet or know a pet that knows you well? Be thankful.

If you STILL give back to your community, your Alumni, your Church, your Scholarship Committees, your Fraternity, your Sorority, your Unions, or other groups that have been treating you well all this time, Be Thankful!

If you STILL appreciate the value of your former teachers or coaches, former principals, or anyone who knew the value of your education, be thankful.

If you put in the work to show up at your meetings even if you see the same people time after time, be thankful!

If you can’t wait to eat the meal that gives you life, be thankful you can still eat the grub.

If you stopped going to restaurants or stores or gas stations because of BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE and you have written back complaints and vowed NEVER to go back to spend your money and your time, BE THANKFUL. Go somewhere else and spend your money.

If you are out on Black Friday and not doing the traditional shopping but already did to avoid the old way onslaught, be thankful. And careful!

Still, avoiding all the fake news? Be thankful. They still suck.

Avoiding false news on social media? Be Thankful.

If you read the old blogs that I can’t control the reading but still want to read what I want to say regardless of my black point of view, be thankful! Not just for me, but for you.

If you STILL have stuff in your house that you want to give away, be thankful. Somebody will take it.

Still fighting Racism, White Supremacy, Sexism, and others? – Be Thankful.

Got a good business handy? And is it good for you to make that money like Uber or Lyft or It Works? Hey, be thankful!

If you switched your career to a new company in the past year or will go to a new company to come, be thankful!

Own a business? Do you have your own time schedule? Invested in a product or material that worked? Be thankful.

If you switched from satellite or cable to streaming to save some money, Be Thankful!

Whether this be your first, fifteenth, 20th, 30th, or whatever Thanksgiving, be thankful for it!

If you have many reachable sources to give, or to provide, or to share, or to support, and it’s really catching on, you better be thankful!

If your Social Media presence was interrupted with false accusations of being against community standards, or being hacked by an unknown assailant and you tried your best to get that page reinstated and appealed to state it was a mistake or error and they were reinstated or came back over a false problem: BE THANKFUL!

NOTE: For the readers that had to go through hell with the school shootings, reckless driving, and still feeling hopeless. I want you all to understand that yes, it’s a hard Thanksgiving Day for you as we know. But in a sense, you should be thankful that you can take time to rebuild. And BE EXTRA THANKFUL that yet, you are still living! And be EXTRA THANKFUL that a breakthrough is coming for the better!

If you are a conscious-minded person, a defensive-minded person that you know is best, for your own opinions and viewpoints without any harm or hurtful feelings towards humanity, be thankful!

For my Sagittarius readers: guess what? Our season is back! Are we thankful now? (SAGS RULE!) Shoot your shots!

Netflix footage

If you recently relocated to another city for a fresh start, or if you decided to stay to advance your career, be thankful!

Did you buy a new car? Trade it in, or give one away? Be Thankful!

If you recently installed a new security system for your house despite the problems of the community or neighborhood, be thankful!

Helped with the food? Be Thankful!

Able to go above and beyond? Be Thankful!

For those who serve in the Military, Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, Post Office, 911 Communications, cyber security, Nurses, Doctors, Attorneys, and many other occupations that require that extra push for protection and/or overwatch night and day, be thankful!

And finally: If I missed anything that many have thought about, and it’s good: we all should be and forever so thankful that we must march on. Like they say at black funerals: It’s already been said. It’s already done.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Hallowed Memories, 2005

With this weekend being Halloween weekend already looming and creeping, there have been a lot of spooks and warning signs of terror that are invading our land, and of course our neighborhoods. But also, it is very vital that many cannot stay away. It keeps coming up so much that many of us refuse to lock it down. And lastly, it is an ongoing everyday struggle that we endure every single time. What am I talking about you ask? Well, let me count the ways: the ongoing war of CRT, Black Lives, employers ordering employees to come in person, black health still at a standstill concerning cancers and diseases, the elections upcoming, the ongoing war in the Middle East, the Writer’s Strike Review, the saga of the now Green Bay Packers, bad customer service in restaurants and mega stores, bad reckless drivers, social media algorithms unfair reactions, this so-called struggle between college and apprenticeships, the hate against the Milwaukee City Conference in Wisconsin, E-Sports are not a problem for many but for some, the old folks still hang on to the past, the slap in the face against Black Men doing the right stuff, and also, vaccination problems, the struggle of churches staying open, the self-hate when black women don’t go the Cheesecake Factory and trying to dress up to capture attention but not very bright when it comes to politics. And the thirst trap of any option that can be evil and vicious which way BEYOND Halloween.

And….like before: I’m Scratching my head again.

The Simpsons will have another Halloween Treehouse of Horror theme this year.

That’s Good!

But it will have to wait until after the World Series and Halloween.

That’s Bad.

But it can be shown on Hulu too.

That’s Good!

But that will have to wait until baseball is done between the Texas Rangers and the Arizona Diamondbacks Series.

(dead silence)

That’s bad. (A little Simpsons Halloween-like sample here.) Any thoughts on that?

So far: the WWE/UFC TKO Group has been a great one if you’re an investor. Is anyone a stockholder yet, or just a fan?

Should men be allowed to attend fundraisers organized by women with any harm or concern? With being a new era in all.

Milwaukee’s Streetcar, aka The Hop, will have to take an L on Sundays. If you don’t know what that is, the new line is called the L as in the Lake line near the Couture Project. It will operate on Sundays until the spring of 2024. Who is boarding to try it out? And check this, one of our independent radio stations, WSME has been on The Hop by doing radio broadcasting. No kidding. Should all or most radio stations do a Hop Radio Broadcast? (i.e. V100, Jammin 98.3, or even the Truth 101.7)

Milwaukee, Remember Dr. Eric Gallien? He used to be the principal at Milwaukee Marshall High School when it was “Samuel Morse-John Marshall School for the Gifted and Talented.” Currently, he is in South Carolina after getting hired as the new Superintendent of Schools in the state. Oh, he was recently fired after TWO DAYS! Due to the ideas of stupid concerns of the Moms for Liberty. This is a Black man who was recently hired to lead their schools but was uprightly fired for doing his job. So, what is the real problem?

So far, how many would rate Deion Sanders in Colorado? Good thing or a sad thing?

So far, has Luke Fickell given his ideas flowing, or still in progress at Wisconsin?

What will it take for many to get up off their knees, and ACTUALLY WORK THE GAME? Screw the feelings and memes!

Last year: The “Tripledemic” of the RSV, Flu, and COVID-19 are all the concerns going into the Halloween weekend and of course, the remaining winter months. And many are not vaccinated because why? This year: I’m asking the same question. WHY?!!

41 years ago, Michael Jackson’s Thriller came out as an album. This December: it will be the 40th Anniversary of the groundbreaking video that shattered new expectations. Scary, but made an impact. Who will be still celebrating?

No, I have not seen, nor watched Snake Oil. I mean what is that in business?

Many were asking and wondering, why Milwaukee cannot have Trick or Treating in the nighttime hours like the outlined areas like the suburbs?

When customer service goes bad, out goes the value of the store and restaurant. I’ve been through this before in 2023 and usually, it’s the people. Can we bring the good side of this back?

For all the Church/religious folks: this needs your attention regardless of whether you like Halloween or not:

  1. You know that “Hallow” in Halloween means “Saint”, right? Look it up in Funk and Wagnalls or Google. It’s the same as saying, “Our Father Who Art in Heaven, HALLOWED Be Thy Name”. That you know it’s from the Lord’s Prayer.
  2. Halloween also means “Holy Evening”, or “All Saint’s Eve” prior to November 1st as “All Saint’s Day.” You know that the most, correct? Better study!
  3. Oh, I’m not FREAKING done! If Halloween is so bad in a church setting, many of us had HALLOWEEN PARTIES in the church in our younger years. What happened to them? Explain.

Is it really time to tell the truth behind the colorectal cancer screenings that have been mentioned in the up-to-date news lately? Especially for those who haven’t had it yet. Like Cologuard or the Doctor’s offices? It is still 45 years old and up.

Mortal Kombat 1 is already a hit. Is anyone up for a challenge that is in progress?

The Wrestling Community had a trade. Jade Cargill is in WWE. Edge, oops I mean “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland is in AEW. So how is this going to be interesting going forward for both companies?

Last year: What is wrong with TODAY’S Generation that wants your attention so badly?

This year: What is STILL wrong with TODAY’S Generation that wants your attention so badly?

E-sports is really catching the attention of Video Gamers everywhere. E-sports should have been around in my day when we didn’t have a PS5 or an Xbox with social media. Also, can we grown folks who work all day in all be involved in E-Sports or E-Gaming? Many of us like Video Games and still play them! And managing the squads.

Remember back in the day when NEIGHBORS knew NEIGHBORS?!!!! Don’t speak from afar! Folks NEED to introduce themselves! Stop being scared!

There needs to be MORE HOMEOWNERS than HOME RENTERS. Get it?

It’s annoying and spooky, that so many folks that want to cater to the wrong things. And folks want to call out other folks who do good things. Why is that? Seriously?!

How is it that since Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are having those sales at the same time? I know it’s a marketing plan. What’s the motive?

If anybody believes that Halloween is this “demonic, devilish, strange occasion”, obviously has anyone researched the history of their birthdays or anniversaries of the dates given? There might be plenty of surprises. I mean we all have them.

Now: here is a special segment of the blog I like to call:

What’s So Scary: Many of these conservative types (i.e. Moms for Liberty) believe books read by Toni Morrison are bad for kids and teens. Oh, hold up, have they read the books? Like seriously?

What’s So Scary: Churches really need to ask what will take to get the youth and most Men back into the sanctuaries. My question is as a man, what is the hold up? Can folks admit the truth that the same playbook used for years in churches is being played out? It’s NOT WORKING, CHURCHES! And many of my Generation (Generation X) aren’t really coming as usual. Want to be honest about it? Tell the ACTUAL truth and admit any downfalls. May need to apologize. And to those who are still stuck back when the church hurt you in a way of not going back, yes you have a right to feel what you feel, but ask this, what about those in the church who wanted to reach out to you in general for help or advice? Where was that in asking?

What’s So Scary: What is the real issue of the Alumni Associations not being involved more in the schools? Besides Homecoming and Graduation. Lack of contacts, perhaps? What is it?

What’s So Scary: Generation X, we need to start saving. We are the generation that nobody doesn’t want to mess with, but what is our retirement yet-to-be status when we stop working, when we get old and weak, can’t drive, can’t dance, can’t listen to Grunge ’90s or early 80s music, and on our dying end? I’m sorry Gen X’ers, but as a Gen X member, I need to keep it real.

What’s So Scary: The Green Bay Packers are 2-5 as of this blog post. With Jordan Love at Quarterback. And what is the talk about him being a “Backup QB?” I mean who is he a backup to whom?!! Yes, he’s learning through the Growing Pains, but he needs to learn more and be more judgmental of his plays. And Matt LaFleur needs to do his job better!

What’s So Scary: How scary will the Milwaukee Bucks be with Damian Lillard on deck this season?

What’s So Scary: Many fear that the Milwaukee Brewers’ new repair deal may not impact many who don’t go to the games. So, what is the real problem?

What’s So Scary: JOBS/Employment. What are the real implications that the companies are looking for?

What’s So Scary: Black Women, stop being so stuck up. Many of you don’t like going to certain chain restaurants or other places on the first date. Like this one:

Woman Rejects Cheesecake Factory for First Date; @StricklyEverything; 2023

And this needs to be stated that NO MAN will not want NO WOMAN like this. At all. Men, guard your wallets and your consciousness. This is one of the many reasons why many stay single. And the guy was being respectful. Fellas, Be EXTREMELY careful! Any questions?

Oh, you may have seen this list online. Here is the list that has been floating around that is so dumb and ridiculous, courtesy of

Here’s the full list of first date no-go’s:

・Cheesecake Factory




・Olive Garden

・The Movies

・Your House

・Any fast food chains

・Buffalo Wild Wings


・Red Lobster

・A buffet



・The gym



・Coffee date

・Ice cream date

・Family function

・Movie night at home

・Somewhere that requires a long drive



・Hookah bar

・A bar for just drinks

・Waffle House

・Sports event

What’s So Scary: Three words – Jada Pinkett Smith. I thought I would never say this, but what is her problem? Come on now!

What’s So Scary: Men’s Health. Men, we must return to the doctors. Enough with all the “Men are dying quickly” and it’s not just diseases like prostate cancer and diabetes. Suicide and homicide are also buzz killers, but nobody wants to admit it until…….not going to say. Can we please, do better in this? What’s funny about this, is that OLDER MEN are telling other Men now are saying this. But when OLDER MEN say this, where are the YOUNGER MEN in the conversation? Like their sons, grandsons, nephews, cousins, Fraternity Members, Younger Veterans, under 40 years old, etc.? Women don’t trip, you say this also.

What’s So Scary: These robocalls think that you need to call someone back or ask you if you are planning to sell your property or house. Question: Is this legal? They need to stop.

What’s So Scary: The ongoing hate against MPS. This time, I’m referencing the new Milwaukee City Conference in which our Football teams fought hard in the city, but when it comes to the STATE, they lose big. I believe that the change in culture should be implemented to compete, but I also think it’s a conspiracy when the other schools look at Milwaukee City Sports teams, it’s not just against them. It’s against Milwaukee Public Schools. And I’m saying this because it’s been like this for a long time, and it’s not a shocking factor. To quote the young kids, “I stand on that.”

What’s So Scary: Hackers. Folks in the digital land, it’s time to stand up to Hackers and tell them we are NOT messing around. Agree or disagree? Get a job in Cyber Security and fight them off. And defend your digital stuff at all costs!

What’s So Scary: Anti-Introversion. Introverts, we know who we are, and are still learning. Why are these extroverted folks from friends, church, and family just…. dumb and still asking questions like: “Why are you so quiet?” We should ask them: “Why can’t you just shut up and mind YOUR business?” It’s not that serious. Buzz off! We Introverts are not messing with you Extroverts, so don’t mess with us.

What’s So Scary: The Ongoing Struggle in the Middle East. What is the end game? We’ve been saying “Peace in the Middle East” for so long, we still haven’t seen any results. Can we or they make it stick?! And to be clear: This blog and Stephen’s Spot on WordPress FB and X pages will NOT post ANY misinformation about the ongoing struggle. Not here, not anywhere! Don’t want that smoke. Regular discussions are fine and dandy, but misguided information, NO!

What’s So Scary: The idiocy of many who feel that a minority scholarship for College Students is racist. Oh, grow up people. Since when did Minority Scholarships become a problem? If that’s the case, then the NON-MINORITY Scholarships shouldn’t be geared toward white people only.

What’s So Scary: Reading Comprehension. Why is it failing for most Students? Especially in the current climate? And don’t say it’s all because of the Internet or Smartphones. If the students of today can read on a smartphone or tablet to access information by reading, then books shouldn’t be a problem. What else is the problem? Folks don’t READ!

What’s So Scary: People who are afraid of the truth. That is even scary right there! Let’s admit it, why do many run away from the truth? Racism, slavery, discrimination of age, religion, race, economic status, background, experience, location, training, education, etc.

What’s So Scary: Sexxy Red. What is her issue who thinks that she believes that Donald Trump should be re-elected as President because of the Stimulus Checks? Homegirl, PLEASE! Educate her on why he was and is unwelcome news for America like Ron DeSantis is bad for banning Black History in Schools and Colleges in Florida.

What’s So Scary: White Supremacy. Need we say more? That shouldn’t be a shock or a surprise. That’s always been a scary subject.

What’s So Scary: What is the fear of now in 2023 than 1993, or 2003, or 1983, or even 1963?

What’s so scary you asked, again? Try reckless driving in Milwaukee in Kias, or the recent shootings and uptick in carjackings.

Has anyone picked up the book called, “Black AF In History?” When you get a chance, get your own copy! Michael S. Harriot wrote it.

Who recently received the “updated” COVID-19 Vaccine? Don’t be a coward or a scared punk. COVID is not done with us as you think.

Looking forward to November, men have we got the message of “Movember” just yet? And what about International Men’s Day on November 19th?

My Top 10 Halloween Movies are as follows:

1) The Crow

2) Blade II

3) Blade Trinity

4) Jonah Hex

5) Ghostbusters

6) The Crow: City of Angels

7) Blade (The First Movie)

8) Planet Terror

9) TIE: Tyler Perry’s Boo! A Madea Halloween pts 1 and 2.

10) TIE: The Addams Family and Addams Family Values.

My Top 10 Halloween Specials are as follows from the sitcoms:

  1. Martin – “The Night He Came Home” (1992), “Boo’s in the House” (1996)
  2. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air – “Some Day Your Prince Will Come” Pts 1 and 2 (1990), “Hex and the Single Guy” (1994)
  3. Family Matters – “Dark and Stormy Night” (1994), “Stevil” (1996), “Stevil & Carlsbad” (1997)
  4. Married With Children – “Take My Wife, please” (1993), “Flight of the Bumblebee” (1995), “Da*n Bundys” (1997)
  5. (FOUR-WAY TIE) The Simpsons – “Treehouse of Horror” (1990) – Present, “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” (1966), “SNL Halloween” (1993 – Present), The Amber Ruffin Show, “Amber’s Halloween Song, Monsters Everywhere!” (2020)
  6. Blackish – “The Prank King” (2014), “Jacked o’ Lantern” (2015), “The Purge” (2016), “Scarred for Life” (2018), and “Everybody Blames Raymond” (2019)
  7. Night Court (The Original, not the reboot) – “Halloween II: The Return of Leon” (1986), “Safe” (1987) “Come Back to the Five and Dime, Stephen King, Stephen King” (1989), “Death Takes a Halloween” (1990)
  8. Knight Rider – “Halloween Knight” (1984), “Voodoo Knight” (1986).
  9. The Real Ghostbusters – “Halloween II 1/2” (1987)
  10. Silver Spoons – “A Dark and Stormy Night” (1984)

And finally, before it turns to All Hallow’s Eve, what will be the next display of spooks for 2024? Even with a presidential election looming? And I say that because next Halloween we will be asking the same questions as before. Will we have an “October Surprise” in the upcoming election? Just wait and see while doing the Thriller dance, yet again. Or Goo Goo Muck from Netflix’s Wednesday.

Happy Halloween, readers!

The late Malcolm X once stated this quote: “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.”

Speaking of that, read the tweet below from TMJ Multi-Media Journalist, Taylor Lumpkin:

For all those calling TMJ4 Reporter Taylor Lumpkin a liar about her negative experience at Country Thunder on Twitter and Facebook, you played yourselves. The issue of racism does not fade out. And certainly, there are those in that category who think it does not exist. Especially coming off the heels of the song: “Try That in a Small Town.” Or it’s made up. Overall, White Supremacy still needs to be called out, especially when it comes to the recent event, Country Thunder. Like it or not, Taylor Lumpkin was just doing her job reporting from the event, and she gets called the N-word because of this?!!! What’s also crazy is that there were folks left and right who had to call Taylor a liar. And I looked at all their Twitter profiles to see what kind of people they were. Oh, they were CHRISTIANS. Claimed to be followers of Jesus, with bible scriptures and supporting the Right-Wing Agendas. These folks are just lame. How in the living hell they are a follower of Jesus and believing in the works of Christianity call out Taylor Lumpkin as a liar for the use of the N-Word? Many of them are just hateful that a Black woman multi-media journalist was on assignment. She was just again, doing her job. And yet when TMJ responded when the story was published this is what they had to say to Journal Communications:

Joe Poss, vice president, and general manager for TMJ4, issued a statement Friday to the Journal Sentinel.

“We are appalled that one of our reporters was subjected to a racial slur while producing a news story. We stand against all forms of racism and have a core commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion,” Poss said. “What happened to Taylor Lumpkin at a music festival should not happen to anyone, anywhere. It is painful and heartbreaking when something awful like this occurs. Our focus right now is on supporting Taylor.”

Furthermore, another form of commentary followed:

Lumpkin’s initial tweet had been viewed more than 642,000 times as of Friday afternoon and garnered a response from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization also known as CAIR.

“We condemn the alleged racist verbal assault on Ms. Lumpkin and urge all those who either engaged in this cowardly behavior or failed in their duty to repudiate bigotry to reflect on the harm racism does to individuals and to the larger society,” Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR National Communications Director, said in a statement issued Friday.

Taylor Lumpkin is a journalist. A multi-media journalist was sent there to do a story on assignment. In other words, she was just there to do her job. It baffles me at times when folks say, “Why did they send her there in the first place? Would have quit.” Most of us have never been to Country Thunder, and matter of fact, who goes there that has never been? I’ve never visited Twin Lakes, nor have I stayed there. But after what Taylor Lumpkin experienced and the town is full of “MAGA Fans” I can put that off my list of being not available to visit. With the environment that it is in, there are places in Wisconsin where Black people need to be careful traveling. Twin Lakes is now one of them. Obviously, Taylor didn’t know that part, but after her experience, she will not visit there ever again. What is interesting in this whole story is that Channel 4 could have sent another reporter in all, but if they had sent someone who was white, they wouldn’t have said anything. The fans or those who claim to be fans wouldn’t say a word. But why is it when a Black Journalist was sent yet again, why did they have to say something?

In speaking of “Try That in a Small Town”, the buzz of that song woke up those who want to be normalized. Like the conservative/GOP/Trump Fanatics who think that they own America. They don’t. It seems that the Song that Jason Aldean performed was a rallying cry against those who opposed Black Lives Matter and many others who don’t see the view as in their words: American. Do you know what reminds me of? A segment on Real Time with Bill Maher when the comments of “Small Towns” came up in 2012. The sentence: “We’re from Small Towns!” So, what? And that was during a Presidential Election in which President Obama repeated yet again as the 44th President. And I had looked at the video of the scenes that were just as fake as Donald Trump’s hair. But the ultimate eyesore of the video was in front of the Maury County Courthouse where in 1927, a Black man Henry Choate was lynched to death at 18 years old because of accusations of assaulting a 16-year-old white girl. Henry was also jailed, kidnapped from his jail cell, and dragged to the courthouse by car prior to his unexpected death. Who did the damage? Try the KKK and other white mobs that looked at him as being the enemy. In the video, there was an American Flag hanging in the background, and guess what? That same spot was also where Henry Choate was hanged at the time. But I’ll bet that Jason Aldean never bothered to research the sight. Just as he never mentioned the 2017 shooting in Las Vegas where patrons were killed in a shooting at a Country Music Concert, or even mentioned his being in blackface several years prior which caused a stir online via social media. And yet, many call him a hero?!!! Really?! As far as the video being pulled from CMT, it remains a hot song on the charts. But like many songs, it will fade out fast. Watch and learn!

CALLOUT QUESTION: When was the last time Country Thunder had a black performer or a black employee that was called the N-Word? Don’t worry, I’ll wait! When did it happen? Don’t even lie!

Country Thunder had yet to respond and so far, they haven’t said anything, until this reply surfaced:

While acknowledging that “fans are responsible for their own behavior,” the code of conduct on Country Thunder’s website says fans “are entitled to enjoy the Country Thunder experience free from disruptive or inconsiderate behaviors or unruly actions.” “The code of conduct also asks fans to “please refrain from using abusive language or obscene gestures,” and encourages them “to report inappropriate behavior to festival staff.” “Violation of the Fan Code of Conduct may result in eviction from the venue without a ticket refund,” the code states.

Country Thunder needs to go over their Code of Conduct Rules again. Simply because they need to reevaluate in part what happened in terms of the incidents and non-exceptional objectional rules. Especially of what happened to Taylor Lumpkin. I do know this: the truth will eventually come out. And if someone recorded that incident, it would be better to share that with the public! Expose it at all costs. Why do I say this? In this era of social media, and Smartphones, things are being filmed. They are being recorded. There have been on Twitter that were saying, “I don’t believe this. Where’s the proof of what was said?” Even if the proof were recorded, many of them wouldn’t believe it anyway. So, what’s the use? I don’t know about the cell phone policies that Channel 4 provided to their employees. If that were to have no restrictions per se, Taylor might have used it to back up her story. Since she was on assignment, we really don’t know if she was able to use her smartphone when she was called the n-word.

Also, I was listening to 101.7 The Truth on the Monday after the incident. And many of the hosts were chiming in about Taylor Lumpkin’s negative experience. Many of the guests were on her side in support, but when it came to Dr. Ken Harris’ segment in which he highlighted Taylor needing help, he had the nerve to ask, “What did she mean by no one helped her?” Dude really?! What kind of a dumb question is that? What did Malcolm X say again years ago: “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” Look at the second sentence again with the word: UNPROTECTED! And look at the first sentence featuring the word: DISRESPECTED! Dr. Harris, one word of advice: watch your words, sir. It can come back to haunt you. If your female family members were in danger like Taylor Lumpkin was, what will they say?” And many of us BLACK MEN usually don’t protect our Black Women most of the time! Of course, many Black Women can protect themselves, but there are those who want that protection from Men in general. So again, watch your tone, Dr. Harris! If anyone doesn’t know what I’m talking about, look back in their July archives on their Social Media App.

Just to add this is for ALL BLACK PEOPLE: Long time ago, Roland Martin gave us an overview on how to use our smartphones just in case any corrupt, drunk, racist, white folks in any setting get in our way. Press Play below:

Roland’s Instructions For Recording Encounters with Crazy A$$ White People for Android & iOS; Roland Martin Unfiltered; 2020

Ever since that video came out, there has been more CAWP per se, have been doing very stupid stuff in public when they prey upon Black folks. It’s not a lie. Like Roland said, when you bring your smartphone out (regardless of Android or iOS) make sure it’s on, touch your screen, or you may have to go through your security openings, press the camera app, turn it horizontal, select video and record the footage for your reference. Why horizontal? Unlike the vertical, horizontal enables you to see the whole picture in the landscape format. Get the whole setting! Now when you get the whole setting, including the location, crowds, and more, and if some or a few white people say anything extremely negative while you are recording is operational, you will have evident proof even more than the vertical option. And so far, the way this goes, many white folks were fired from their jobs. Fact!

What if someone at Country Thunder did that for Taylor Lumpkin? Man, that person would save her based on additional proof!

So Black people: We love our smartphones for selfies, social media apps, phone talking, and texting: but when we are in danger or going through a terrible experience outside at a venue: we better use the cameras to RECORD! Not just for pictures. RECORD! Get that proof.

As of right now, it’s the first day of Summer. But before I get to that, I want to talk about Juneteenth Day in my home city of Milwaukee.

This year, we have celebrated 52 years of the occasion that was announced in 1865. Milwaukee has one of the longest-running celebrations of Juneteenth in the north. Everyone knows this. It’s not a secret that the city has been doing this for so long. If you are recently new to this, and just now waking up to this without consulting your textbooks or that history teacher that forgot or overlooked about Juneteenth Day, well guess what? You just got it. Matter of fact there are those who don’t get it, and yet to believe that it’s a racist black occasion that is countering the 4th of July that many will celebrate in two weeks. Let me tell you that the 4th of July (even though it had the idea of all Men created equal) missed the ball about freedom when it came to African Americans. Most of the Black slaves back then didn’t have that. It took them about 89 years to get to the point of being free when Abraham Lincoln was president and when the Emancipation Proclamation was established on January 1st, 1863, it was determined that later that the slaves will be set free. It didn’t work in all the states but only worked in the Confederate Southern States that had slavery on lockdown. When June 19th came, it was announced (not stated officially) that under General Grainger’s Order of #3 in Galveston, Texas that all slaves were declared free. Later, in December of that same year, it was documented officially that slavery was over under the 13th Amendment. So yes, it took years after the Emancipation was documented and after Lincoln was assassinated two months prior in 1865. So yes folks, we are celebrating the anniversary of the best announcement of the news of Freedom ever since. And of course here in Wisconsin, we didn’t know about Juneteenth at first when many first heard it, but if it hadn’t been for Margaret Henningsen and the late Jan Kemp who first spearheaded the spark, along with former Milwaukee Alderman Ben Johnson and countless others, Milwaukee would not be the city to have a streak of Juneteenth Celebrations at all. So yes, Milwaukee, as many don’t like it, started a new era of Juneteenth Celebrations in the north. And that same era expanded to other cities in the north, east, and west of America. Even two years ago in 2021, when President Joe Biden signed into law to make Juneteenth a Federal Holiday. And to those who say, “This is not what we wanted,” many folks before you and I were even born, commented that it should be a holiday. Even Dr. Opal Lee (aka the grandmother of Juneteenth) acknowledged it. And she’s been advocating most of her life as an activist and a former teacher. Same with the MLK Holiday when Coretta Scott King championed it as an idea. So why are we tripping?

CALLOUT: And what has not changed, Black folks ALWAYS acknowledged Juneteenth. So, it’s not new! Others, either you’re late or just didn’t know until now. So, this would be a time to listen to those of African Descent and not even try to interrupt or make those opinionated comments or stupid racist remarks. Or a matter of fact, don’t even come to the cookout.

With that being said, I want to shift gears for a moment to address our recent Juneteenth Day Pageant Court. Specifically, about Miss Juneteenth 2023. As many know by now this is our Miss Juneteenth:

Her name is Adaobi Nnamuchi. She recently graduated from Rufus King International High School last month at 18 years old. She graduated with a 5.0 GPA on a 4.0 Scale and was one of the top students in her class. She also is a Scholarship Winner of the organization who will use the funding while attending UW-Madison in the fall. She also started her own donation to help her mother’s village in Nigeria. But here’s the kicker: Adaobi is from Nigeria and there have been a lot of heavy comments about her in which many didn’t agree with her being chosen as Miss Juneteenth. It’s funny that I read all the negativity on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram that ranged from “she’s not one of us” or “those Africans though” or even from groups claiming to be a part of ADOS, FBA, or even B1. If many don’t know who they are, let me break down the acronyms:

ADOS: American Descendents of Slavery.

B1: Black First.

FBA: Foundational Black Americans.

And it’s funny that they claim to be woken and conscious in the Black community but they hardly back up their stories. If anyone follows Roland Martin or watches the Black Star Network online like any day of the week, he always puts these groups in check by backing up the facts regarding historical figures and data, mostly Black People. And these groups are not your civil rights folks like SNCC, the NAACP, or even the Urban League. And they are not like the national organization that houses Black Lives Matter. The bottom line, these so-called Black historians of ADOS, FBA, and B1 are just Journalists Wannabes with no credentials. They don’t care about facts. They certainly don’t care about research, or even just being wrong. When it came to OUR Milwaukee Juneteenth Pageant Winner, they had to go in like they didn’t like her. They believed that Adaobi shouldn’t be the winner because of her place of birth in Nigeria. And Nigeria had ties to the Transatlantic Slave Trade. WOW, REALLY?!! Here is what I did and questioned, what did she do?!! What was the crime? Where was it held?!! At what point do they BELIEVE that she shouldn’t hold the crown?!! Well, I did some research on my own which led me to two examples:

One: The 2023 Milwaukee Juneteenth Pageant Application rules webpage had the rules and regulations about applying for the Pageant it clearly states in the following excerpts:

Dear Prospective Juneteenth Scholarship Pageant Entrant, Welcome to the Miss, Juneteenth, Mister Juneteenth, Little Miss Juneteenth and, /or Mister Juneteenth, Jr. 31st Annual Scholarship Pageant. For 30 years Northcott Neighborhood House has presented this pageant to showcase the best of African American youth in Milwaukee. This scholarship competition is open to African American youth in two categories: Miss Juneteenth and Mister Juneteenth, ages 14 years old to 18 years old, and Little Miss Juneteenth and Mister Jr. Juneteenth, ages 8 years old to 13 years old.

The following qualities in these areas are academic achievements, service to the community, and having a talent in the written, visual, and/or performing arts. For 2023, the Miss, Juneteenth, Mister Juneteenth, Little Miss Juneteenth, and, /or Mister Juneteenth, Jr. Pageant is a great opportunity for African-American youth. As a contestant, you will compete for up to $1,500.00 in cash, prizes, and scholarships. In addition to the prizes, Miss Juneteenth, Mister Juneteenth, Little Miss Juneteenth and/or Mister Juneteenth, Jr. and Little Miss & Mister Jr. Juneteenth along with his/her court will be prominently featured in the Juneteenth Day Parade and Celebration on Monday, June 19, 2023. Also, throughout the year of your reign, you will be provided opportunities to network and showcase your leadership with Northcott Neighborhood House. You will be a role model for all of Milwaukee’s youth. During your year-long reign, you are expected to promote positive images through school appearances and community events and serve as a great source of pride to our youth striving to realize their potential as future leaders.

How to Enter

•You must submit a completed application along with the following information:

•A 250-word essay on the question; “I Am Juneteenth…I Am History, Culture, Art & Legacy” Proof of age (copy of photo ID with date of birth)

•A copy of your most recent card and transcript (Applicant must carry a minimum of a 2.5 GPA)

What to Expect as a Contestant:

•For Miss, Juneteenth, Mister Juneteenth, Little Miss Juneteenth, and/or Mister Juneteenth, Jr., judges will evaluate you on the following:

•Poise and Personality

•Talent (Creativity and Performance)

•Evening Wear (Afro-Centric w/Essay Reading)

•Interview Question

And also, here is the second example regarding Nigeria and Slavery: Many missed the mile on this one. According to the article of Premium Times, it appeared that 5 years ago that the Oluwo of Iwo, Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi had offered his apology for Nigeria’s role in Slavery. He explained the reasons behind it ranging from the “traditional institution was involved in the selling of blacks to slavery for gifts.”

Also, other reasons were the following from the article:

“Monarchs are one of the stakeholders who promoted slavery. We sold our children for a wall clock, tobacco, alcohol, guns, glass cups, wine, necklaces, food plates, sweets, and other unmerited peanuts such that, today, many Africans are permanently lost to suffer the stigmatization and unfair treatment to this day.
I take the bull by the horns to apologize for the role kingship played in slave trading because of material life. Many black Americans are yet to recover from the wound of slavery.”

“I`m apologizing to the accidental blacks in Cuba, Brazil, the Caribbean, America, and other parts of the world. I want the victims to acknowledge our regret for the past so we can move forward.

Later in the article, there was this comment:

“White men never forced us to sell our children as slaves. Our fathers voluntarily released their children on excitement for peanuts. Then, there was no means of payment. Humans were offered in exchange for glittering material gifts. Such ignorance shouldn’t have survived without monarchs.”

So, let me ask yet again: if the Monarch of Nigeria apologized for Slavery, then what was the connectional point that the new Miss Juneteenth Winner had done something wrong about this? The apology was written back in 2018, Adeobi was just 13 years old. And to add, what did she do? Again, this is why ADOS, FBA, and B1 just missed the boat. They didn’t read that part! So who’s being dumb now? Was it not fair for those who didn’t win? The Northcott Juneteenth Committee probably examined all the applications, GPA, and many others to determine the next winner, and if they said that those who weren’t born in the United States, they cannot apply. Guess what: I didn’t see THAT PART on the application, or the website. There wasn’t that online, or anywhere else.

So, for all you scrubby wannabe ADOS, FBA, and B1 folks; SCREW YOU! Leave this ALONE! This is what happens when many DO NOT read the full information and have this notion that your best bet is to get on social media and explain your “sources” that don’t mean jack squat! The best thing for these idiots to do is to get their butts off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or any other outlet and do some better research. You clearly don’t know what we do here in Milwaukee for Juneteenth! If you want to have this conversation, bring your butt to Brew City and talk with Northcott. And for those who are ADOS, FBA, or B1 in Milwaukee, stop messing around! There is no time for this foolishness!

Adaobi didn’t do anything wrong. What’s done is done. We need to drop it. If those wondering like, “Does the Northcott Neighborhood House have Black committee members on the board that made the decision?” They weren’t looking for the best candidate just because of African descent. We know that’s the primary reason. But It’s also the candidate that was shown the most in the requirements above. Look, I’ve seen Tony Kearney when he was introduced by Mac Weddle who was the guy as Executive Director for 42 years. Another member, Elizabeth Coggs, the current director of operations, is a former State Representative of Wisconsin and is very recognizable due to her ties to politics. She was born into it. Also, three of her family members are currently in Politics holding down the family tradition. My family has ties to Juneteenth in terms of Entertainment and Pageant winners. My denomination of the Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Church is a religious institution for Northcott and I donate my dollars to support their causes. And I say that as a 4th Generation, Gen-X member of the church. Don’t tell me anything! This is just a few things I know. I started going to Juneteenth in 2010 when it was declared a State Holiday by former Governor Jim Doyle. So yes, like I stated once before that Juneteenth does matter like the 4th of July.

Speaking of things that matter, the concerns of the shootings. This is the part that I am afraid to write. But it’s also a constant reminder of concerns that plague not only Milwaukee but our country as a whole. When our Juneteenth celebrations were wrapping up on Monday, sometime after 4:00 p.m. as many folks were beginning to pack up their equipment and go home, and of course that are more Milwaukee Police Department Officers had to make sure that the streets were clear there was an incident involving some of our young people we started with two girls in a fight. And seconds later when the crowd emerged onto the situation there was a young man and I can’t believe I’m saying the words “young man”, that pulled out a pistol and started shooting. Now normally I will probably post that video on to this blog but I believe for the safety and for the sake of others it may be best not to do that. And I’m saying that because I want to be respectful as an adult and as a citizen of those who are affected who were under the age of 18 and plus there was a 19-year-old that was involved in that as well so so maybe I should probably post it just in case but I’m not sure. However, after that incident occurred many begin to wonder do we really need to have a Juneteenth festival based on this after Juneteenth shooting? It’s one thing to highlight the best positive peaceful celebration for our country’s historical meaning of freedom, but when it comes to this shooting that happened on Monday it’s just another question of why. Why does this have to be this again? What is it that our young people are crying out for that ends in gunfire?

Almost every single day in America, not just in Milwaukee, you hear shootings after shootings after shootings after shootings every single time when you turn on the TV. Or maybe when you view the footage on social media and have all kinds of people liking and commenting about the incident. Or maybe not the liking part I should say. And if anybody believes that Juneteenth or a June 19th celebration within will be interrupted by gunfire, let us remind ourselves that last year in 2022, in Illinois, on the 4th of July, there was a mass shooting in suburban Chicago. And I’ll bet that in 2 weeks that same town on the 4th of July will probably have a reminder service or a reminder moment of what happened last year Illinois on the 4th. And you will have to ask yourself “What would make that incident be more or less than the incident we’ve seen in our own black communities after the Juneteenth celebrations were done?” And second, where were these folks’ parents when the incident took place on Martin Luther King Drive in front of a church resource center in Milwaukee on the same route as the parade and Street festival for Juneteenth? This is something that many people will be afraid to admit if they were gold to another Juneteenth Day festival which is one thing they’re concerned about: Will I get home safe? Will I be able to return to my car and drive off to my next destination? Or maybe would I be able to go back home and see my parents or parent, or any other family member that I know, and ask him or her a question about what happened at Juneteenth? See these are the concerns that many people ask themselves every single time. And for good reason. Many folks say that, want to be safe while going out and want to be safe when coming back. I remember years ago when I was working for Summerfest in Milwaukee, and I was asked a question about security about safety. And one of the things I’ve learned is that when using your own security you got to make sure that the best thing for you to do is to make sure that the doors are locked. And then you hop on the bus or your car, you go to work or school, or any other place of destination that you know very well and after you leave that destination, you want to make sure that you get back in your house safe by once again locking the door. When we’ve heard the Emmanuel AME Church was under mass shooting implications several years ago when President Barack Obama was at Reverend Clementa Pinckney’s funeral, and when he sang Amazing Grace and as many others in that sanctuary were paying their respects to one of the Emmanuel AME Leaders, the issue of safety in a church has risen as a hot topic. And usually, the men of the church will get together and ask themselves what could they do to ensure safety while people are positioned in a church sanctuary either for Bible Study or for regular church service. And also it was agreeable that locking the door after a certain time will be beneficial for those who are always on guard so to speak. But you have to ask yourself,: What does all of that have to do with young people shooting guns after a Juneteenth Day celebration? Remember what I said about safety and security? This is what I’m getting at. And most of us in the city had no idea that this incident was going to occur. And I kind of read somewhere online, some black male goofball idiot either on YouTube or Facebook or whatever it was asking the question, “Oh did the shooting stuff start yet?” I swear to God it was the most heinous comment on the net. As if he wants to have people to be shot and not go home. That is the stupidest remark I’ve read on the internet comment section in my entire life! But I’m glad I think that some of the victims who were shot on Monday are expected to live so maybe others in question I don’t know we have to figure out and see what will happen or was going to happen with those individuals who were caught in the crosshairs on Monday. And as far as the Juneteenth Committee is concerned, they are working on 2024’s celebration right now. They are working not just with the committee, but also with law enforcement of Milwaukee’s Police Department as well to ensure the safety of patrons coming to a Juneteenth Day Parade or coming to a street festival, or leaving either one activity. It seems that we have celebrated 52 years of June 19th here in Milwaukee. And whatever you see on the news everybody’s talking about how bad Milwaukee is. What those young folks did on Monday after our Juneteenth celebrations had ended for the day or for the year, most news folks and even folks who don’t live in Milwaukee have always had to express their liberties per se that stuff like this may happen again. Well let me ask all the so-called suburbanites a question: do you guys have shooting incidents out in Waukesha, Delavan, or any other place in the United States where you feel most peaceful? Well let me tell you like what my late father once told me, it’s bad everywhere. And the reason why he said that is my point of view that nowhere is safe as you think.

Finally, for anyone who thinks that Juneteenth is funny with all the dancing and showcases especially with young people, this is not a time to be a jack@$$. I just said that. Obviously, many who had to comment on their feelings on Facebook or any other platform haven’t realized the hard work the performers put into the celebration. Why do we as a society do this? What is the hate behind this? Real talk: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Well, that has gone out the window. Just like racism. Oh, did I say that? Obviously, racism has not gone out the window because white supremacy has been an automatic pusher for racial division for a long time.

So I can say this, don’t EVER SLEEP on Juneteenth Day. In two weeks, we will open the book to Chapter 247, in which that many in America will celebrate another year in the life of the United States. And even though many of us would mark the occasion of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and promoting the idea of Independence, it still has yet to get the ideals of Independence working out for all Americans to commence. Juneteenth, whether many like it or not, made the announcement happen to free the slaves as a follow-up to the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. That alone, many can not ban.

Happy Juneteenth!

Oh and to ADOS, FBA, and B1: Get a life and get help.

For the rest of the month, May is the tipping point of the seasons to change. It’s the last month to feel the end of spring, and a prelude to the month of June and the Summer season. May is also a tipping point to the month for graduations, and retirements, and also recognize our Asian American Pacific Islander friends for their heritage month. And non-folks, don’t get an attitude because it’s not about you! May is also the month for our wellness concerns for Mental Health, and mostly, honoring our military past and present. No, you will NOT see a lot of the sacrilegious “Happy Memorial Day” phrases here. Whoever invented that phrase must be dismissed. When my late father was living, I NEVER said that. I never said that to any living veteran or service member. Or anyone. It sounds silly to me. Sorry Millennials and Gen Z’ers, I don’t play that.

Know what else is silly? Shootings, Bad Customer Service in Stores, Reckless driving in Milwaukee, the deaths of Tina Turner, Harry Belafonte, & Jerry Springer, Biden’s numbers in the polls are low, the so-called patriots are running their mouths with no proof, conservatives still have a problem with CRT, the History Concerning African Americans, the United Methodist Church and the spilt continues with the disaffiliation, the status of black unemployment, folks still have an issue of Virtual Learning, The Milwaukee Public Schools in the eyes of others remain a problem, the Veterans Groups still need to have younger folks join their ranks of support and membership but many are still asking why this? Also, Milwaukee has a black mayor, a black sheriff, a black police chief, and a black county executive, and the majority of staff and leaders in the City Government are black, and many still complain. Can the Bump Outs in Milwaukee be the answer? I’ll scratch my head again.

Just recently, we lost Tina Turner, Harry Belafonte, and Jerry Springer. It seems that the saints are leaving before they started. Who else has noticed this feeling?

First Bud Light, then Target about the LGBTQIA apparel, and now Chick-fil-A has a DEI page. What is the beef with these Christian White Conservatives and Fanatics?!!!

Already, the City of Milwaukee is installing bump outs in certain neighborhoods and busy streets. Can this be the answer to those reckless drivers tearing up the city?

In the month of May, I rejected KFC and kept watch on Sam’s Club based on my recent Customer Service reactions. So far, it’s time to fight back, agree? Like I said, if those aren’t satisfied with ANY BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE, call them out. Write letters of complaint, state your reasons, and actually STATE why you felt it was bad and vow never to return again!

Armed Forces Day is every third Saturday in May. Have we figured it out yet? It’s about the living service members?

It’s been three years since George Floyd passed. And how is that talk about George Floyd Bill holding up? It seems that many don’t care in a government sense. (See Tim Scott)

Do many know that there are Gen X’ers are playing defense, right now? Don’t just start with Millennials and Gen Z! Even the boomers need to recognize this.

Around Memorial Day, what are the best military movies that you can watch at any time?

Can the customers who work at Sam’s Club just let the customers scan the items in the Scan and Go checkout lane without any suggestions? If there are those who WANTED help, they would ask for it. Just saying.

For all the Wrestling Fans, you do remember when Scott Hall appeared on Nitro in ’96, right? Which was a Memorial Day to remember.

How come it’s always been a problem recently that when High School Graduation announcements are unveiled at an arena, they (the public) get mad it’s not at the schools? Looking back in 1995, my High School Graduation WAS NOT at Milwaukee’s John Marshall High School, it was at MATC’s Cooley Auditorium. There were no problems there.

Just recently, Master Lock, one of Milwaukee’s well-known companies for over 100 years, and even acknowledged by Barack Obama in 2012, has been issued a surprise that they will move their operations out of the city they called home since 1921. And approximately 300 workers were caught off guard to lose their jobs in 10 months. So where will jobs go and how will it go in this era that is constantly changing?

For the Millennial Bosses: if you think that Gen-Z is lazy and does not want to work, instead of just hiring the Baby Boomers only, hire the Gen-X’ers too. Can you do that? Put a wager on it.

Should Wisconsin get a USFL or an XFL football squad?

The Milwaukee Bucks had one hell of a season. Don’t worry, they’ll be back with a new coach, Adrian Griffin. But right now, it’s about the Brew Crew. Who’s watching?

Milwaukee, our Juneteenth Day Celebration is next month. Need I say more?

Packers Backers: how will Jordan Love do in the post-Aaron Rodgers era?

It’s really stupid: Black folks why are we so impatient at times? And about just darn near everything?! All that hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, mental health, and other health-related issues of not being vaccinated or masked up. So what is it?

May is also the month of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. So was it good?

May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. Should we not say more? Wait until you go see a doctor.

CALLOUT: This is for all the baby boomers who question the younger generation who use more texting and virtual communication. With all due respect, nothing against you but do you realize that it’s a new era where communication is very used differently? This is not like “back in your day” anymore. And certainly not mine. But many must learn to realize it’s a new era of reaching out to our friends and family. From phone calls, texting, emails, social media, virtual, and others. It’s all different. So we need to get with the program in the game! Questions?

For all the folks in Florida, what is up with your governor Ron Desantis making all these laws concerning DEI, Black Colleges, the LGBTQIA, and even attacking DisneyWorld and also the Black Greeks?!

Yet again, the subject of book banning is pointless. And why was Amanda Gorman’s poem on the list? The one she read at President Biden’s inauguration.

Many of us like Janelle Monae. No question. But what about the naked angle of the video of Lipstick Alley? Now for all those who are offended by her video with censored, or uncensored, just don’t watch it. The only she went that angle is by selling her music. Trying to get a reaction. This is also the same Janelle Monae that vowed not to show her skin. Why did that change?

Let me add something else, how come is it when a member of Moms for Liberty had Amanda Gorman’s poem to be put on the banned list after reading the excerpts of the document? Talk about being stuck on stupidity?

Who in the land of Generation X likes “The Real Slim Sherri” on Instagram? By the way, she has become an Explicit Advocate for us Gen-X folks. Since she came on the scene, other Gen-X members had stepped up.

This was last year: What will it take for the WWE to undo the concern of Sasha Banks and Naomi? Well here is this year: What will it take for the WWE to move forward without the concern of Sasha and Naomi in other wrestling organizations?

What will it take for MEN and BOYS to go back to church with the criticism?

What will it take for Women and GIRLS to tone down the mean attitudes of Men by being nice and showing chivalry?

Have you acknowledged the Military lately during Military Appreciation Month?

You know that Memorial Day had a history with Black people from the start, right? In the earlier stages of the Civil War.

Memorial Day’s Black History, The Grio, 2018

Next month is June. Are we ready though? You know the summer vacations, June Grads, Father’s Day, Juneteenth Day, Black Music Month, Pride Month, and others? Even Men’s Health Month!

All that talk about Christianity being the oppressor, why did it come out of Africa in the first place? Somebody needs to check “Al” on that from The Truth.

It seems that “Al”, the caller from Milwaukee’s 101.7 The Truth is not guilty of the recent “trial”. As I said, if he fouls up on air, he might be banned again. Agree?

Here in Milwaukee, with our UMC Churches, it seems that a rumor that two of our churches, possibly Albright and a majority of Summerfield UMC are closing. This is nothing new in which that the churches of any denomination are shrinking due to not enough young people, attendance, not willing to get with the times, and the dark rumors of money, priests, and ministers getting way too personal about the money, trying to recover from COVID, and amongst other things. So when the doors close and go elsewhere, what is the real solution behind the hype of the closing of the churches? And even though the churches had done the negative, WHAT ABOUT THE POSITIVE that NOBODY talks about?!!!! Like jobs, events, food, clothing drives, or even scholarships to college. It doesn’t matter how “woke” everyone is. Or opinionated. Let’s get that conversation included! It’s always a one-sided story about this all the time.

And the last thing to ask, why are those still asking about selling their houses?! And for what?

Before this is done, there is one more thing to do:

“Taps Performed in Arlington National Cemetery (Summer and Winter)”, The United States Army Band Pershing’s Own, 2021


Well, here we are yet again.

This blog post is for Mothers. It is the weekend that many will be celebrating the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, women who act as a mother, old-school mothers, and upcoming mothers. It is also the weekend that many might look forward to the warm weather of spring going into June. But also, still, the problems of the world of corruption, unfair banished penalties, reckless drivers, upticks in the coronavirus, the abortion fight of the right winged media and politics, the United Methodist Church is on a split fest, the Global Methodist Church is on the upswing, black men are still targets of being endangered, employers are still asking their workers to come back in person, Generation X was questioned about their mental health, Viking Cruise Ships docking in and out of Milwaukee, our Asian American/Pacific Islander folks are celebrated in a nice way, Milwaukee Slide is causing a stir of concern, a Michael Jackson Impersonator was recently choked out by a whacked Ex-Marine, grown folks playing Video Games, the judgment of eSports, and about No Mow May, why? But I’m scratching my head again….

Is the United Methodist Church really on the verge of a split regarding the LGBTQ? And to add, what about the Black UMCs?

Does anyone follow “No Mow May?” I don’t. Sorry but not Sorry!

There was a time that customer service ACTUALLY mattered in restaurants and stores. What happened with that with the mean employees? All up in your business and getting personal. And most don’t care, but do care about the check. Those “checks” should be revoked. Agree or disagree?

Milwaukee is in the cruising business. As in the Viking Crusing Business. How will this go with those who want to set sail across many lakes in the region?

How many of us are still wearing our masks when we go out to the store, church, restaurants, or even travel? Let me remind ourselves that COVID-19 is not done with us yet! Even though some places made it optional.

With this Mother’s Day 2023 coming up, how many will go hard on Father’s Day next month? Don’t speak all at once! And women DO NOT tell all men Happy Father’s Day. Not all men are fathers.

Milwaukee, our issue of reckless drivers is still a problem. And now, there are slabs of concrete being installed to help curb the drivers and convert to two or one lanes on most of the busy streets. How will they do this?

This month of May is for our Asian American Pacific Islander folks. For the haters, do you have a problem with this like Black History Month?

Oh I know many go all out for the Military in May. So what’s the plan for Military Appreciation Month this time?

Wait, did Generation X cause a stir in their mental health? No wait, that’s on you Millennials and Gen-Z. Now you want us in the conversation. Really? Due to our blessed quietness.

Still, celebrate Cinco De Mayo with Sombreros and Margaritas? Stupid. Read the real history behind it.

So, Milwaukee has this new thing called the Milwaukee Slide” where cars on the right cut in front of your vehicle while driving at intersections. Seriously, can the Milwaukee Police, County Sheriff or the freaking State Patrol stop all of this at once?

It amazes me that the supporters of Daniel Penny are calling him a hero after choking out Jordan Neely on a NY Subway. First, why are these fools backing him again? And second, folks on that Subway should have jacked him up. Are we getting soft? Expect a further comment on this AFTER Mother’s Day is done.

For all the folks who play video games. No, I’m not an old “fuddy duddy” that will criticize. But with all the eSports and 2k competition playing these days, it is apparent for those who say that Video Games are a waste of time, are proven wrong. Look at the colleges and universities. Even your old public or private schools, who has added recreational activity. Is that a waste of time? Folks have been saying that since Generation X was growing up in the 80’s. For me, I read books, the newspaper, got very digital online, and play video games. So, to those asking in all, what’s your excuse?

The Wisconsin GOP has a budget out and every county in the state might have an equal agreement. So why Milwaukee yet again is in the conversation of being left out, AGAIN?

And if things aren’t enough, white supremacists in all forms have this new mean streak, even the white nationalists going through the same ordeal of hate. From anti black history, DEI, LGBTQIA, Disney World, and anything else that they deem to be not in their favorite. Is it time to push back?

Are many of us still working from home? Even though some or majority businesses want to work in person.

Churches most recently have seen an uptick in attendance so far. And many are asking the members to come back into the buildings. But let me halt this right here and I need to say this. People now communicate differently. Either in person, online, text, or by email. The days of showing up in person to hear what’s going on seems to be not the fastest thing going. Today, no matter what type of communication goes on, people are still going to hear the latest happenings. That’s just the way it is. A long time ago, many used to go to school in person, now it’s that and virtual communication. The same with jobs, or Virtual Parties and Clubs. So, what is the real problem with people not attending in person, but still doing their contributions online? Either way, folks are going to know what’s going on. Period!

Many of us already know that the Writers’ Strike is going on. But let’s not forget that the last time this strike went on, we couldn’t see the last episode of Girlfriends. Remember that?

This just in: CNN got soft lately after Don Lemon and after that town hall meeting with 45. True or False?

And now: a tribute to the mothers

For all the New School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Old School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that had to work and still work all day every day: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who had to go back to school and get that degree many years later but did it for their kids: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers that continue to teach Boys, Girls, Men, and other Women to be productive citizens in life all the time: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who served this nation in uniform and earned the title of Veteran: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that are currently serving this nation in uniform and earning the title of Soldier, Airman, Shipmate, Coastie, space force member, or marine: Happy Mother’s Day. And Happy Military Appreciation Month!

For all the mothers who are police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, mechanics, business owners, media, stockbrokers, and any other profession that is gender balanced: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that are just committed to Unions, Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are a part of any Sorority that is NOT on the list of Expelled Members but paying their dues all the time for new members to join: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers that guide offices and positions in the workforce, the church, the community, the neighborhoods, and others: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Single Mothers who constantly push against the grain but still manage to prove others wrong: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are heaven bound, as in gone home to God and had been memorialized, funeralized, had the last rights, had the 21-gun salute, and many other final goodbyes: We thank those in their memories to live on continuously!

EXTRA: For all the mothers who are on the front line during this pandemic, and missing their children and husbands, and missing free time, family time, and had to Zoom, or FaceTime their folks: yes, you get an ultra-Happy Mother’s Day!

And for all the mothers who don’t have children. Yes, not every woman is a mother! Those who are like mothers, and who are just there as needed to be called upon: Yes, they too deserve a Mother’s Day also. EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN’T MOTHERS!

And to the mothers that look at my blog all the time or some of the time: yes, you too, deserve a Mother’s Day. Even to all the Introverted Mothers and Dark Horse Mothers that keep the peace in times of conflict and tell the truth! And still working.

So to all the Moms, Mothers, Mommies, Mami, Madres, Mommas, Mother Dears, Big Mamas, grannies, aunties, great aunts, Godmothers, Matriarchs, and the New Big Mamas that need transitional ideas to move forward, and many other mothers I can’t even think about: yes this is your Mother’s Day. Enjoy it!

Oh, and PS: Dad’s count too in a sense. And Dads: next month it’s on you! Women do not interfere!