Posts Tagged ‘Mother’s Day’

Well, here we are one more time.

This blog post is for all mothers. It is the weekend that many will be celebrating the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, women who function as a mother, old-school mothers, and upcoming mothers. It is also the weekend that many might look forward to the warm weather of spring going into June. But also, still, the problems of the world of corruption, unfair banished penalties, reckless drivers, slight upticks in the coronavirus, the Dark Web is a constant problem that must be destroyed, Cyberattacks against AT&T, Milwaukee’s Election Commission is getting a change in leadership, the abortion fight of the right media and politics, the United Methodist Church had its General Conference in North Carolina, black men having this thought of choosing Trump as a candidate pick, employers are still asking their workers to come back in person, Generation X being questioned yet again, our Asian American/Pacific Islander folks are celebrated nicely, and about No Mow May again, why? But I’m scratching my head again…

For all the United Methodist Church folks: we had our UMC Moment with the General Conference. What is the next step in making sure this is a UNITED METHODIST CHURCH going forward?

For all you WCA/GMC folks that left the UMC like third-period French: Stop saying that the “United Methodist Church is no more”. That’s B.S. The United Methodist Church will go through whatever it needs to go through to go next level without your presence. Can that be done? Leave us alone!

As I am writing this, I need to ask: Should the Dark Web die out now?

The Milwaukee Election Commission has made a change in the leadership position. The current Election Director, Claire Woodall, is being replaced by the Deputy Election Commissioner, Paulina Gutierrez. Keep in mind, that we’re at halftime for the Election Year, and it’s about 6 months to go until November. Even though many don’t know why it was switched knowing that the voter turnout and others in elections must improve. Did Mayor Johnson make the right call? For many of us as Poll Workers and Poll Chiefs, PAY ATTENTION!

Generation X: quick question here. Since we are helping our aging parents, and kids (which I don’t have any) when was the last time we helped ourselves? When was the last time Generation X helped Generation X? No Baby Boomers, no Millennials, no Generation Z, and certainly no Generation Alpha. What about us?

Last year in May, the antics of KFC in Milwaukee on Appleton were operating after their so-called manager thought I was wasting his clock. Well, now that same location is permanently closed. I knew karma was taking place. Can this be a lesson to all restaurants?

Most recently, Aisha Carr resigned as MPS Supervisor of the School District. Now with all this stuff regarding her, and the MPS Budgets, Referendums, and all, what awaits next for Milwaukee Public Schools going forward? And keep in mind there are few fans of MPS based on experience and/or opinion. And it’s usually the most that either attended, or worked for MPS, or MAJORITY those who NEVER WENT TO MPS! Be clear.

Does anyone follow again, “No Mow May?” I don’t. Sorry but not Sorry! If the grass needs to be cut before it reaches too tall, it will be cut.

Many believe that the protests on College Campuses over the conflicts in Gaza are messing up the chances of College Graduation. Yes, students, it’s time to Graduate. Get your family, graduate invites, caps, and gowns, and get your degrees. After that, you can still protest and shout “Free Palestine”. Can you do that?

As you TikTok folks know by now, President Biden already signed into law banning TikTok. This means it would force the hand of ByteDance to sell the app to another buyer. And still, many of you are worried about your businesses and promotions on the app with all the rumors about the app viewing your logins, and surveillance? But you can still do it with others like Threads, right? Why still tripping? Go to Fanbase or other apps that can do it. If you can move your videos from TikTok to another app, you can still do business. Many of us remember before TikTok, we were still using Facebook and MySpace. And Instagram and X. So again, what’s the problem? Move on it!

Can AT&T clean up this Data Breach? As well as any other organization or company that is dirty from the cyber-attacks?

Speaking of Computers, NY Governor Kathy Hochul made a comment in which she thought that Black kids in Harlem don’t know what a computer is. SERIOUSLY?!!!! How many kids TODAY, especially Black Children KNOWS ABOUT A COMPUTER AND HOW TO USE IT?! We know it was taken out of context, but that does not justify the thought that Black Kids see computers all the time. They know! Computers are everywhere, many used to say in 1983 on Saturday Morning cartoons.

I’m really enjoying Black Generation X on Instagram. Everything from “Where’s Gen X?” To “Why don’t you have kids?” Talk about judgy. Even for single Gen X’ers who are single but not lonely. You Millennials and Gen Z folks want to know, do you? And the same for the Baby Boomers. Why do you all care?!! Don’t poke the bear, or make the rattlesnake mad!

So, coming out of the UMC General Conference is an innovative word called, “Metho-nerds”. Are many still Metho-nerds or just temporary?

In speaking of Gen X again: I’m looking on Instagram at the content creators of The Real Slim Sherri and Kelly Manno who to me are the front runners of the subject. They go in the most. For the Gen X Men, I would say Mr. Professor 318, Retrorewind80s, and The Dadbod Veteran are killing the scene. Are many getting the Gen X message yet? What was it again, mess or the “four letter F word around and find out?” Don’t try us!

How many of us are still wearing our masks when we go out to the store, church, restaurants, or even travel? Let me remind ourselves that COVID-19 is not done with us yet! Even though some places made it optional.

CALLOUT: What is up with the recent murder of Airman Rodger Fortson, in all places: FLORIDA?!!!

With Mother’s Day 2024 coming up this weekend, how many will go hard on Father’s Day next month? Don’t speak all at once! And women: DO NOT tell all men Happy Father’s Day. Not all men are fathers. Sorry, it’s the painful truth.

This month of May is for our Asian American Pacific Islander folks. For the haters, do you have a problem with this like many do for Black History Month?

Oh, I know many go all out for the Military in May. So, what’s the plan for National Military Appreciation Month this time around?

Still, do many celebrate Cinco De Mayo with Sombreros and Margaritas? How stupid. Read the real history behind it.

Men, why do we at times record videos on our phones and not help females when they are being attacked as being in person? Put your phones down!

We are again halfway to the second part of the election season. Still holding up for August and November?

Black men, you really can’t seriously believe that Donald Trump is your pick for the candidacy, do you?

All this beef war between Kendrick Lamar and Drake: Nothing new. But I’m surprised that no one else declared the rappers on notice. Agree?

Right now, Microsoft is constructing an AI Data Center in Racine, Wisconsin. On the same site that Foxconn was supposed to be built. And unlike Donald Trump, Scott Walker, and Ron Johnson showing up with Golden Shovels and digging holes like false grave diggers, at least President Joe Biden stepped up and made sure the Tech site would come to reality with good paying jobs, training, and connections to Tech Colleges, and UW Milwaukee. Fair game?

The Wisconsin GOP like all the GOP still has this disdain for hate attacking DEI. What is really being said to them?

Now Meta is jumping on the AI Image Creating bandwagon. Like Bing, Leonardo, and Google’s Gemini. So, after typing a prompt and trying to see a picture of the image what you see is what you get. Any thoughts on that while some prompts may not work?

Are many of us still working from home? Even though some or most businesses want to work in person. Do NOT overlook nor shoot down working from home or remotely!

1984 was the debut of action cartoons of The Transformers and Voltron. And they are both 40 years old. Does anyone feel old in a Gen X kind of way? And here’s the kicker: they were two of the best cartoons that came out in the 80’s and way better than today’s standards.

Also, when 1984 came out: Beverly Hills Cop. You know, Eddie Murphy’s movie that played the character Axel Foley? Yes him.

Like last year, churches most recently have seen an uptick in attendance so far. And many are asking the members to come back into the buildings. But let me halt this right here and I need to say this: People now communicate differently. Either in person, online, text, or by email. Why do I say text? Few don’t like phone calls. Ask the Introverts. The days of showing up in person to hear what’s going on seem to be not the fastest thing going. Right now, no matter what type of communication goes on, people are still going to hear the latest happenings. That’s just the way it is. A long time ago, many used to go to school in person, now it’s that and virtual communication. The same with jobs, Virtual Parties, and Clubs. So, what is the real problem with people not attending in person, but still doing their contributions online? Either way, folks are going to know what’s going on. Period!

The situation at Ole Miss with a group of white college students heckling a Black graduate student went so viral, even the Fraternity that one of the male students was recently kicked out. Let this be a lesson College Students, when you’re acting a fool in a public setting in which it was a racial manner, chances are your after-graduation options might be shut down because of your behavior, and oh, guess what? Those cool jobs you’re looking for now, may not be there because EMPLOYERS are looking at you! If they see you act a fool, they will not hire you. Just like the female college student in Indiana talking smack about Beyonce on TikTok, and she wants to be a nurse. No hospital or clinic does not want her when she graduates! Any questions on this?

There has been a tug-of-war between the old-school hymnals and new-school gospel in churches lately. In fact, for quite a long time. We do understand the legendary foundation, which means no disrespect. And we must understand that young folks in church will not listen to “slave hymns” or “dead music”. They want to hear something alive and breathe air that would relate to them. Is there a way to compromise or have common ground?!

The month of May Healthwise is Mental Health Awareness Month. The next time you visit your doctors, they may ask: “How would you rate your mental health?” Be real about it.

WrestleMania 41 next year will be on Easter Weekend: April 19th & 20th, 2025. In Las Vegas. The last time Mania was in Vegas was WrestleMania IX, (that’s nine for those who don’t use Roman numerals) in 1993. And it was outside at Caesar’s Palace. This one will be in the same building as the previous Super Bowl. Who’s buying the tickets?

With the talk of the WWE going into the New Era: Most recently, the WWE Draft has made their picks from Raw to Smackdown and vice versa with NXT. In speaking of that: Alicia Taylor who is Black and is a Ring Announcer goes to the Blue brand. Check this: Alicia on Smackdown, Samantha on Raw. Do you realize that this is the first time that two Black women will be doing ring announcing twice a week differently? And look for those who feel it’s a racist thing or “bring race” into the subject of being the first, STOP. For an older black wrestling fan like me, this was a long time coming. Yes, I have seen Mike McGurk, who was the first woman ring announcer in the late 80’s and early 90’s for the company. She was also the first Ring Announcer to be featured on an Arcade Game which was titled, WWF WrestleFest way before Samantha and Alicia were born. The same can be for Howard Finkel, Tony Chimel, Lillian Garcia, Justin Roberts, and etc. Before he got into trouble for sexual misconduct, Mel Phillips was the first African American Ring Announcer who worked for the company. Just to add, the word on the street was Mel Phillips committed suicide in 2012 due to his past incidents. If he had kept his distance and been polite with his actions, there would be no way that his status as a ring announcer would have been more efficient. His name is missing from most of history. Heck, he was the ring announcer when WrestleFest was in Milwaukee in 1988! But anyway, Black folks in Professional Wrestling now are coming up. This is not “the few blacks in wrestling” anymore and representation does indeed matter. Questions?

And now: a tribute to the mothers

For all the New School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Old School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that had to work and still work all day every day: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who had to go back to school and get that degree many years later but did it for their kids: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who continue to teach Boys, Girls, Men, and other Women to be productive citizens in life all the time: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who served this nation in uniform and earned the title of Veteran: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are currently serving this nation in uniform and earning the title of Soldier, Airman, Shipmate, Coastie, Space Force member, or Marine: Happy Mother’s Day. And Happy Military Appreciation Month!

For all the mothers who are police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, mechanics, business owners, media, stockbrokers, and any other profession that is gender balanced: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are just committed to Unions, Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are a part of any Sorority that is NOT on the list of Expelled Members but paying their dues all the time for new members to join, or recommend men to connect with Fraternities: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who guide offices and positions in the workforce, the church, the community, the neighborhoods, and others: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Single Mothers who constantly push against the grain but still manage to prove others wrong: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who are heaven bound, as in gone home to God and have been memorialized, funeralized, had the last rights, had the 21-gun salute, and many other final goodbyes: We thank those in their memories to live on continuously!

EXTRA: For all the mothers who were on the front line during the pandemic, and missed their children and husbands, and missing free time, family time, and had to Zoom, or FaceTime their folks: yes, you get an ultra-Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers who do not go to the clubs and are not out making out with some man to get hooked up: yes you count on this Mother’s Day!

And for all the mothers who don’t have children. Yes, not every woman is a mother! Those who are like mothers, and who are just there as needed to be called upon: Yes, they too deserve a Mother’s Day also. EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN’T MOTHERS!

And to the mothers who look at my blog all the time or some of the time: yes, you too, deserve a Mother’s Day. Even to all the Introverted Mothers and Dark Horse Mothers who keep the peace in times of conflict and tell the truth! And still working.

So to all the Moms, Mothers, Mommies, Mamis, Madres, Mommas, Mother Dears, Original Big Mamas, Grannies, Aunties, Great-Aunts, Godmothers, Matriarchs, and New Big Mamas that need transitional ideas to move forward, and many other Mothers I can’t even think about: yes, this is your Mother’s Day. Enjoy it!

Oh, and PS: Dad’s count too in a sense. And Dads: next month it’s on you! Women, do not interfere!

So here we are once again and it’s Mother’s Day 2021. For all the Mothers still alive and teaching plus reading my blogs, Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. I hope that many of you will enjoy your day that is specialized with customized opportunities to be with your families and friends. And to many of us also, from all the round the clock of the Coronavirus with Vaccines, to sampling the VP Kamala Harris, having more little hope of .

However, with all continued mess in our Government, regardless of party and also the upcoming shootings in our cities, reckless driving, folks complaining about colleges, the mix up of Cinco De Mayo, and the usually expressed of navigating Mental Health. Guess what: I’m scratching my head again.

So there are those AGAIN whom have names of “Karens” that are being added to “Beckys” and “Nancys”. Oh, they know right? Like Tuckers?

Do folks still stand six feet apart in lines? If not they need to learn math for real! Education!

Which was better from a year ago: Working from home, or Working at the job on the job?

Which is better: acting like a mother, or being a real mother?

Man…..2021 is already taking folks left and right like 2012. Why the deaths of DMX, Black Rob, Shock G, and Olympia Dukakis?

This needs to be asked AGAIN: why there are those 35 years old and under that don’t want to volunteer?

For the Asian-American Pacific Islander Citizens, it’s their month of heritage. But for those that are cynical, will you be mad at this like Black History Month?

Sen. Tim Scott is acting like a baited sell out. Yeah I said it. You realize that he was prompted by the GOP in that rebuttal versus President Biden’s Speech?

For all those asking and wondering AGAIN, what is the value of being in the group that is Woke and Conscious? Somebody needs answers!

The Month of May is three things: Military Appreciation Month, Mental Health Awareness Month and additionally, Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. You know what it is. Why is it important to recognize all three you asked? READ THE HISTORY!

If Virtual Learning is not that liked or criticized by those who are just now learning it, why complain? And if anyone knows this is me going through UW-Stout. By the date comes on May 13th: 15 years.

Oh, fair question: how many of you have updated your resumes and portfolios?

Again people: I need to ask though, if you are looking for a job in all in your hometown, then all of a sudden you get calls from out of state that the jobs are open in a temporary basis. My question is: why are the LOCAL COMPANIES not calling or contacting the folks about the jobs in the community?! Very corny.

For the Class of 2021: Can we see you graduate?

Should CareerBuilder or Monster have an option to not have a choice of not making their customers choosing Temp Jobs?! That’s right I said it!

Introverts: My fellow Innies, are we still winning?

For those whom miss our Barbershops, Beauty Salons, Nail Techs, and other needy stuff, many of us are Vaccinated. Does that mean we can hang? While being masked up?

How does it feel to turn your homes into makeshift workplaces and dining rooms into makeshift altars for Church?

Now: this is for all the mothers:

For all the New School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Old School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mother’s that had to work and still work all day everyday: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers whom had to go back to school and get that degree many many many years later, but did it for her kids: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers that continue to teach the Boys, the Girls, the Men and other Women to be productive citizens in life all the time: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers who served this nation in uniform and earned the title of Veteran: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that are currently serving this nation in uniform and earning the title of solider, airman, shipmate, coastie, space force member, or marine: Happy Mother’s Day. And Happy Military Appreciation Month!

For all the mothers whom are police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, mechanics, business owners, media, stockbrokers, and any other profession that is gender balanced: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that are just committed to Unions, Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mothers whom are apart of any Sorority that is NOT on the list of Expelled Members, but paying their dues all the time for new members to join: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers that guide offices and positions in the workforce, the church, the community, the neighborhoods and others: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Single Mothers whom constantly push against the grain but still manage to prove others wrong: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mothers whom are heaven bound, as in gone home to God and had been memorialized, funeralized, had the last rights, had the 21 gun salute and many other final goodbyes: We thank those in their memories to live on continuously!

EXTRA: For all the mothers whom are on the front line during this pandemic, and missing their children and husbands, and missing the free time, family time, and had to Zoom, or FaceTime their folks: yes you get an ultra Happy Mother’s Day!

And for all the mothers whom don’t have children. Yes, not every woman is a mother! Those whom are like mothers, and whom are just there as needed to be called upon. Yes, they too deserve a Mother’s Day also. EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN’T MOTHERS!

And to the mothers that look at my blog all the time or some of the time: yes you too, deserve a Mother’s Day. Even to all the Introverted Mothers and Dark Horse Mothers that keep the peace in times of conflict and telling the truth! And still working.

So to the Momz, Mothers, Mommies, Mami’s, Madres, Mommas, Mother Dears, Big mamas, grannies, aunties, great aunts, Godmothers, Matriarchs, and the New Big Mamas that need transitional ideas to move forward, and many other mothers I can’t even think about: yes this is your Mother’s Day. Enjoy it!

Oh, and PS: Dad’s count too in a sense.

For all the women readers, I hope you had a blessed International Women’s Day this past Monday.

And still having a blessing to celebrate another Women’s History Month. Yes, I’m a dude that has to acknowledge that. by now many of you are probably having a ball having a blast virtually socially distant you guys are probably having an opportunity to resurrect your womanhood your motherhood sisterhood or any other sorority related task at hand. I hope you guys are enjoying yourself as you celebrate another Women’s History Month, and more recently International Women’s Day. Now for us in the men’s category yes we have to acknowledge our mothers, or sisters, our aunts, grandmothers, aunties and any other female figure that we knew that had a hand and raising us. And what I am about to say may not be of your liking, but I know the men and some women are probably the sick and tired of asking the same question: “When is International Men’s Day?”

Why not to share the same type of love for the international men, just like for the international women? Let’s be perfectly honest we know that International Women’s Day goes all out it, every single year for our females to be recognized and appreciative. There’s no denying that, and the reason why I say this is because I kind of compare this once before with a certain female day and a certain male day. The female day as we all know is Mother’s Day, and the male day is Father’s Day. Now if you’ve been following my blog for the last several years, I kind of mentioned this once before when the women’s days have their day and it’s mostly jam-packed, whereas the men’s days are less packed and not enough traction of appreciation. It is no surprise that International Men’s Day four months ago was just getting a little traction but not a lot of substance on Twitter. But whereas International Women’s Day just recently has gain a lot of traction and a lot of substance. So we begin to ask what is the real concern regarding these two International Days to celebrate men and women? Is it because of our societal differences as men and women? Is it because the way that women has to be held on a higher pedestal than men? Or is it because that is the system that is always been designed to actually feel that the men have to be less tolerant and women have to be more dominant? Or is it the other way around? See this is exactly why many people fail to realize that celebrating an International Day for Women or International Day for Men should be equally praised. I know this is International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, I get that. But the ongoing concerns to say, “Well everyday is International Men’s Day…..” is not very true.

Questions I may ask:

Do you celebrate your birthday everyday?

Do you celebrate your anniversary everyday? If you’re married.

Do you celebrate your achievements from school everyday?

Do you acknowledge your achievements from college everyday?

Do you summarize your best achievements in your fraternity or your sorority?

Have you acknowledged your time of service or any other special occasion everyday?

Let’s be honest, we really don’t! Everyone stop lying and admit the truth!

For International Men’s Day, yes it’s November the 19th. And men should be acknowledged as well as appreciative as the female counterparts. Why am I saying this? I am saying this because it’s been far too long that one gender gets the most praise, and the other doesn’t get the same praise at all. Yes we’re pretty much aware about gender quality of opportunity for both men and women, both boys and girls. Call it what you want. But the ongoing struggle still lingers in 2021. Yes International Women’s Day is the day for the women, and yes Women’s History Month is the month for women. But to really think about an International Men’s Day of November 19th, should be appreciated for all men regardless of their status is of the way they work, the way they provide the way. Oh, when do the men have a month? It’s either June around Father’s Day or in November with the 19th. It should be no stranger enough that this particular day, or any particular male related day, should be recognized as a thought to tell the men in your lives that “Yes even though that I don’t show it up appreciation or what you do for the household or for the family or whatever but you are appreciative of what you do each and every single time.”

That should come from mostly for women! And mostly it’s been it’s been hard to acknowledge that because we don’t usually take the time to appreciate the values of each other, because most of the time we take each other for granted. When International Men’s Day comes around in the next 8 months, how many women are actually going to appreciate their man for all what they do? How many women are going to appreciate their sons, their nephews, their uncles, their male cousins, their grandfathers, godfathers, Neighborhood Men who come out and to support the young kids in the neighborhood. How many of the female counterparts are actually going to do this? Many of you females are doing this right now which is a good thing, but many more of you to come out and to support that.

Again, I’m not trying to downplay International Women’s Day. I’m glad that women are finally getting the recognition. No question about that. But yes, even though that man has been the long dominant force for so long, a few of us don’t get the recognition that we deserve because we’re not being told that while we’re still living. The only time that would happened is that when a man dies! Picture this: you’re at a man’s funeral that you like ever since you were a little girl or a little boy, and you hearing all these stories from various people that takes to the podium and ask “What has your life been spared or what has your life been saved because of this man?” Just admit it, men need their flowers too. In 2012, as many of us watched Whitney Houston’s funeral, one of her bodyguards said to the audience “Give people their flowers while they’re living”. I know a lot of women have been sampling that, but guess what? Men need a sample that even more. Hey get your flowers now! Don’t just get your flowers when people are looking at you in a casket and preparing to take you to the cemetery and burying you for all eternity.

Even though that this is International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month if you will, for the females in our lives they have done great things, they have proven great things, and even though that those of us don’t get the appreciation as much to tell them until International Women’s Day. Why can’t we tell them this like every single day? Oh I get it because we’re too busy. Or we just don’t get the time or the opportunity to say “well I just forgot…..” You know some of us men are, but most men don’t think that way. Most men will actually appreciate International Women for what they do EVERYDAY! Also it occurred to me on the internet, that an official over in India said that we need to acknowledge a men’s day. Play the clip below:

Dr. Sonal Mansingh’s Remarks on International Women’s Day 2021, (but also acknowledged International Men’s Day) c/o: Rajya Sabha TV | RSTV

If you haven’t caught the beginning of the clip, she raised that Men’s Day should be acknowledged. Yes a woman Dr. Sonal Mansingh out of India took part in her country’s Women’s Celebration Acknowledgements, but also added that Men should be celebrated on her day. Of course there was some humor reaction to this, but I think she was on point. And the thing is when I was on Twitter on International Women’s Day, there were repeats of the posting that were positive in agreement that Men should be recognized on their International Day.

So again, this is where that the reality of not taking people for granted really comes in! Women, this is not to downplay March 8th. And I hope many of you had a great International Women’s Day and a blessed Women’s History Month.

BUT BEFORE I GO: Can I say something to the International Men here? Word is that our UK friends was kind of tripping when we werent’ awake about International Women’s Day. We were. But the blame was on International Men’s Day of us not knowing it. You remember that British Comic Richard Herring? Well, apparently he didn’t do the Twitter thing of answering tweets from idiotic fools who kept asking about the day, and of course he pulled a comic angle claiming that America wasn’t awake yet. First of all, for once dude needs to know that his country is 6 HOURS AHEAD OF AMERICA! And the thing is, he’s plugging his book already:

The Problem with Men: When is it International Men’s Day? (and why it matters) by Richard Herring | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble® (

Ok those in the UK already have their copies right now. And us in America have to wait until June 1st. I need to say this, to all the International Global Men that still thinks that the country is way behind when it comes to November 19th, listen here: WE KNOW!!!! Only a few states in our country plus Washington DC only recognized International Men’s Day. HOWEVER: Many of you really need to sell International Men’s Day! Not everyone here in America is not the “know all kings and queens” about the occasion! If you really want America to acknowledge International Men’s Day to the fullest, it has to come from YOU!!! YOU NEED to bring it here! Now since that “America is back” under a new Administration of President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. And the Madam Vice President of Kamala Devi Harris, I say that many of you representatives that hype up International Men’s Day like winning Soccer, you need to bring it here! That means you need to get off the International high horse and actually tell us why you think America should embrace it! Many of you have men that are first second gentlemen, and have them for years. US: we just got Doug Emhoff. And for the record, if the UN isn’t asleep as the wheel, they need to recognize International Men’s Day EQUALLY like the Women’s Day. And for that, maybe the UN needs to see more out of the organization. Just my point of view to get Google Doodles.

Happy Women’s History Month!

So here we are once again. Mother’s Day 2020. For all the mothers still alive and teaching, Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. I hope that many of you will enjoy your day that is specialized with customized opportunities to be with your families and friends. And to many of us also, from all the round the clock of the Coronavirus, another rack of lies of the so-called president, Stay at Home Orders being unfairly challenged, stimulus checks running late: I’m scratching my head again.

So there are those whom have names of “Karens” that are being added to “Beckys” and “Nancys”. Oh, they know right?

For all those that work at Walmart, Target, in all you better be extra careful when you address the 6 ft rule. Someone might take it the wrong way and don’t act stupid to a customer. What would happen IF THEY ADDRESS YOUR MANAGER? Don’t be surprised.

Which is better: Working from home, or Working at the job on the job?

Which is better: acting like a mother, or being a mother?

Man…..2020 is already taking folks left and right like 2012. Why the deaths of Andre Harrell, Little Richard and now Betty Wright?

This needs to be asked AGAIN: why there are those 35 years old and under that don’t want to volunteer?

Do Progressive Radio stations really want black folks, or just their folks?

Is AEW Wrestling actually bringing the pain to the WWE weekly?

For all those asking and wondering AGAIN, what is the value of being in the group that is Woke and Conscious? Somebody needs answers!

Since the WWE had fanless shows out, many blamed them for not having fans. Then AEW, and UFC also had fanless events and shows. Will the MLB, NBA or other sports have fanless stuff while the Coronavirus passes?

In Michigan, their State Rep, Sarah Anthony was escorted to her office with armed Black Men. Wait hold the phone, black folks how many times we talked about how Black Men need to protect Black Women on the internet and in our families, and other groups? Now I need to clarify that black men are not going to hear about how they can protect themselves and then protect the Black Queens in all. The women will not say this. CALLOUT: Women, when was the last time you told your sons, cousins, nephews, grandsons, great grandsons, brothers in all that you(in your words) have to protect me? They need to learn how to defend themselves first even though they have to protect you!

Hold up, this needs to be extra clarified: Whenever we see all these foolish protesters with the rifles, the rebel flags and the Don’t Tread On Me Flags talking about reopen this state or reopen that state. For all you morons making a scene outside of that White Privilege, REALLY? You all are crying and pissed just because you want to governors to “Go Back To Normal” as usual. Well, I got news for you, we don’t know that! We don’t know if and when we will or would go back to normal. So technically if we are to open the state, you all ready know that many might DIE right? There are those of you might say, “Oh we are very aware about those dying in all….” Really? If you are really that concerned about those whom are on the illness, why are you fools are making this a political issue!? This is a HEALTH AND WELLNESS CONCERN! Wake up!

The month of May is two things: Military Appreciation Month and also, Mental Health Awareness Month. You know what it is. Why is it important to recognize them both you asked? READ THE HISTORY!

Hold Up, YET AGAIN: So you got this Shelly Luther didn’t close her shop in Dallas Texas because she defied a Executive Stay Home given by the state and city. Then by the judge, she was given 7 days of jail. After that, there was Go Fund Me page for the shop, and it was raised $500,000. A raise in….White Privilege! So opening a shop is worth than saving lives? This is was nothing more than insane thoughts. Ain’t it something? And oh, what would happen if a black woman or a black man opened a Barbershop or a Beauty Salon during the pandemic? Take a while guess.

If Virtual Learning is not that liked or criticized by those who are just now learning it, why complain? And if anyone knows this is me going through UW-Stout. By the date comes on May 13th: 14 years. And oh I survived it!

30 years ago in 1990, Milwaukee had a snow storm that was on May 10th. Did we almost had a repeat?

Last year, there were 20 Democrats for the determination to become the nominee for the General Election. Now since Joe Biden is the last man standing, will he go through

MTV needs more dance shows. Most recently they have brought back Club MTV after 30 years being on the shelf. And to ask, where’s Downtown Julie Brown?

Oh, fair question: how many of you have updated your resumes and portfolios?

Again people: I need to ask though, if you are looking for a job in all in your hometown, then all of a sudden you get calls from out of state that the jobs are open in a temporary basis. My question is: why are the LOCAL COMPANIES not calling or contacting the folks about the jobs in the community?! Very corny.

For the Class of 2020: Many of us are so sorry that you’ll not do the traditional way of walking with your classes. W can still say congrats. However, what about doing it virtually or has that happened?

Should CareerBuilder have an option to not have a choice of not making their customers choosing Temp Jobs?! That’s right I said it!

Since DJ D-Nice showed up on Instagram with the jams. It seems that every other DJ since him has done this on Facebook, Periscope, Twitch, Live TV, and other related platforms after him. Hold up: has this been done before, almost?

Introverts: My fellow Innies, are we winning?

For those whom miss our Barbershops, Beauty Salons, Nail Techs, and other needy stuff, why are we rushing to get back?

How does it feel to turn your homes into makeshift workplaces and dining rooms into makeshift altars for Church?

Speaking of Churches being quarantined: Press Play when you’re ready.

Church folks: does this sound familiar when working with the mute button? Don’t say its the devil, neither! Say Amen, people.

Now: this is for all the mothers:

For all the New School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Old School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mother’s that had to work and still work all day everyday: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers whom had to go back to school and get that degree many many many years later, but did it for her kids: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers that continue to teach the Boys, the Girls, the Men and other Women to be productive citizens in life all the time: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers who served this nation in uniform and earned the title of Veteran: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that are currently serving this nation in uniform and earning the title of solider, airman, shipmate, coastie, or marine: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers whom are police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, mechanics, business owners, media, stockbrokers, and any other profession that is gender balanced: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that just committed to Unions, Happy Mother’s Day

For all the Mothers whom are apart of any Sorority that is NOT on the list of Expelled Members, but paying their dues all the time for new members to join: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers that guide offices and positions in the workforce, the church, the community, the neighborhoods and others: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Single Mothers whom constantly push against the grain but still manage to prove others wrong: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mothers whom are heaven bound, as in gone home to God and had been memorialized, funeralized, had the last rights, had the 21 gun salute and many other final goodbyes: We thank those in their memories to live on continuously!

EXTRA: For all the mothers whom are on the front line during this pandemic, and missing their children and husbands, and missing the free time, family time, and had to Zoom, or FaceTime their folks: yes you get an ultra Happy Mother’s Day!

And for all the mothers whom don’t have children. Yes, not every woman is a mother! Those whom are like mothers, and whom are just there as needed to be called upon. Yes, they too deserve a Mother’s Day also. EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN’T MOTHERS!

And to the mothers that look at my blog all the time or some of the time: yes you too, deserve a Mother’s Day. Even to all the Introverted Mothers and Dark Horse Mothers that keep the peace in times of conflict and telling the truth! And still working.

So to the Momz, Mothers, Mommies, Mami’s, Madres, Mommas, Mother Dears, Big mamas, grannies, aunties, great aunts, Godmothers, Matriarchs, and the New Big Mamas that need transitional ideas to move forward, and many other mothers I can’t even think about: yes this is your Mother’s Day. Enjoy it!

Oh, and PS: Dad’s count too in a sense.

So here we are once again. Mother’s Day 2019. For all the mother’s still alive and teaching, Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. I hope that many of you will enjoy your day that is specialized with customized opportunities to be with your families and friends. And to many of us also, from all the school shootings, the NBA Playoffs in full swing, and even the local, regional and national things abound of course: I’m scratching my head again.

So America: I need to ask, what about those Milwaukee BUCKS? In the playoffs and such? By now, they defeated Detroit and also just made the Boston Celtics look foolish after Paul Pierce’s “It’s over” comments after Game 1. Now he wants to ride the Deer to all the rest of the games leading up to the Finals. Seriously, dude?!

Dang Paul Pierce!

Confession: I have NOT seen not one episode of Game Of Thrones. Not one. And it’s their last season. Anyone else on this besides me?

You know that not all Churches operate the same, right?

All Wrestling Fans need to buy stock. Yeah I said it. Save that Belt money for stock money. Agree?

This needs to be asked: why there are those 35 years old and under that don’t want to volunteer?

After all the suspense, is Mortal Kombat 11 a hit game?

Will AEW Wrestling actually bring the pain to the WWE? Like seriously?

For all those asking and wondering, what is the value of being in the group that is Woke and Conscious?

If many of the crazed fans are getting away with murder of racism, why are they are just now getting caught? Explain!

This really needs to be asked and questioned: regarding the use of Facebook. It’s been stated by the company that Facebook has always been targeting the users or well known that have been used to “spread hate” on those that they don’t understand. And to top of all that, some of the names like Alex Jones and Milo Yiapolonous (who gave Leslie Jones a hard time over the Ghostbusters movie) and many others the Facebook Boot.

Hold up, this needs to be extra clarified: Why was Minister Louis Farrakhan of all folks BOOTED from Facebook?! And I question that on Facebook’s conscience of judgement. And yet while were on the subject and I want to say that booting Farrakhan was a grave mistake. And what? For telling the truth on subjects that many in the country or the world that shouldn’t be hearing? There are those in the world that wouldn’t hear the real truth on certain ideals or subjects and get mad at those that are spewing the fire. In regarding Minister Farrakhan, he already had his chance on other platforms and also been banned from some of the platforms on what many called him a racist. Is that so? And if’s the case, why is 45 still on social media spewing his hatred like a dumb idiot that many are calling him? Can you imagine what would the like if MLK or Malcolm X were on Facebook and ALIVE? Unfortunately, both of them were assassinated at 39 years old and they died by doing by telling the truth! So this is how many are treating the civil rights era related folks by after they told the truth, they get booted off the island? Facebook maybe good in all, but I think in this and no disrespect to Mark Zuckerberg, but the product is getting soft of going in after those who use the platform to speak the ills of OUR SOCIETY! And by the way, Minister Farrakhan is on Twitter, so along with Facebook, he’s also banned from Instagram.

Did Tiger Woods really deserved the Presidential Medal of Freedom after winning the Masters?

What was all this male attention stuff of Ayesha Curry got her butt hurt in all?

The month of May is two things: Military Appreciation Month and also, Mental Health Awareness Month. You know what it is. Why is it important to recognize them both you asked?

For all those whom are the age of this chick named Lizzo, you have no right to critique the music of John Williams being lazy. You ain’t old enough so you can begone now with your comments! By the way, who is this chick anyway? Like I give a you know what.

20 years ago this year marked the deadly anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. And just to think that recently, there was third shooting this year in the month of May. But guess where you asked? Denver, Colorado.

CALLOUT: This is got to be the WTF moment of the second quarter so far: why are we are just now knowing that DJ Spinderella of Salt-N-Pepa (or excuse me, FORMALLY of SNP) was fired by Email from the group?! After 30 plus years in the rap game?! Shameful! And that show Ladies Night on BET is being shown now. Seriously?! Don’t worry: Spin has her own talent and will be doing her always.

20 Democrats will be on the fence in trying to represent for the 2020 election. But which one of them would be eligible to knock off 45 in 2020?

I need to ask though, if you are looking for a job in all in your hometown, then all of a sudden you get calls from out of state that the jobs are open in a temporary basis. My question is: why are the LOCAL COMPANIES not calling the folks about the jobs in the community?!

They say we had a wacky post Winter Snow in Wisconsin. Who’s ready for Spring to like, come now?

Can anyone explain the real reason why Ebony Magazine FOLDED?! After all the publication of black folks seeing themselves in positive stories in which many didn’t want, but were published anyway to give America that black folks were in the light of positive news that many need to know!

Now: this is for all the mothers:

For all the New School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Old School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mother’s that had to work and still work all day everyday: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers whom had to go back to school and get that degree many many many years later, but did it for her kids: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers that continue to teach the Boys, the Girls, the Men and Women to be productive citizens in life all the time: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers who served this nation in uniform and earned the title of Veteran: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that are serving this nation in uniform and earning the title of soilder, airman, shipmate, coastie, or marine: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers whom are police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, mechanics, business owners, media, stockbrokers, and any other profession that is gender balanced: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that just committed to Unions, Happy Mother’s Day

For all the Mothers whom are apart of any Sorority that is NOT on the list of Expelled Members, but paying their dues all the time for new members to join: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers that guide offices and positions in the workforce, the church, the community, the neighborhoods and others: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Single Mothers whom constantly push against the grain but still manage to prove others wrong: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mothers whom are heaven bound, as in gone home to God and had been memorialized, funeralized, had the last rights, had the 21 gun salute and many other final goodbyes: We thank those in their memories to live on continuously!

And for all the mothers whom don’t have children. Yes, not every woman is a mother! Those whom are like mothers, and whom are just there as needed to be called upon. Yes, they too deserve a Mother’s Day also.

And to the mothers that look at my blog all the time or some of the time: yes you too, deserve a Mother’s Day. Even to all the Introverted Mothers and Dark Horse Mothers that keep the peace in times of conflict and telling the truth! And still working.

So to the Momz, Mothers, Mommies, Mami’s, Madres, Mommas, Mother Dears, Big mamas, grannies, aunties, great aunts, Godmothers, and the New Big Mamas that need transitional ideas to move forward, and many other mothers I can’t even think about: yes this is your Mother’s Day. Enjoy it!

Oh, and PS: Dad’s count too.

It’s been noted, that mother’s day is coming. Actually, it’s already here. So shout out to all the moms in the building, even if you have to play a mother to be a mother. But like many everyday values in stuff, dealing with politics and absent minded opinions meaning absolutely nothing, I’m scratching my head again.

On Facebook as we know, there will be those who will complain about not enough love for Dad’s in all. So will we be surprised after Mother’s Day 2018 is long gone?

Admit it America: has Childish Gambino told the truth in his video?

With Graduation Season College style is now in full swing, why are some black students getting “ushered” off the stage after a dance?

So I guess college students, excuse me Black College Students can’t sleep in college areas where folks can study? And get the treatment from the campus police?

Why there are white folks calling the police all because black folks barbecuing?!

It seems that Kanye West….oh what was that statement again? Nevermind.

How many liked Cobra Kai on Youtube Red? Admit it.

I will ask this: you’re in Church. And it’s Mother’s Day. Why is this day will be higher than Father’s Day?

Will Tyler Perry’s Haves and The Have Nots for this season will be the best banger ever?

Thursday Nights on TV will be not a Scandalous as in the past. Am I not the only one that misses Scandal?

This needs to be asked, why is BET and OWN allowing some graphic language? Oh, it’s cable. Nevermind.

Will the Nintendo Switch get a deal with EA sports for Madden?

Oh, when is Bayonetta 3 coming out for the Nintendo Switch?

I am seriously thinking of cutting my DirecTV Serivce for Streamline TV like DirecTV Now. Good deal or nah?

Can AT&T Prepaid get a deal about 32GB Android Cell Phones? Not just Apple!

Attention United Methodists: we are 50! But what are doing everyday for our churches to grow and be an example for others to do things the right way?

OK, I need ask this: with all this going on about Bill Cosby going to jail, about the queludes and sexual advances, and all his accolades being stripped, did Camille Cosby ACTUALLY knew this?

Heard that ZTE is facing serious trouble. What will that do for those who want to pay for a prepaid phone and save serious money?

So the 45 land crew had spouses to coming out the White House in regards to the military. Um….I have to ask this question but where were the black folks?!

Oh, yes. Every Republican fan and representative is out in fear and full force in a way to promote the good side of the red squad. Um……What good things?!!

Which song is the best Mother’s Day song we know? Is it “Mama” By Boyz II Men, “Always on the Run” By Lenny Kravitz, “Dear Mama” By 2Pac. Or others?

How many of us who don’t have a mother to go to, became that mother to go to?

For all the mothers whom are no longer with us, how will we honor their memory everyday?

For you up and coming mothers, what is your path right now?

Big questions, many will critized fathers living foul, but what about the mothers living foul? Not saying all mother’s here!

They say the Big Mamas are gone. Who are the new Big Mamas?

Show of hands: who did not know about Mr. T rapping in the 80’s about Mothers?


I see many Baseball Players will be wearing Pink for Mother’s Day. Yes, does Susan Komen count today? Like every October?

Milwaukee will finally get a Black Festival! In the month of August. What will this festival promote to the masses that miss African World Festival?

I see that the City of Milwaukee will get it’s Second streetcar this month. And this is only a test, right?

Wisconsin NEEDS a Trikke Shop, a Trikke Store, a Trikke Specialist, and a Trikke Advisor. What I’m talking about is a Trikke, a three wheeled Carving Body Powered Vehicle. I currently own one since the early 2000’s and I’ve used it to turn heads. It’s a Trikke 8. The Original one. Can Wisconsin get on board with this like the Segways?



What about it, Wisconsin?



And the last thing on the menu: And this is for Milwaukee; Did you really enjoyed the 3rd Annual MPS Alumni Reunion?


Real side note: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers!

Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers who read my blog.

Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers who are changing lives.

Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers who are staying in the fight!

Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers whom are missed and remembered! ALL DAY EVERYDAY!

Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers who are claiming their time.

Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers who aren’t always living foul.

To the non-Mothers that take care of folks on the fly, even though that this day is not really for you but you act upon on being a mother in general!

Lastly, even though it’s Mother’s Day, don’t single out the Fathers. Please don’t. Father’s Matter!  And I lost my father last year. He mattered. Wait for it in June for the Father’s Day Edition of Scratching my Head.

But today: Happy Mother’s Day!







Let me say this: Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mothers who are grinding. Those whom are old school, new school, community, and many others. Oh yes it’s your day and you probably had a blast.

For now, I’m scratching my head again.

So James Comey got fired by #45. The same one that took down Hillary and the so-called emails.  Are we suprised?

Oh I see that the class of 2017 at Bethune Cookman College did not appreciate the presence of Betsy DeVos. And the folks on Social Media (in an opposite sense) had to call them disrespectful or “they won’t get any jobs” speech. Who’s the blame? Not the students! And for the record, she did talked “smack” about the HBCU Schools! Let’s be real.

If you’re a black graduate from Liberty University and just heard #45 spoke, and after the stuff he pulled so far, what is going through your mind?

What’s it going to take to solve this? Seeing a bunch of folks protecting a statue with torches?

Really, Steve Harvey? You fired your staff and having this “shield” that you don’t want to talk? Dude, stop!

Is Facebook really that hypocritcal? You get your movie clips with music banned but they don’t remove a pic with someone being hanged. Really?

Most recently, there have been alot of Sky Fox drones for news. Can there be more Sky Fox drone Jobs? Hmmmmm…..

In Wisconsin, can there be “Telepresence Jobs” and “Fab Lab Jobs” in the making for us over 30 years old? Training perhaps? With Bachelor’s and such.

Who is making all these so called memes about the Holy Bible and Slavery? Like the design and slave boats?

Does Wisco have a “Real Strong” candidate against Scott Walker? I mean a real strong candidate? No weak folks in 2018!

So folks hate these “spinning fidgits” that are being advertised. Being all distractive. How so?

Why I don’t see more POC in the Sons of The American Legion, Auxillary Legion or the Legion Riders? Especially in areas where not enough POC’s reside? I think they need to expand it more to the minority communities.

Milwaukee: did we enjoyed the 2nd Annual MPS Alumni Reunion?

Looking at the polls about the firing of James Comey. 29% only approve of his removal. What about the other percentage?

Milwaukee: what about that streetcar construction?

Why is #45 using the word “tapes”?

Glad to see that the Obamas are not going away. Good. Will the haters listen yet again?

Why is hazing still a problem in Fraternities and Sororities that lead to death? I don’t know it’s time to use a background check on the groups.

Dang, why was a 15 year old black teenager Jordan Edwards, who had straight A’s was recently killed in a car by a local police department in Texas? Did his life (black life) mattered? Oh I don’t hear the “All Lives Matter” groups talking now!

Ok. I have to say this: why was Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders took on the salary speaking funds that Barack Obama is getting?  Let the man get his paper!

Alot of the haters still hate on the Affordable Care Act. And those are supposed to be “Gun Touring Christians and follow the Good Book to screw others” in all. And I’m saying this as a Christian! Um….explain the details of why that about 29 million Americans should not get any coverage of pre-existing conditions. Explain why that those who are diagnosed with Diabetes, MS, Cancer, Heart Disease, or any other health concern should not get nothing to treat! Y’all making me run back to the medical folks for physical. Dang!

And the last question is…….. Mothers, are you blessed once again for Mothers Day? Enjoy and have fun. And always honor those whom are not here physically but around spiritually.

Speaking of which, I will be doing a Father’s Day Scratching head in honor of my father, and other fathers whom are eternally resting. And those whom have stepped up to the plate that act upon like fathers. It will be special. Stay tuned.

Guess what? I’m back. Had to take a blogging break. But just in time before Mother’s Day. Now for every mother in the building have a great Mother’s Day. But before that happens, I’m about to scratch my head again of the most recent events.

If all lives really matter, again what is up with the still hate of Black Citizens?

I heard that a member of the US Navy passed. And I’ll bet many have to bust out saying “I’ll honor him than some Entertainment dude.” Really?!

Still can’t stand the hypocrites in church huh? Do those have hypocrites in the workplaces also? I’ll wait. Especially if you are on Facebook or Instagram talking comments.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around “fat shaming”. Like it’s a new phrase. Have we always been fat shaming folks? Stop me if you hear “yo mama is so fat”…. Hello?

Note to Adele: we know the love, but you know that Beyonce is not Jesus Christ, right?

So Donald Trump is the main Republican Representative. What’s the move Democrats? Hillary or Bernie?

It’s stupid. Those that hated Prince for years are now liking him. Like Michael and Whitney, where was the likes when they were alive?

Is Milwaukee ready for the new reincarnation of getting things done?

Now since the spring election is over in Milwaukee, can I please ask why former Alderman Joe Davis had to endorse Bob Donovan?!

“We built this city.” Why that for an Milwaukee Election?

On the radio in Black Milwaukee: Wheaton Franciscan has a 30 second radio spot: “Get a Doc”. All jazzy in the background. My question is to say does everyone really know?

Is America really that great, that can be great again?

I see those I love Mom pics. Will the I love Dad pics show up for Father’s Day?

Man listen: why do folks hate birthdays being celebrated?

So Scott Walker wants us Wisconsin folks to take a drug test while collecting unemployment. Are you the “not going to vote” folks that blind?

Class of 2016: are you ready?

Dang what is up with these folks still trying to get folks hooked up in the wrong places?!

Can the Singles have a day or Month without all the marriage hassle?

Can Milwaukee have real meaningful jobs like of Chicago, DC, New York, LA, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, NASA, or Facebook?

Is Big Mama still alive? Or has this Generation killed her?

Should all Universities have African-American Alumni groups?

No offense, but why is Mother’s Day is slightly higher than Father’s Day?

Is the workplaces as well as highly Extroverted groups ready for Introverts?

We know the Milwaukee Streetcar is coming. Yes! Can the state at least review why the high speed rail really was scrapped again? Hint: Racism was in play.

One last thing: Why are folks calling this racist? Seriously?


Let me just have one comment on this. For all of those so-called patriotic Americans who feel that there is no Racism or “All Lives Matter” or feel that when Black Folks are celebrated, they get mad and protest after feeling offended by black fists in the air? I had a cousin that was a Vietnam Veteran and he had a fist in the air! He is deceased now. But look: with all due respect to the uniform regulations which I understand, but this is not politics West Point! And I speak as a son of a West Point Graduate that went into the Army and served in the Vietnam War! Don’t play me!

Other than that, enjoy your day Mothers.

Hope everyone had a chance to wish their Fathers, a productive Father’s Day. Even if you are a single mother holding it down to the fullest. Now, check this, I’m in Walgreens in Wauwatosa, which is a suburb of Milwaukee, and I happen to find a Father’s Day card for my father. What I also see is a Father’s Day for Mothers. WHAT!!!!! as the folks say now. I see the ranting/venting of this on Facebook, and both positive and negative about who should fit the role of father. Mostly it’s has been negative coming from Single Mothers who harshly reject the use of Father, because they feel that title should be given on the male side of things. But according to a historical thing, the controversial story really broke out in 2011 all because of the disdain of the use of “father” in today’s society of the 21st Century.

Father's Day Card for Mothers

I want to know, what is all the disdain about single mothers can’t play the role the father? And folks on social media getting mad at this? Especially Facebook. Now yes we know hardly that father’s aren’t around when it comes to children, or teens or adults. I get it. There have been female  folks from my family and some of my friends who are single parents and hold it down. They do the both roles well. And to top it off, the mentions about real fathers come to mind. For those who are wondering, yes I was raised in a two parent household. – A mother and father. And my immediate family is basically nuclear: 2 parents, and 2 children. Not to brag or boast, but it is the truth. And the ideal of Father’s Day should not be overlooked. Period. When Mother’s Day came and went on the second sunday in May, most of us got our sunday clothes on and showed up big time in church or at a Mother’s Day outing for our mothers. No question about it. However when Father’s Day comes, not as measurable as Mother’s Day. Now granted, Father’s Day is celebrated. But with all the negative hype with the issues, it makes it more harder to celebrate and appreciate the value that they put in each time. Technically father’s day should just be appreciated as mother’s day.

Now I know that when the card came out with the “For you Mom on Father’s Day” that really set some folks off. And since I was in Walgreens, it was in the Mahogany section of the Hallmark Cards. The Mahogany Hallmark Cards have that close connection with the African-American Culture. You know how MSNBC has “The Grio?’ And yes they do sell during birthdays, funerals, appreciation, just any other card you see regularly. Even Christmas!  Plus the issue of single parenting in today’s era has become the norm sort of speak.  And even though that the role of father has been legendary, other men like uncles, male mentors, foster fathers, male cousins (older), and even community minded folks like me who don’t have children yes that day was for us as well. Even at times like me who didn’t expect it, but it’s good to be appreciative by those who overlook children when the parents are away or have to go behind the scenes for important matters. Remember the “Collective Responsibility” montage from Melissa Harris-Perry? Same thing here!

So with that being said, and I know it’s late: Happy Father’s Day to all those dads, grandfathers, uncles, male cousins, male mentors, single fathers, community fathers, and single mothers who have to hold the fort day by day (yes, it has to be said) that day was for us!

Bonus: take a look at a video of what Roland Martin said on Father’s Day. Yes, he and his wife doesn’t have any kids. BUT they are raising their nieces in their household. It was on the subject: “Thank God For Daddy.”