Guess what? I’m back. Had to take a blogging break. But just in time before Mother’s Day. Now for every mother in the building have a great Mother’s Day. But before that happens, I’m about to scratch my head again of the most recent events.

If all lives really matter, again what is up with the still hate of Black Citizens?

I heard that a member of the US Navy passed. And I’ll bet many have to bust out saying “I’ll honor him than some Entertainment dude.” Really?!

Still can’t stand the hypocrites in church huh? Do those have hypocrites in the workplaces also? I’ll wait. Especially if you are on Facebook or Instagram talking comments.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around “fat shaming”. Like it’s a new phrase. Have we always been fat shaming folks? Stop me if you hear “yo mama is so fat”…. Hello?

Note to Adele: we know the love, but you know that Beyonce is not Jesus Christ, right?

So Donald Trump is the main Republican Representative. What’s the move Democrats? Hillary or Bernie?

It’s stupid. Those that hated Prince for years are now liking him. Like Michael and Whitney, where was the likes when they were alive?

Is Milwaukee ready for the new reincarnation of getting things done?

Now since the spring election is over in Milwaukee, can I please ask why former Alderman Joe Davis had to endorse Bob Donovan?!

“We built this city.” Why that for an Milwaukee Election?

On the radio in Black Milwaukee: Wheaton Franciscan has a 30 second radio spot: “Get a Doc”. All jazzy in the background. My question is to say does everyone really know?

Is America really that great, that can be great again?

I see those I love Mom pics. Will the I love Dad pics show up for Father’s Day?

Man listen: why do folks hate birthdays being celebrated?

So Scott Walker wants us Wisconsin folks to take a drug test while collecting unemployment. Are you the “not going to vote” folks that blind?

Class of 2016: are you ready?

Dang what is up with these folks still trying to get folks hooked up in the wrong places?!

Can the Singles have a day or Month without all the marriage hassle?

Can Milwaukee have real meaningful jobs like of Chicago, DC, New York, LA, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, NASA, or Facebook?

Is Big Mama still alive? Or has this Generation killed her?

Should all Universities have African-American Alumni groups?

No offense, but why is Mother’s Day is slightly higher than Father’s Day?

Is the workplaces as well as highly Extroverted groups ready for Introverts?

We know the Milwaukee Streetcar is coming. Yes! Can the state at least review why the high speed rail really was scrapped again? Hint: Racism was in play.

One last thing: Why are folks calling this racist? Seriously?


Let me just have one comment on this. For all of those so-called patriotic Americans who feel that there is no Racism or “All Lives Matter” or feel that when Black Folks are celebrated, they get mad and protest after feeling offended by black fists in the air? I had a cousin that was a Vietnam Veteran and he had a fist in the air! He is deceased now. But look: with all due respect to the uniform regulations which I understand, but this is not politics West Point! And I speak as a son of a West Point Graduate that went into the Army and served in the Vietnam War! Don’t play me!

Other than that, enjoy your day Mothers.

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