Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

By now, I hope many who were watching or attended the General Conference UMC in Charlotte, NC are finished taking notes, recording summaries, and talking about it in the local churches. Expect many summaries to reach out to the Annual Conferences in your local states about what has taken place and what could be or will be known going forward. Like the young folks say now: Let’s talk about it.

I have looked at the General Conference online. Only the points of interest. And I must say that the UMC had a lot to talk about. This GC was postponed in 2020 due to the Pandemic. We all know this. But the makeup of the GC has been remarkably interesting. With all the concerns of regionalization, the LGBT, and many others continue to enhance the quality of the church remains intact. Even though losing members who were once part of the church is a concern of membership, it is also a hot-button topic that many cannot deny. I agree, that the United Methodist Church is at a crossroads, but that should be a wake-up call to all who serve!

One of the speakers from the Mississippi Conference, Latoya Redd Thompson was talking about how her UMC church was disaffiliated from the denomination after 10 years of membership. After talking to her Resident Bishop Lewis about what could she do, and how to remain a member of the UMC. She found out about Lighthouse Churches in which those who are or were displaced as UMC members. In other words, she along with others had started over again and had remained true to the cause. That’s a possibility to continue. Able to pick up and move forward which many of few must do to continue the ministry. One of the Big News was the talk about revitalization. In which each of the areas of the world would get its own region to conduct its own objectives and goals without any harm or concern. But it would remain with the same goals. As an example, the U.S. would get their regionalization and it would be molded to have their own objectives and goals just as Africa would do the same, but their region would be vastly different than the United States. So I think that with this idea going forward, it should be a different avenue in which many of the UMC would proceed.

According to the UM News, which is the digital newsletter of the United Methodist Church. It was reported as an idea to include youth in the General Conference. This is interesting in that many had been prolonging about having more youth involved in the church. For the qualifications, they must be in the age range between 12 -17 years old or up to 18 to be active in the process. Some may go up as about 24 years old for the Africans. As I was reading the article, this is the part where the church is lacking. Of course, they need youth involved. BUT…….what do many want to do with them? And the thing is for far too long, there have been members in the church (not to pick on anyone in particular) that stated, “The youth don’t belong in this” or “they’re not interested”. This is one of the main reasons why there aren’t enough youth active in the churches. I said ONE of the reasons. But to get them involved in the process with the General Church, this would be an idea not only for them to be recognized, but also for US ADULTS to LISTEN to them to hear what they would like to see in the church. Think about this, if you’re my age and up, you’re saying, “We didn’t have this when we were going to church.” Right on the money. But who’s to blame? If we had been trained to serve on the General Conference Court or Group, and going up the way it would, (between middle school and high school years), then maybe it would be a different playing field than it is now. Look, I’m not hating it. I’m just surprised that this option was indeed open to see that it could be beneficial going forward. On the other side, this could also introduce the youth to how the rules are implemented, what to do, what not to do, and how to do it. So, if this is one way to get the youth involved, (other than Sunday School, and singing in front of members and guests) then let it happen for them. Let them learn the game so, I hope that they play the game.

Another angle: The United Methodist Men. I didn’t know this at first, but I looked at the logo on the shirts of the representatives and it looked vastly different. That was a change. Bishop James Swanson and Bishop Gary Mueller highlighted a moment of pancakes in which every Men’s meeting would start, but their message about men being “ghosted” and getting more younger men into the church was the main message that they were conveying. Personally, this is not new. Of course, everyone knows that back in the day, there were more men in the church from Sunday to Sunday. And in between there were fundraisers, and a Men’s Day held mostly every Father’s Day in June. But now, there are hardly enough men coming. You have today’s men who would look at that as outdated only. Is it? The percentage of men to women in churches now is smaller than what it was decades ago. And usually, it’s the change in times. The United Methodist Men agency, the General Commission on United Methodist Men is small, but they are trying something different for men to come back, and younger men to attend. They have a new format dealing with the Scouting Ministry regarding both boys and girls to be more engaged with the groups. Another format is to be more involved in health issues of mental health, peer pressure, and searching for role models that young men face every day. The goal of course is the main teachings of Christ, and generating resources like Camp Is My Parish, and: ready for this, the UMM has an App. Yes, an app that has additional information to get Men involved in and outside of the church. The Men shouldn’t just be having meetings with pancakes. Issues of subjects like the Environment, Domestic Violence prevention, and many other concerns and joys that Men should connect with everyone, ESPECIALLY WITH MEN IN GENERAL, should be a topic to follow. Or here’s an extra thought, have those in the church who want to engage with men (both men and women) and ask what they would want to see and do in the church to stay engaged. So, to those who say, “we need to get the men back to church” is old and outdated. Find new ways and NEW IDEAS to engage and to have men participate in the process. Talking or preaching to them is not enough. But the actual assignment of DOING must work! On the other side for the women, the United Women in Faith had a decent report which of their extended history from rearing the church as lay ministers, ministers, and organizers, and a vast host of assignments that were recorded and archived. Even though the three college students provided the cheerleading aspects were a nice touch.

Speaking of Apps: The United Methodist Church of Archives and History will be upgrading their Archives and Historical options will have an App that will feature Methodist Stories to tell the stories of the church’s history and many uses to act upon to share the stories for future generations and for those whom are history buffs that can continue to tell the stories while preserving for references to come. And this is for all, even for our LGBTQIA+ Clergy and Members.

BREAKING NEWS that was and is BREAKING NEWS: A long-standing 40-year ban on Gay clergy was officially gone! This morning, I read the stories about the General Conference announcement that this decision to bar the LGBTQIA+ Clergy from their practice in ministry has been a breakthrough for those who are a part of the group. After reading the story, some mostly advocated this ban to be lifted so those who feel that they should be allowed to minister regardless of their preference of orientation. This ban, like I said, has been around for at least 40 years, according to the UM News. And this has been going on since I was 7 years old. I thought about a conversation in which my late father recalled in his days in the U.S. Army in the sixties about those he met were Gay and there were positive people. This was during the Vietnam War. So, when I thought about what he said at the time which was over 10 years ago, and about those who have a challenging time in discussion about the subject, many would say that this ban per se should not have been in place. However, even though there were many or few who felt strongly against it, probably jumped ship to the Global Methodist Church. Those who wanted to keep it the way it was, and it is when this subject was not even mentioned to be discussed. Now, I do understand that this may be going against the rule books, and I know yet again, this would be a concern for children and youth. Why am I saying this, look around: it’s everywhere! All over the media, print, online, groups, organizations, and many others. It’s hard for the church, because it is based on the doctrines and sacraments that many dealt with for so long. Now the gay clergy are given a chance to do their ministry which is something that they want to do, advocate, and a sacrament of what they want to accomplish.

In Regarding Africans and African Americans: The only few things that stuck out in my summary were Africa University and the Black College Fund. And few references were related to the Central Conference and the election of two bishops. But there should have been more conversations regarding the Africans Congregations Representatives. They are a part of the UMC and should have been given more clarity and more expressive commentary about their perspectives in fairness. Some have expressed concern about their options and some even expressed positive motions in regarding the new definition of marriage between one man and one woman, or between two adults.  As far as African Americans, even though they have been recognized and given presentations and statements, I have not heard any of them hear or reference BMCR. That’s the Black Methodists for Church Renewal which is the Black Caucus of the UMC. I do hope that many of those who are BMCR representatives may take the notes and apply them to future meetings which that BMCR can pick up and summarize for their own benefit and value.

Methodist Family Day: This was an interesting segment, the Methodist Family Day highlighted connections of its inception and even though it was presented in parts of missions and different languages, it was cool to see that the United Methodist Church is not just American, it is international. Even though many countries have their own unique ministries based on years of service or years of common goals, it is all tied together to have a summary to view and build upon. There have been and are connections between the Episcopal side from the earlier years and the status of the United Methodist Church. Even the AME and CME counterparts had made an appearance or provided a video message.

This has me thinking, why can’t the AME, CME, and UMC all have one big potluck fellowship dinner?!! Especially in our cities and states. Just a thought.

The Apology: Sexual Misconduct. At the near end of the General Conference, it was reported that there was a concern about sexual misconduct with the United Methodist Church. And the overall issue was addressed in a manner that many needed to hear. Even from those who petitioned that the apology needed to be read so all need to understand where the UMC stood on this manner. After the report was read, the UMC at first didn’t help those right away in dealing with the manner. The UMC did in Fact apologize to those who were hurt. Readers, this is no different from what we read and hear about Sexual Misconduct or Abuse in the workplace and schools. And those who have gone through the storm had no resource to turn too, until now. This is one example of a subject called, “Church Hurt”. But this hurt though can happen anywhere other than the sanctuary. Speaking of that, EVERY United Methodist Church should adopt or develop a Safe Sanctuary Policy or an Agreement that all should adhere and agree to prevent incidents like this ever happening. Expect this subject to be added to the list of “what happened at General Conference” to the items at your local UMC churches and Annual Conference events. Trust me, it’s going to get talked about. Like the adage says, if you see something, say something. 

Now I want to talk about something else regarding the future. This is my own opinion and no it’s going to be a ride. The concerns of the future of where we are as a UMC still remain unknown. We had concerns about the affiliations that caused those who used to be neighbors and friends to be dispersed. We had many concerns about the membership attendances, the same people doing the work, those who just come on Easter Sunday or Christmas, reaching out to those in the membership that hasn’t been following up in a while to see how they’re doing, or even trying to get new members to join in an era that opinions about religion remain to be a hot button topic on a certain local radio station here in Milwaukee. I am a fourth generation UMC Church member. A type that “I had to go” to church because of my family upbringing. I had to miss many Saturday Morning Cartoons for Choir Rehearsals (hey, I can watch them now thanks to streaming). Usher board meetings, etc. The usual boring stuff. But when the technological stuff came later like running a soundboard, archiving recordings, social media, photography, and even now connecting to virtual meetings and virtual worship services during and after the pandemic, OH NOW THEY HAVE SOMETHING! Even my first job and current job were in the church. The summer tutoring sessions started in the church. So, my community work started in the church and was conducted in the areas of my education (especially Distance Learning), Alumni Associations, and even as a Poll Worker for the City of Milwaukee for almost 18 years. This also includes winning awards for community work for what I have done previously. And where, oh where do I credit? My local United Methodist Church. This is what many in my Generation, Gen X should know. And for you Millennials and Generation Z, you need to know. And it’s not always about reciting biblical scriptures, it’s really developing part of your identity and conducting that identity into the environment around you. Yes, I’m speaking about my experiences, but if you’re my age and reading this blog that I have crafted, this could be related to your experiences. Now many might say:

“Stephen that is great. Cool. Congrats on your success. But we’re living in a different time, a different era. It’s not like that anymore because few have that. Few don’t do church, and few don’t want to go to church because of the stories of the hypocrites who always talk about others going to hell, but those in the church could go to hell because of what they are doing wrong! And sitting up there with the old heads listening to those “slave hymns” and having the pastor in that expensive robe and collecting all that money and where does the money go?!! What about safe centers when the homeless get cold or hot in the summer, why aren’t the doors open for them? Ya’ll principles might be cool in all but are messed up! And forget about the kids coming over because that is not happening.

This is what I’m talking about regarding the future. Look where we have been. What I have named here is an example of the concerns each church is facing right now. Many think that the concerns I listed by example are a probable cause of the UMC decline. It’s not. It’s really ALL THE CHURCHES, regardless of denomination and non-denomination across the board, which are having the same problems. Attendance declining, not enough youth or kids, backstage politics, not being reflective of your objectives and goals, not enough initiatives, no innovative ideas, not welcoming the new instead of retaining the old. Many of us in the church have heard this too many times. Remember “Rethink Church”? Remember when the United Methodist Church was all over that in terms of finding new ways to get its ministry out? Show of hands: how many of us, regardless of whether we were watching or at the General Conference knew about rethinking the church? How many of us who were a part of the UMC now jumping ship to the Global Methodist Church knew about Rethink Church? That was a good concept. It should have remained intact about the influence of adding a mix to our ministry. Or in this case, remixing our ministry. It’s still there but only with a past reference going forward. And about the “slave hymns?” well this might not sit well with everyone, but there has been a tug of war between the hymnals and playing music like Kirk Franklin mixed with Hip Hop. If you’re an old head who is Old School and was brought up on church hymnals, you wouldn’t like the new stuff now. If you’re a teenager or a young adult who likes Tasha Cobbs or Lecrae (he’s an African American hip-hop Christian artist) that gets you going in the sanctuary, the hymns that your grandmothers, or grandfathers or older relatives liked would not favor you. But that can go for anything. If only the hymnals of old would remix with the new songs now, it would be a factor. I don’t know. However, some like it original, and others like it with a twist. And if you’re in the middle, you’re stuck or have nothing to say but to let those say what they feel. The only thing I know most is that common ground must be a factor. Many hymns are sung every Sunday because it’s traditional. It’s the foundational aspect that many should know. If a young person hears that, it’s mostly like it’s dead to them. They don’t want to hear that. In fact, if they believe it’s “dead music”, or “slave music” how come they haven’t been educated about it? Doesn’t matter if it’s in the United Methodist Hymnal or even the Songs of Zion. Here is my thought: For all those who feel that way, they need to be educated a lot. When Black History Month or Juneteenth Day comes around, you will hear most of that, and no one will complain as much. Wanna bet? Do it and see what happens. And for those who are the Old Heads, are you teaching them the history behind those hymns? If not, I dare say you are not doing your job. You are busy complaining about why they don’t want to listen but never actually can listen. Maybe if you break it down for them or at least explain why it matters in a way for them to understand it, then probably they might get it. I don’t know. If they were given a homework assignment about black spirituals or in this case, “slave hymns” in school or college, they wouldn’t have the ability to understand or disregard. That wouldn’t last long. However, if they were given a chance to hear it from the old heads who know it like the back of their hands and can lecture to the students for the study hall, and present it in front of their class, with references, it would be a whole lot different. For example, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” is an American Hymn (aka the Black National Anthem) that is played or sung around Black History Month, Juneteenth, and Martin Luther King Day. We know this and it’s no surprise. Now it’s being sung at Football Games, Basketball Games, Soccer Events, and even at one point or another, the 4th of July specials of Macy’s Fireworks Specials and PBS’ A Capitol Fourth. Is that a slave hymn? No. But like all forms of music, spirituals or hymns are a part of Black History that cannot be overlooked by anyone’s opinion of feelings. We can talk about Hip Hop, R&B, Rap, Spoken Word, Pop, Rock, Soul, Country, Gospel, Jazz, Reggae, Blues whatever, but where did all that come from? BLACK PEOPLE! For all my young black kings and queens, this is about ongoing everyday Black music history, not to feel neglected. For the younger folks, if you study and learn from these songs like you do with Doja Cat, Drake, Beyonce, Kirk Franklin, or Nikki Minaj we could get somewhere! But wait a minute: what does that have to do with the future of the United Methodist Church? Nothing. But if it did, we’d be all over that. Especially about Beyonce. And just to think that many artists today make music, they hardly don’t recognize where or how it came from previously. It’s like many in the Hip Hop Community don’t realize that about 90% of the rhythm and beats came from one man: James Brown. Most of the Motown Hits many of our elders and old heads listen to were influenced by the Hymnals. For the earlier artists like Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, and Aretha Franklin they too started in the church with the hymnals. Oh, wait do many still say slave music? Watch it, young folks. And keep in mind that those hymnals went through turbulent times of the Civil Rights Movement as well. START LEARNING!

Yes, readers and believers, we are in a new era. The United Methodist Church wrapped up the General Conference 2020 which was postponed gave a turning point to go in a direction that it should go like the motto of Wisconsin: FORWARD! After we heard and viewed all the songs, testimonies, reports, voting, fellowships on social media, new ways to network, connections of the Methodism, past references, sermons, and many other factors that took place, what’s next? What is next after the General Conference 2020 is in the archives and will we continue to do the work? How exactly will it stick to the cause that United Methodists do every day? What will that bring to those who are African Americans who are only a small fraction of the population and dealing with social justice, (i.e. Black Lives Matter Movement), employment, improvements in dealing with white supremacy, and many others that many deal with constantly? And even combating rumors and innuendos of the opposition that left the denomination and/or living their lives in the WCA/Global Methodist Church, or any other church in the grid? Including YouTube opinion commentary? Just to add, if those cared about the UMC, why be so nosey now? They made the decision to leave. DUH! And what about boosting attendance, bringing in more young folks, bringing in Men that could be a factor to work instead of being ghosted, or showing up to dedicated events like funerals? And the talk again about telling Men needing to come to church is passe. Again, there needs to be something new and IMPROVED! The preaching to get Men back yet again, is not working. We know the percentage between Men and Women in the UMC, but what will that do to improve going forward? And having the old school and new school under one roof to fellowship? Like Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton said in his opening day sermon: “Friends, we got work to do”. This event counts in the Wisconsin Conference which will be partnered up with the Northern Illinois UMC Conference later this year and what will that bring regarding our churches and institutions?

And to add, Bishop Tracy S. Malone is the new president of the Council of Bishops, who is from the East Ohio UMC Conference, and she is the first African American Woman to hold the title.

Folks, I heard Pro Wrestler Roman Reigns, the Tribal Chief of the Bloodline in the WWE say that “information is coming” when WrestleMania XL was happening. And it is. Information is updated, layered, and presented every day. We need to be on the ball with all hands-on deck if we are willing to be prepared for the change or the twist that is yet to come. The best way is to study, know where it’s coming from, get the information, ask questions, attend meetings, and constantly (CONSTANTLY) interact with your representatives in the church, district, region, and conference. In other words: like the young folks say a lot, STAY WOKE!

Yes, United Methodist Church members and friends who choose to stay and support, it’s about the future. Keep the faith, stay the course.

“Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can.” – John Wesley, founder of Methodism (1703-1781)

While many of us are exploring the annals of Black History Month once again, it’s finding a time that many of us really need to ask, and of course, continue the cause of many figures and events that shook the country of America and yet the world. And of course, many have already criticized that it’s not being taught every day about racism. Or being decisive. Or being black only and not with everyone. Let me say this as a black man, “Don’t come for Black History Month”. Matter of fact, don’t come for Black History PERIOD! . What do I mean by that? Don’t come for all that weakness that you didn’t know because of a failed public school system. Heck, blame the curriculum and the previous past decisions of our government that made the wrong choices! All done by design. Again, don’t come for black history period in a sense like many assume that it’s not “YOUR particular history!”

It’s different, yes but it’s a way to understand why it matters. While many of us are summarizing the news about the current events of the world from idiots talking smack about Critical Race Theory, African American AP Courses watered down, to books being banned with black authors of telling the truth of America’s pasts, have the ultimate gaul of redistricting voting areas, or students being told of Black History Month programs being censored opting, and dozens of others that find the second month horrible but still asking why February?

And by the way, I’m still scratching my head again.

So Black People, are we still on that “January 1st – December 31st Black History every day” stuff with the memes?

Already, Viola Davis made the EGOT Status. Anyone wanting to comment on that?

Everyone is still asking, why is Black History Month in February? Matter of fact, this is the real question from last year to ask:

So it seems that the narrative, “Black History is American History” is once again challenged on two fronts: One, what about the different countries that celebrate Black History Month? It’s not just American History! And second, if “Black History is American History”, why are those who don’t want to hear about our history?! Usually coming from those that are so hypocritical about wanting to hear about the pureness of America’s pasts. Stop lying!

What was the best thing going on in Black History Month of 2023 that should be going on all day every day?

Here is a daring question: Why doesn’t any city or state have Black History Month Fireworks? Yeah I said it!

Which figure in Black History should have been recognized in 2023 thus far?

Which figure in Black History should have been recognized a long time ago before 2023?

Which figure in Black History could be and should be recognized in the next several years?

Which event in Black History must be recognized or examined in years to come, or should have been recorded long ago?

Has any city structures or landmarks in the country, or the world lit the Pan-African Colors of Red, Black, Green, and sometimes Yellow for Black History Month? If not, what’s wrong with your cities?!

Who in Black History is at current GOAT Status? Don’t just say Michael Jordan or Serena Williams!

Who in Black History should have been in Dark Horse GOAT Status a long time ago?

Who in Black History would be in a future GOAT Status in years to come?

Still, who is still shocked that Black History Month is more than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks?

Black Churches: are you still archiving YOUR Black History Moments?

Will Mandela Barnes go for a future election run with Milwaukee and Wisconsin Black supporters? And more of Black Wisconsin Media?

For you, the Roland Martin Unfiltered fans: Has the Black Star Network been very informative so far?

What is the real Black Experience we know very well?

You do realize that without Dr. Marian Croak, there wouldn’t be a use of VOIP on our phones or the internet. You heard? That’s Voice Over Internet Protocol by the way.

We all used microphones, right? Even a black man like Dr. James E. West invented a component for mics called the Electret Microphone. Without that, no telling what our microphones would do. You better research his name and why it matters.

The Grammys showed the 50th Anniversary highlighted of the most misunderstood art form of Hip Hop. Just to think long time ago, the Grammys never cared about Hip Hop. Left it off the table and there were rappers then protested the art form that should have been included. But in 1989, Parents Just Don’t Understand by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince aka Will Smith, won their first Grammy under the Rap Category. Now it’s years later it’s finally is getting it’s flowers. So, tell me again why this matters to many?

Last year, I commented about the low percentage of African American Households that don’t have access to the internet. And not enough African American families don’t have a computer. With this being the change in times, what will it take to invest in a computer for more Black households? And as of now, how many Black/African American households now have internet?

Next time you use a GPS, thank a black woman like Gladys West. Can you do that?

It seems that Black History Month seems to be falling on deaf ears when it comes to our young people. We see all the memes and when they hear the name of Harriet Tubman for example, they think the 20 Dollar Bill was an idea. But they really don’t know anything else about her! Same with Dr. Carter G. Woodson who was the brainchild behind the idea to further push Negro History Week. And the idea of black college students at Kent State University in 1969 to push for the renaming of Black History Month to celebrate all month long. Even when it was officially pushed to come out in 1976, the same year I was born! And in 1986, when I was 9 years old, on February 1st of that year, it was officially declared for all time. So those who are under 46 years old and utterly clueless about the memes and thinking decisive that it’s racist, get a freaking clue. Hit the showers! What is the real problem here? I think the dilemma is not Black History Month, the dilemma is them NOT understanding why it has been celebrated and founded in the first place!

Black History Month is 97 years old this year. When and how we would celebrate it when it turns 100 in 2026?

Juneteenth Day starts in 4 months on June 19th. What’s the plan? And many cannot say violence on MLK Street. Did I also mention that Black Music Month starts also in June?

African American AP Studies should matter. Just like the European, Asian, Hispanic and other AP related stuff we always hear should be in the classrooms and online courses. Agree or disagree?

Black History Month events in schools should not be censored for anything! Screw the curriculum, and screw the equity crap. Let our young people know and hear and see the entire truth in print, video documentaries, streaming, and many others. Not just post 1970, but before it. You heard the quote: you never know where you’re going, until you know where you have been.” Agree?

I need to see #DefendBlackHistory material advertised. No, Walmart you cannot do this. No other folks you can’t have this.. It must be BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN OWNED. Can this happen? All the time, maybe? Even in protesting modes?

You know other countries like Canada and the UK celebrate Black History Month. And even Haiti acknowledges it’s Black History. So for those who find this a false flag, why is it a problem only for America but, not internationally known? Black History is not just American History only. It’s also world history. Google it, kids.

One more thing, Black folks, when we research our folks in historical articles and it appears on Social Media that this event of that figure might be true, check the facts, first! Can that be done?

Did anyone took the Stephen’s Spot Black History Quiz without cheating?

And THE final thing to ask before Black History Month of 2023 goes into the archives: Exactly how would anyone take it very seriously to reference Black History daily? Not every week, but daily!

Word to the wise, for all the haters, racists, and self-closeted beings, please for the love of God, Jesus, Allah, or Buddha, don’t EVER come for Black History Month! Don’t even try it!

While many of us are exploring the annals of Black History Month once again, it’s find time that many of us really need to ask, and of course continue the cause of many figures and events that shook the country of America and yet the world. And of course, many have already criticized that it’s not being taught everyday to racism. Or being decisive. Or being black only and not with everyone. Let me say this as a black man, don’t come for Black History Month. What do I mean by that? Don’t come for all that weakness about that you didn’t know because of a failed public school system. Heck, blame the curriculum! All done by design. Don’t come for black history period in a sense like many assume that it’s not “YOUR history!” It’s different, yes but it’s a way to understand why it matters. While many of us are summarizing the news about the current events of the world from idiots talking smack about Critical Race Theory, to 12 year old swimmers who can’t wear Black Lives Matter, or even wear a shirt of an image of Breonna Taylor, books being banned with black authors of telling the truth of America’s pasts, have the gaul of redistricting voting areas, the some what critical comments of a new nominated Supreme Court Judge candidate, the utter disrespect that classrooms, or students opting out of Black History Month, and dozens of others that find the second month horrible but still asking why February?

And by the way, I’m still scratching my head again.

So Black People, are we still on that “January 1st – December 31st Black History Everyday” stuff with the memes?

Judge Kenjanti Brown Jackson is the latest pick by President Biden to be the next nominee for the Supreme Court Bench. And already, why many has to be a suspect, though?

Everyone is still asking, why is Black History Month in February? Matter of fact, this is the real question to ask:

So it seems that the narrative, “Black History is American History” is once again challenged on two fronts: One, what about the different countries that celebrate Black History Month? It’s not just American History! And second, if Black History is American History, then why are those who don’t want to hear about our history?! Usually coming from those that are so hypocritical about wanting to hear about the pureness of America’s pasts. Stop lying.

What was the best thing going in Black History Month of 2022 that should be going all day everyday?

Milwaukee, are you still supporting, or will support the Black Holocaust Museum now that is open again?

Last year in Black History Month, the then Mayor Tom Barrett declared that the remaining blocks of Old World Third Street, would be renamed after Dr. King. Well….as we know last month, it happened. So any problems so far? After 38 years?

It seems the name of Alonzo Robinson is getting out very well in Milwaukee. Especially with the renaming of the Fire Administration Building near 7th and Wells. So, Milwaukee, you know what he did, right?

Which figure in Black History should have been recognized in 2022 thus far?

Which figure in Black History should have been recognized a long time ago?

Which figure in Black History could be recognized in the next several years?

Which event in Black History must be recognized or examined in years to come, or should have been recorded long ago?

Glad that Amber Ruffin made this by the ending of Black History Month 2022. Who agrees?

Oh, hold up, wait a minute, that Super Bowl Halftime Show with the main event of Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, 50 Cent and the queen of Hip Hop and Soul Mary J. Blige should tell all Generation X members that “You Still Got It!” Oh you still have questions Millennials, and Gen Z? Don’t be fronting!

Look, yet again the Wisconsin State Assembly just shot down another recognition of Black History Month. Oh, it took a Black Republican of Senator Julian Bradley to not recognize any figures that contributed to the United States. Oh get this, he thought that Black History Month and Juneteenth Day is the same. NEGRO PLEASE! Get the F word out of here with that BS! How is Black History Month and Juneteenth Day the same? One is a about honoring contributions, the other is about Freedom that the 4th of July didn’t do! Senator Julian Bradley needs to go back and take some seats!

So it seems that Kyle Rittenhouse is going after those who called him a murderer, after the non guilty vote from last November on guess what day? Intetnational Men’s Day. So is this a desperate thing he’s doing trying to get that money? We know what he did and it’s on tape! Don’t deny it.

During the Winter Games, we learned that Erin Jackson and Sylvia Hoffman are Black Girl Magic and we already know that Elena Meyers Taylor has the Black Girl Magic with the decorated Olympic Medals. Do they have your attention now?

Speaking of attention now: Jade Cargill of AEW. Has she turned your head yet?

Speaking of attention yet again: the WWE acknowledged former Champions Bobby Lashley, Big E, and Kofi Kingston of the Modern Era in Wrestling. Something that should be the new norm. Who should be acknowledged next? We know Bianca Belair is coming up like Sasha Banks, Naomi, and several others.

Speaking of Bel-Air, anyone feeling that on Peacock so far?

Has any city structures or landmarks in the country, or the world was lit the Pan African Colors of the Red, the Black, and the Green and sometimes Yellow for Black History Month? If not, what’s wrong with your cities?!

Who in Black History is at current GOAT Status? Don’t just say Michael Jordan!

Who in Black History should have been in GOAT Status a long time ago?

Who in Black History would be in a future GOAT Status in years to come?

Marquette Golden Eagles: how is Shaka Smart doing with the squad?

Still, who is shocked that Black History Month is more than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks?

Black Churches: are you archiving YOUR Black History Moments?

Milwaukee: when we started Black History Month of 2022, what was THE EMBARRASSMENT by the Black Panthers in a Church?!!! Especially for a Mayoral Election?

This is a question, are there Black people in Ukraine? Just asking, not fronting.

When April 5th comes, will Milwaukee finally have a for-real Black Mayor?

Can Ron Johnson be defeated by Mandela Barnes this Midterm?

For you, the Roland Martin Unfiltered fans: Has the Black Star Network been very informative so far?

What is the real Black Experience we know very well?

You do realize that without Dr. Marian Croak, there wouldn’t be a use of VOIP on our phones or the internet. You heard? That’s Voice Over Internet Protocol by the way.

Black History Month for this year was centered around Health and Wellness. What were the lessons again? Heart Disease? Diabetes? Strokes? COVID? Breast Cancer? Colon Cancer? Prostate Cancer? Too much table salt, smoking, liquor, alcohol, marijuana, Blood Clots? What?!!!

Michael Finley changed the Basketball culture for UW-Madison in the 1990’s. And his number 24 is officially retired. Who’s black and next? #OnWisconsin

The best Pro Football Hall of Fame Announcement I know in 2022 Black History Month: LeRoy Butler. He waited and waited and waited and FINALLY MADE IT! For you young fans, you’re probably asking who? I’m asking why you’re asking about him? Just read about him!

Last year, I commented about the low percentage of African American Households that don’t have access to the internet. And not enough don’t have a computer. With this being the change in times, what will it take to invest in a computer for more Black households?

Next time you use a GPS, thank a black woman like Gladys West. Can you do that?

It seems that Black History Month seems to be falling on deaf ears when it comes to our young people. We see all the memes and when they hear the names of Harriet Tubman for example, they think of the 20 Dollar Bill that was an idea. But they really don’t know anything else about her! Same with Dr. Carter G. Woodson who was the brainchild behind the idea to further push Negro History Week. And the idea of black college students at Kent State University in 1969 to push for the renaming of Black History Month to celebrate all month long. Even when it was officially pushed to come out in 1976 in the same year I was born! And in 1986, when I was 9 years old, on February 1st of that year, it was officially declared for all time. So those who are under 45 years old and clueless with the memes and thinking decisive that it’s racist, get a clue. Hit the showers! What is the problem? The dilemma is not Black History Month, the dilemma is them NOT understanding why it has been celebrated and founded in the first place!

Black History Month is 96 years old this year. When and how we would celebrate it when it turns 100 in 2026?

And THE final thing to ask before Black History Month of 2022 goes into the archives: Exactly how would anyone take it very seriously to reference Black History daily? Not every week, but daily!

Word to the wise, for all the haters, racists, and self closeted beings, please for the love of God, Jesus, Allah, or Buddha, don’t EVER come for Black History Month! Don’t even try it!

Photo by Dale Brooks on

What’s up, Sagittarius folks! Our season is back for another year. Another chance to celebrate us even if we are November born or December Born. Oh yes, it’s our time to shine. Me however, it’s the milestone of #45 for my December 5th Birthday, and another turning point that is willing to grasp.

Now for this Sagittarius Season it’s a newer one yet again. This is the one that we are still in a worldwide pandemic. The Coronavirus, Delta Variant, and now….Omicron?!! What is this?! I hope many of us that are so Centaur Jovial are staying safe, wearing the masks, being socially distant, testing for COVID, and fellow archers, please get vaccinated! There is no question that this time around that 2022 must be a year that everyone will try to continue to bounce back. And did I mention that year of 2022 is a midterm election year? Yeah that one. Better get in line to go and tell and vote! Like our Centaur, we must also continue to bounce back and tell the truth. The blunt version – that is what we November born/December born Sagittarius must do in all things! It’s in our 9th house DNA no matter what time we were born.

This year, as we gearing towards Christmas and Kwanzaa, the message to us Archer folk remains the same: Go and tell!

Speaking of going and telling : this is all about celebrating the good news. The good news that you are still living is breathing and breathing. What do you mean by go and tell? It’s just like in the Season of Advent in which we all or most of us celebrate Christmas and telling the story of the Christ child. For me, celebrating 45 years of life is a way to go and tell! It really means to me that this statement is that just a celebration it’s also a statement to go and tell the good news for everyone to hear. Many of you who are hardcore Sagittarians, are probably having or already did celebrated your birthday going and telling the good news. Where the birthday was or is celebrated or observed, we’ll do it before the 21st. Or on the 21st to include this season. Chances are that it will happen, chances it does not. But regardless, our infamous zodiac sign of the Centaur with the bows and arrows, with the hue of purple and sometimes blue colors, this is our time to not only shoot our shot but what to aim for the next level.

My Sagittarian readers, and you other zodiac that love the 9th house with the royal purple on deck: I am glad that many of us are celebrating our birthdays one more time around the Sun. Matter of fact, our side is a hot sign of fire. So yes, let us continue to celebrate ourselves. Let’s continue to celebrate who we are. Let us continue to celebrate our 9th sign of the Zodiac. And of course, many will talk smack. Many will talk that mess about the Centaur. The 9th house. Many don’t get us.

Many were here talking jack of the other zodiacs. And many of us will probably get praise from others Zodiacs of who we are. If I was a different zodiac, like a Capricorn or what’s that? I’ll probably do the same. But hey, God doesn’t make mistakes. I’ll probably pray that as a Sagittarius, being a half and half zodiac sign, there is no comparison of what we do. We know our human strength or human intelligence. That horseman style strength or Horsemen style ability, we got this and there is nothing that we can’t do to accomplish.

Speaking of another thing: let’s not be afraid to start over. What I’m getting at you asked? Look what Amber Khan has to say about this when we were “eclipsed”:

Eclipsed Targets: Sagittarius December 2021; The Quietest Revolution; 2021

I think after looking at this video really speaks that at times, we must start over again. When we celebrate the last ticks of 2021 going into 2022, we’ll spending that time of course to think about the days gone by, the ideas, the thoughts, the concerns, the joys, and many other things we know. As I was looking at this clip, there is no question that starting over in general is a gift that keeps on giving. Folks many before us started over in education, jobs, income, volunteering, or just wanted to started over to improve better. Our aims, dear Archers we’re kind of off in these eclisped targets. We shoot, and miss. We shoot, and make the shot. We shoot, and well we may not always hit the bullseye. What I am trying to say in the check in, is that even though can celebrate, turn up, observe, or what ever we do for our day of debut, turning a new age is also like starting over. You done this at this age, or that age, but what about this one? What about it? What is the one thing that we haven’t done yet? Look, I just turned 45 years old. The same age that I lost an aunt in 1997, and this year, a cousin. Both of them were 45 years of age. But yet, when I think about them, and to think about those cologuard commericals (oh yes I know) that tells me that I need to get my you know what in gear! It’s time to start over YET AGAIN! I remember starting over in the 10th grade when I flunked Geometry, but my 11th Grade year, I passed it with a higher grade. This was in the 1990’s like 1992 – 1994. I realized that those were eclipsed targets that I couldn’t shoot well. But I had to practice. Adjusting to High School, and College were eclipsed. Why? because it was new! A brand new enviroment. Same as when many had to adjust to Virtual Learning or Virtual Communications last year being stuck at home when many of us were battling COVID-19. And now it seems that our senior and older folks have a hard time to adjust on how to use tap mobile on Zoom! And they complained at us who are younger than them that we were born with this skill! All of us whom are Generation X, Millennnials, and Generation Z, we know this like it’s nothing. But for the Baby Boomers who don’t know jack about this, guess what: that is their eclipse. Hopefully that they and many others better get with the program (another Gen-X quote) to learn this game. Don’t just sit back and watch! Take notes. Observe. Ask Questions!

But getting back to starting over, my mother once told me that there is nothing wrong of starting over again. We will all get to that point that where mistakes or mishaps happen and don’t know what’s up, we know that there will be improvements. There will be solutions and ideas to compromise. We know that it may not be easy to adjust to this new era, but like many other eras of the past, there will be bounce backs and comebacks. Sagittarians, do you hear me? With all that: many have stated, starting over is a gift, just like getting that birthday present, or that Christmas Gift that many of us will get on the 25th, or even witnessing the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, or watching the games and the WWE on New Year’s Day to kick off 2022. And yet, even doing the traditional resolutions is not only a gift, but also a curse.

But in conclusion: Archers rejoice! We will use this season to not only celebrate, but also to continue the mission that we are on. Let us continue to celebrate our annual achievements all year round, between now and the next Sagittarius Season of Centaur Excellence!

Happy Birthday to all of us Centaurs. Raise the bows. Shoot the arrows. Roam, Centaurs roam!

Now Go and Tell.

Men of the world: Guess what? Happy International Men’s Day.

Once again, if you are reading this, you’re probably are still alive. And to think about it? It is a time to be alive on November 19th. But before I go any further, I think it’s time to ask a question once again: What is the plan? I mean really ask yourself, what is the plan for this day to go forward in the 2020s? International Men’s Day is still a young day to honor and appreciate the males in our lives. Mainly for each man reading this blog is also a day that is reserved for you. Yes, we can talk about International Women’s Day on March 8th. And yes we could ask the same question about the When is International Men’s Day slamming comments yet again. Don’t believe me? Go back and read all of those social media posts including the ones that bash International Men’s Day. Go back read all of the international women’s day postings and summarize how many posted on social media were more about the women asking of International Men’s Day. Go back 8 months as summarized every single sentence that was talked about between then and now. And when you do, ask yourself why the negativity when it comes to November 19th.

Is it father issues? Is it issues concerning brothers, uncles, grandfathers, or any other male figure in many life? I mean we’re talking about International Men’s Day. We’re talking about a day in which is not really a Father’s Day. This is a day for all men and males alike. I’m assuming everybody knows what that means. Of course many will not know that. Why, because many will be stuck in that one mode that many know.

Last year, I highlighted the men who passed away, this year will be the same. So let me highlight the men who have passed away this year of 2021 and it’s only a few:

Gen. Colin Powell – Of all the men this year, Colin Powell was the general that many respected. Even if you didn’t serve in the Military. Of course many didn’t like him, and for what? No siding with extreme right? Voted for Obama? But no matter how he was admired, his service to this nation will always be indebted to his legacy. Don’t assume just because he was a Republican. You know he used to be a Democrat, right? Look it up! Even though blood cancer was the last break leading to his death, not COVID-19! But he ran his race for 84 years of life. No comparison!

Let’s look at #44, Hank Aaron. Henry Hank Aaron who broke into the major leagues from the negro leagues, and won with the then Milwaukee Braves of his first World Series Championship in 1957. This was WAY BEFORE the team moved to Atlanta. Yet despite many challenges and concerns he endured, including racism, he is and was considered one of the best baseball players that played the game. Hank Aaron was honored by the Braves and Brewers the teams that he played for in his 21 years combined. Hank Aaron was 84 years old and yet still a great one to summarize enshrined into eternity!

Gregg Leakes passed away 66 years old this year and we know that the cause was Colon Cancer. Black men, I know you were reading the news about his passing, and being married to Nene Leakes, and being on the Real Housewives Reality Shows. All that was summarized. But the issue of Colon Cancer is still on the rise and it’s a problem. Look at this: How many men in your families, have passed away from Colon Cancer within the past year or years past and it was the result in the lives of men? How many men have been diagnosed and are surviving and EDUCATING OTHER MEN about Colon Cancer with being able to tell other MEN that this is a serious matter? Just today, on International Men’s Day, President Joe Biden just had his Colon checked and it’s a job to get his health checked like he should. So he is doing his part to make sure he stays active. Black men, when that time comes, and we hate to see those Cologuard Commercials where many are saying “Tell Me More!” Look, I don’t like doctors, and many of us don’t like hearing about men going to the hospitals and never coming out, like the old folks of men used to say and you have to ask WHY?!! Well, since many advances in science, medicine, treatments have improved in the last several years, we dudes need to be on board NOW! No more of this stuff with the women nagging us like Riki Tiki Tavi Cobras. Look, folks, we got to get onboard. Even though they will, but they need to check themselves too especially for their SONS if they have any! Let’s be real! Men, we must be on the real with this. We read that many die early and still do not go to the doctor. There was a time one of my late grandmothers never went to the doctor. NO LIE WOMEN! ALL FACTS!

And let us not forget the deaths of DMX, Michael K. Williams, Biz Markie, other black men who have died from COVID-19, and countless others that died so quickly and recklessly of bad driving. Not a very good sign.

So yet, we need a plan. All International Men of the world needs a plan. The Men in the United States need a plan. Especially black men who are tired of being hunted by the law. Other countries need a plan. Not just with #hashtags and slogans or dancing on Tik Tok. If you are, that is a waste. It may be fun for the moment, but what about the next year and a half or more? It’s time to get serious! It’s time to get with the program like I used to say that many used to state back in the 1990s. Especially when Gen X was on point! What is the plan? What is the plan when men are looking for jobs? What is the plan for going to College? I’m going there! What is the plan to go to School Board Meetings in which the Baby Boomers highly are active to attend, but there are not enough men of Gen-X, Millennials, and Gen-Z are showing up to take upon the ability to attend and support the schools? The very same schools that they attended and just forgot about them. And of course, noting the memories when it was cool with the classes, homecoming, and graduations. And a few reunions. Really?! That goes for some women too. But today, it’s about the Men! What is the plan, again of men, going to the Doctor, checking on the Mental Health, Finance, Spiritual? What is the plan of trying to get Men to come to church? When I mention this, and every time I step into a church building while being masked up from COVID-19 with being vaccinated, the ratio of women to men is like 2:1. Look around. Now for the men of my age, you’re probably remembering the good times back when you’re younger and that’s it. Like totally 80s and 90s. And Men, do you still have a men’s group that reaches out to younger men? If not, that is your problem! What are you trying to do? Maybe, just maybe after you pray, GET TO WORK! And the same with the Fraternities, Veterans Groups, Neighborhood Groups, Alumni Associations, and other dedicated Men’s Groups who have this Achilles heel. Maybe the churches need to admit that. Now for those churches that are doing the job, God bless you. Those who have not, do the job!

Men, what is the plan? Mainly what is the plan mainly who have criminal records with small non-violent past criminal acts? And still cannot get a job, or a house, or credit or any other need? Ask black men that question. I dare you. I ask this again in 2021: What is the plan?

Just today on #InternationalMensDay 2021: Our attention today was focused on Kenosha, Wisconsin. You know? The same town that was the scene of the Black Lives Matter protests last year, which also was the city that featured the shooting of Jacob Blake. But, it was also focused heavily of the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse murder case. Let me say this, Kyle is forever etched with the nightmare. Kenosha was like ground zero and it was a hot target of discussion with the trial. But today, the week-long verdict was all Not Guilty. As a black man sitting in Milwaukee, at home on the job, this was not very surprising. If Kyle were black, what do you think would happen? Yep: Kyle would be a target to be dead. But today’s trial verdict is just another example when white privilege strikes up and everyone gives into the consequences. This act serves as a prime example of White Supremacy at its finest. You know as well as I know this was bound to happen. Kyle Rittenhouse walks off. No International Men’s Day for him! Now if you’re a hater of International Men’s Day, you would not be on this blog. Nor not reading about Men’s Issues on International Men’s Day period. But after you heard this mess from the Verdict of Not Guilty, guess what, get the heat on him!

In addition to the bad sides, let us look at the good side of the International Men’s Day:

  1. I’m picking Giannis Antetokounmpo. You know, the MVP of the Milwaukee Bucks who won the NBA Championship this year. And if anyone knows International Men per se, look at the NBA.
  2. Roland Martin. You may hate uncle Ro-Ro, but this year, but here’s something he didn’t that many didn’t do: launched his own network called the Black Star Network. Who’s mad now?
  3. This is important to pick: Hughes Van Ellis. One of the last surviving members from 1921’s Tulsa Race Massacre. He is in his 100’s and recounts the stories how the area he was raised in, was engulfed in violence. His sister Viola Fletcher who also is in her 100’s and 6 years older than Hughes, also recounts every memory she knows. And the struggle for what they went though, and we know still continues with the struggle. Hughes Van Ellis is also an Army Veteran that served during WWII with the 234th AAA Gun Bataltion which was an All-Black Army Unit that was segregated.
  4. And the last on the list I think would be a recognizable Male for International Men’s Day: All the male doctors and nurses who work hard each time to administer the COVID Vaccines to each patient including Dr. Anthony Fauci getting out the information which is the real deal in the attempt to lower the COVID-19, the Delta Variant and of course, the Flu.

This year’s International Men’s Day is centered around the subject: Better Relations with Men and Women. What are the criteria for this? Let’s look at that again: Better relations with Men and Women. Now it’s no secret that there is a mix between Men and Women in which can be at times be twisted, confusing, negative, and other pathetic stuff that most don’t get. I mean, look at this tweet:

Matter of fact, play the whole clip.

Yes, the better relationship part needs work. First of all, for all the women who said this crap, obviously weren’t just paying attention. Earlier, I mentioned about those who have daddy issues. Or male issues. This is what I am talking about. Oh, when the Women’s Day was popping, I’ll bet most women and most probably were celebrating. But not for some. And when the question of “When International Men’s Day?” comes along, yes we men ask in a angsy type manner. But also partially fail to look it up on Google. You females, guess what YOU ALSO ask the same question! What’s up?! I mean how you do this for your sons, husbands, boyfriends, and brothers? Really? And of course, we talk about who are the biggest liars, men or women. I know you’re thnking of Aaron Rodgers, but that’s not the point! We know he lied about the vaccine. (WINK!) However, females (y’all do it too) with all the petty stuff you go through, and vice versa for the men, we need to have a common ground of better relations between us. Yes, if we are going to have a better world for our kids to have a lot of playtimes and take care of us when we all gray and old, and can’t see a wristwatch, and fighting prostate and ovarian cancers mixed with Colon problems or decide what to watch until the end, then yes we should improve our relations between us. You have ideas, I have ideas. Your girls have ideas, my dudes have ideas. Your Women’s Group has ideas, My Men’s group needs ideas. So yes, let’s get to work and chop it up.

Now let’s review that list I made last year and I hope many took some serious notes!

Stop complaining and questioning about “When is international men’s day” every freaking March 8th! Yes, the women do have a International Day for them, and it’s fair that we males need to have one. Oh, wait………..we do every like November 19th.

PROMOTE! PROMOTE! PROMOTE! the you know what for International Men’s Day. Men, remember last year when I said that the planning of IMD must take place on the 19th of each month? It’s time to go back to do that again. And of course, the male groups of fraternities, boys groups in all must fall in to get this thing started up. And to continue to use International Men’s Day to serve its true purpose. And also for all you male groups out there, start recruiting! And of all those wishing that Google should have done a Doodle for today, and if you didn’t see it, why are you complaining? If you are an able body male that has sketching or drawing talents and if you keep seeing this blank space of nothing for International Men’s Day, guess what? CREATE IT! Talk to the right folks that know this very well and get in touch to network. Let them know that you are serious and get the cash flow ideas working. Look at the Juneteenth Day Google Doodle from this year. Previously there was no doodle, but it took a black woman to help turn that around. Sample that stuff!

For the women that are looking at this, if you have sons, grandsons, nephews, cousins, uncles, grandfathers, great-grandsons/fathers, godsons, godfathers, all in all. You know your men. If you haven’t taken the time to appreciate them or value them for who they are, make sure you give them their flowers now! Don’t wait until they pass away or a missed opportunity. And this reminds me that one of Whitney Houston’s bodyguards said the same thing 8 years ago. Don’t recall the name, sorry. But I do recall that he was a black male. And also, don’t go around demanding that there should be no IMD or every day is a Man’s Day. And women: STOP TELLING ALL MEN HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!!! Just had to say that. Men, do not perpetrate!

For all the churches: No matter the denomination, ADD THIS TO YOUR SPECIAL SUNDAYS. Don’t just say Father’s Day.

International Men’s Day should not just be on a Twitter Trend List. Even it was nice and a little bit better this time. It should be a going forward progress all the time.

Last year on this blog, I mentioned about a story regarding Roland Martin and a subject about black women meeting on a phone conference every Sunday night, talking about what they would like to see and not waiting on someone else. Each man reading this blog of mine needs to have a weekly or a monthly conference since many of us are at home behind laptops with Zoom and WebEx. No matter the organization, fraternity, or others. We need to have this to keep us engaged EVERYDAY!

All levels of government needs to acknowledge International Men’s Day. Especially here in the United States. Just like what the women do for Girls Day in Government for Women’s Month.

If you are a business owner, you need to be involved in this matter too.

And the last but not least, Men need to have a safe space. Where they can talk about what’s on their minds without getting involved in a toxic conversation, about being harassed of not manning up or showing emotions. Let us have a day or time to exhale! Take the time to GET CHECKED, get organized, get engaged and most of the time, take the time to defend yourself! IN ANY AREA! I did it, you can too.

Overall, men of the world, know this: we can do this. Let’s do this for our Sons, our Girls, our other men who don’t have children, other men who don’t have an outlet, men who are single and remaining to be single, and many other men that I didn’t list, many other women I didn’t list but we know entirely it can be done. Do the right thing, gentlemen. This #internationalmensday and every International Men’s Day to come!

Scratching my head all this time – in 2020

Posted: December 31, 2020 in #blacktwitter, #TwitterShare, African American Stories and Viewpoints, African-American Introversion Bliss, Alumni Connections, Annual Review, B1G Football, Black America, Black Empowerment, Black Greeks, Black History Month Viewpoints, Black Issues, Black Milwaukee, Black Music, Black stories that all should know and realize, Black Wisconsin, Calling those out to be accountable!, Christianity, Church, Commentary by all means, Communications, Community Concerns, Controversial Factors, Coronavirus, Crime, Decision Factors, Distance Education, Distance Learning, Divine Nine, Editorial, Education, Entertainment, Every American MUST realize!, Every International Citizen MUST realize!, Facebook, Fraternity, Games, Health and Wellness, Holidays, International Men, International Men's Day, International Women, International Women's Day, Introverts are good and united, Life, Local, Local Arts and Entertainment, Local News and Politics, Male Issues, Men's Issues, Methodist Church, Midwest African American Commentary, Migrations, Military & Veterans Family, Milwaukee African American Commentary, Milwaukee Concerns, New Year's Eve, New Years Day, News and politics, Racism, Religion, Scratching My Head All This Time, Social Media, Sorority, Southeast Wisconsin Matters, The Hypocritical Minded, The Issues, The United Methodist Church, TV, Unapologetically Speaking, Universities, Virtual Communication, White Supremacy is a Problem!, Wisconsin African American Commentary, Women Issues, Wrestling
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Oh you know I’m about to go in. 2020 was crazy! It had me on point, it had me on rotation, and it had me bugged out. But at the end of me asking these crazy questions we might understand it better. But…since this is the last Scratching my Head all this time of the year, but it’s not the last! So as we countdown to the last ticks of 2020, and we prepare for our virtual social distant Watch Night Services, All Night parties, and family gatherings to usher in transition of 2021, and yes to get our resolutions out of what we want to do in all: you’ve guessed it, I’m scratching my head YET AGAIN!

Alright, who remembers any of my blog posts from 10 years ago like 2010?

You know that 2021 starts the NEW OFFICIAL Roaring 20’s, right?

Did anyone from the Republicans actually paid attention that 45 got beat?

The Voters won November. Am I Right?

I predicted that Tom Barrett will be a 5 time mayor. And I was right. Questions?!!!

What’s up with the Democrats and this inner circular war that is still going?

Which Documentary was best in 2020? “The Last Ride”, or “The Last Dance?”

What will the health industry do to boost up the warnings for the COVID-19?

Word is that MeTV is bringing back Saturday Morning Cartoons in 2021. If that’s the case, then is really needed after all the so-called rumors about them being distractive to young minds after 25 plus years!

So many folks didn’t like the WAP? All because of Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B expressing the sexually charged ideas as black women rappers! Songs and sex aren’t new. And men, why the hate?

Why was White Supremacy remained a maximum programmed problem? Even if it’s a problem among black people in 2020?

So people thought that Facebook was getting so big. Now it has to be separated. Really?!

Did Snoop Dogg learned his lesson after Gayle King?

The Indians names were quickly dissolving for Washington Football and soon to be – Cleveland. Reminders anyone?

Wrestling fans, I get it. We miss the Undertaker. But after him, who’s next to cheer for?

What will be next for the Green Bay Packers that got into the playoffs and winning the North? Same or different?

You know that again the Milwaukee Bucks want to be for real for a Championship? Since Giannis signed 5 years?

So which folks in Milwaukee, has benefited of riding the Streetcar thus far in its still free 2nd year while in the Pandemic?

Is the Fiserv Forum ready for year three?

What was the best car in 2020?

Did MK11 really played well again this year?

Show of hands: who never gave Joe Biden a chance in the debates nor rallies nor the election?

What were the worst jobs of 2020 that many will NEVER DO AGAIN for another decade or year?

Are you or were you watching Roland Martin Unfiltered?

Was this the third year that many REALLY recognized International Men’s Day in November on Twitter?!

For all of the Becky’s and other white folks that called the police on black folks doing civilized stuff this year and you know you did, where were your conscious minds doing that foolishness in 2020?! Black folks, keep your cell phones on Horizontal and hit the record button! Make them pay!

Proud Boys, really? Who were these guys?

If you smelled like Marijuana all through 2020, and you’re in the store or were in a store, did you remember to wash up before leaving the house? Like seriously! There was alot of that.

What was up with Russia and these Cyberattacks? Like really?

When will be the right time for many to explore NEW YORK for New Year’s Eve?

Will the Wisconsin Badgers win the Rose Bowl the right way?

What about those Packers so far? Can they be actually SuperBowl Ready? Yes, I’m realizing what I’m saying!

The group, NFAC or the No F***ing Around Coalition has been a surprise this year with black men being strapped. Will that continue?

For all those hated Introverts, not understand Introverted people, especially BLACK Introverts, why you picked on them? Like seriously. They are not you! And 2020 was the year that Introverts struck back… home!

What will it ACTUALLY take to get Bayonetta 3 on the Switch?!! Matter of fact, what will it take to get House of the Dead Overkill playable on the Switch?

Oh, this needs to be asked, Sniper Elite 4, as well as No More Heroes was good in 2020. Will it be another good game for the Nintendo Switch next year?

Star Trek: Picard was a hit. Who’s ready for Season 2?

Which jobs or careers were or are beneficial for the introverted crowd in Wisconsin in 2020, since many were at home?

Which jobs were good ones in 2020 that were COVID-19 proof?

In 2020, did many benefited using bitcoins or bought Stock?

When the Grads of 2020 had their moment of commencements, did we offer their congrats? Virtually?

Who has or is really learning from Roland Martin’s show online after one year?

What was the worst interview this country has ever seen in 2020?

Bad Boys for Life was that movie. WW84 same in 2020. What else?

Black Church folks, are you ready for the Virtual Watch Night Services?

Was not getting the flu shot that bad in 2020?!

Black folks, why are we still saying the N-Word? Why is that really?!

In 2020: who got promoted?

In 2020: who actually voted? Not just one time during the Presidential election!

In 2020: Did many actually went to the doctor, after praising them with the COVID-19 warnings? This means you too, MEN!

In 2020: Did any of you retained your resolutions? Hearing that the word no comes to mind.

In 2020: Milwaukee, did you missed the State Fair as well as Summerfest because of the CoronaVirus?

In 2020: Have any of you saved up financially for that nest egg?

In 2020: level with me, how many times that many of you DID NOT support your Alumni groups? EVERYBODY MUST BE GUILTY OF THIS.

In 2020: Who did the most work in your community? Don’t say the same people!

In 2020: Who did the least work in your community but never was recognized?

In 2020: Who did no work in the community? They need to be called out.

In 2020: Who was the “Dark Horse” in your family, church, organizations, etc? The ones that you never expected!

In 2020: who has a job lined up for 2021 that will be even MORE SECURE?

In 2020: Who wanted a job lined up that no one wanted but applied anyway?

In 2020: How many churches you prayed to, in order to be the best they can? Be honest.

In 2020 : What influenced you to vote against the Republicans that many despised?

In 2020: Milwaukee, was including Black Veterans at the War Memorial not a bad thing? And the real deal was previously, there was NO MENTION OF THEM!

For all the Masons, Order of Eagles, Shriners, Divine 9, American Legion Family, Elks, VFW and others, based on what I have read so far, regarding young folks joining your groups: what are you going to do about it and what will you do to get new members? For example, DJ Spinderella just joined Sigma Gamma Rho this year. And in her 50’s. Same with Anthony Anderson joining Omega Psi Phi. But what about those still want to get it under the college stat or graduate stat?

Is Tesla the new GM? Or is GM is still GM?

I need to ask also, who will miss Black Lightning? It’s the last season.

With all the retirees retired this year, who is next to go in 2021? (Mostly well known in local media)

If many still did blackface in 2020 which was shameful, can many not do it in 2021?

Who actually “migrated” out of Milwaukee in 2020 that moved to Atlanta or Texas just to get away from the racism, but only to realize that racism is everywhere? Like violence?

If you hated Church folks so much in 2020, why keep talking about it?! Especially those who keep sharing those false memes?!

Should the Army Black Knights team still sell those Tropic Lightning gear to those that had loved ones served in Vietnam?

CALLOUT – This needs to be asked EVERY YEAR: There has been this disdain that College is not for everyone. We have heard that. And also, there has been this talk about apprenticeships are better than college, it’s the job skills, not the education. Let me ask this: can Colleges/Universities and the Apprenticeships can actually come together and talk face to face to discuss actually what is needed to get to the part about the jobs after education? And feed it to the Alumni (especially for those who graduated years ago and still haven’t found the right job) and Community? And stop having this disdain about Colleges aren’t a solution! For real, colleges can be a solution, but not the only solution! Just as the Military is not the only way, trades aren’t the only way. You need a combo package to discuss this ongoing subject!

*And for the record, I have nothing against apprenticeships or for those going for them. I am against the fact that they don’t talk to each other and finding a common ground.

Has Distance Learning or Virtual Classes been respected this year?

If many did this in 2020: Resumes. Did many kill it for job interviews?

Can someone explain again the bad connection between buying Christmas gifts and Tax Time again?

In all of the 1,000 posts so far, what wasn’t mentioned?

In all of the 1,000 posts so far, what must be mentioned from me?

In all of the 1,000 posts what was learned from you?

In all of the 1,000 posts did anyone ever to follow what else I had to say?

Which jobs ruled in 2020? The site jobs or the home jobs?

Which Wisconsin teams surprised many in 2020? Brewers, Packers, Badgers, or Bucks?

Milwaukee had over 100 homicides in 2020. What will it take?

Of all the folks who passed away this year, who was the main person that didn’t receive much recognition?

Of all the folks who were honored this year for their hard work, service work, or even milestone work, who didn’t get any recognition after their hard work?

Anyone lost their job unfairly in 2020 before and during the pandemic?

Who was EMBARRASSED HARSHLY in 2020 that will not go away? And will it take a long time to heal?

When folks in the United Methodist Church talk about the future of Black Churches, how come many pass over it? And what is the main reason why many UMC objectifying the reasons of not including the LGBTQIA Community as being outcasts?!

Which reunions had to be cancelled in 2020? Especially if it’s an milestone. Crazy!

And this is the last question before the ball drops and clocks out for 2020: What will you carry into 2021 that you learned in 2020? And also, what will you NOT take into 2021 that you went through hellfire and brimstone in 2020?

Everything else is remained to be seen.

Now: let’s go party.

Ride on.

Happy New Year!

Photo by Skitterphoto on

Here are the rules: Everyone knows how this goes yet again. And it’s really simple. No need to link, or google, or even #Hashtag. Today, many around the country and in the household or other areas, we Americans will be celebrating that holiday of food called Thanksgiving. From the now socially distant Parades to the NFL Games, Dog Shows, or other new traditional ideas that will boost the food day. And yes, there will NOT be any going out to the clubs and shaking off the pounds to get loose for Christmas. But staying home for the house parties while maintaining 6 feet virtually. Or just now, folks going shopping. Really?!

And yes, there will be ongoing constant reminders of the horrors that our Native American brothers and sisters will not participate in this Thanksgiving Day due to the killing of their ancestors outside of a church on a Sunday morning many moons ago. Henceforth, The National Day of Mourning.

But this holiday, yes does have the two words of Be Thankful for the things and ideas we already have. So here in its 13th Anniversary tradition, here is another traditional Stephen’s Spot Thanksgiving Blog of “Be Thankful”. Even though we are battling the Coronavirus, the ongoing of systemic racism, avoiding the Proud Boys, 45 WILL BE GONE from the White House soon, and among others: Break out the tablets, Smartphones, PC’s or laptops. Start reading while maintaining quarantine style of staying put!

Before we begin the blog, let us take the time to reflect our thankfulness of this day and our thankfulness despite of the divisions, the struggles, the arguments, the valid points given, the political angles, the issues of holidays, generational values of lessons, religious or non-religous concerns and problems, and most of of all, our personal values and goals that we want to be better and brighter for all to inspire!

If you have a GOOD PAYING job that is good for you and it pays well for you or family, be thankful.

If you don’t have a job and still looking and STILL not quitting by going to the job fairs or making connections, even in the pandemic, be thankful!

If you have good insurance, either health, auto, home, vision, or dental that you haven’t lost, STILL be thankful.

If you have a good car or truck that gets you to work every day, and still runs well with or without repairs, be thankful for that!

If you have a new home, or still fixing up your old home, or investing in a home you grew up in and not selling it to those who want to rent out, but want it for life even more: BE TRULY THANKFUL!

If you STILL have a good physician or you still don’t have one, but still want to get that monkey (and constant NAGGING) off your back, STILL be thankful about improving your health. And STILL trying. Take your time! Especially in the pandemic.

Still wearing the masks, being socially distant? BE THANKFUL!

If you have a cool dentist and he or she is good and professional, be thankful.

Like any year, if you have lost any loved one this year or years past, and still feel down that the space is empty or the chair is empty, and you want to fill it up with a new generation of family members that want to pull ahead, even close friends, we must try to be thankful to carry on. It’s hard, but we must. I still miss my father, and like last year, my Thanksgiving will be different without him.

If you had folks praying for you all year for all the things you’ve been experienced no matter good or bad, be thankful that there are folks that know, and are in your corner.

If you are expecting a raise in 2021 and will be getting it, be thankful!

Do you still love your gifts and talents that are unappreciated? And still, do them all the time? Be thankful!

If you still got your parents and/or relatives as your back up, be thankful that they still care.

If you rediscovered your old talents in this Pandemic, Be Thankful!

If you had a sibling in the freaking hospital more than once, who is being taken care of and heard good news about coming home, and I know this AGAIN: STILL BE THANKFUL!

Got any good neighbors that know you no matter how long? Be thankful.

Met any new neighbors lately? Be thankful.

Moved to a different city or county, or state, or region or another country recently that you feel is best? Be thankful.

Moved back to a city, state, county, country that is best? Be Thankful.

Got a good plan to get that next step in your career, or a different career, and a mindset? Be thankful.

If you had connected with your colleagues or family members via Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Room or any other Video Chat platform while doing virtual classes, meetings, church services and others, and still folks had a hard time with the adjustments, BUT : they are starting to turning around, BE THANKFUL!

For all of my church folks: if you want your Church to succeed despite those want it to fail due to jealousy or no confidence with the pastors, BE THANKFUL that you are willing to fight!

If your birthday or anniversary is coming up or it already happened, be thankful!

If you have been given a side gig, and love it to be paid with that cash money or checks, no matter what it is, and the pandemic be thankful.

Men, did you celebrate International Men’s Day in #Movember, I mean November? Be Thankful!

Got a good pet or know a pet that knows you well? Be thankful.

If you STILL give back to your community, your Alumni, your Church, your Scholarship Committees, your Fraternity, your Sorority, your Unions or other groups that have been treating you good all this time, even in the pandemic, Be Thankful!

If you STILL appreciate the value of your former teachers or coaches, or former principals, of anyone that knew your value of education, be thankful.

If you put in the work to show up at your meetings even if you see the same people time after time, be thankful!

If you can’t wait to eat the meal that gives you life, be thankful you can still eat the grub.

Still avoiding fake news? Be thankful. They suck.

If you read the old blogs that I can’t control the reading, but still want to read what I want to say regardless from my black point of view, be thankful! Not just for me, but for you.

If you STILL got stuff in your house that you want to give away, be thankful. Somebody will take it.

Still fighting Racism, White Supremacy, Sexism, and others? – Be Thankful.

Got a good business handy? And it’s good for you to make that money like Uber or Lyft or It Works? Hey, be thankful!

If you switch your career to a new company in the past year or will go to a new company to come, be thankful!

Own a business? Got your own time schedule? Invested in a product or material that worked? Be thankful.

If you got many reachable sources to give, or to provide, or to share, or to support, and it’s really catching on, you better be thankful!

If you are planning to vote in 2022, please be thankful! VOTE IN ALL ELECTIONS!

If you are looking forward to another holiday weekend of fun, be thankful.

If you are NOT shopping on Black Friday, but willing to spend Black Friday outdoors in the woods or parks, Be Thankful! It’s a release to avoid a violent backlash.

If you are not shopping on Black Friday, but willing to spend your cash at a local business, or on Cyber Monday, be thankful.

If you are donating to your favorite charity on Giving Tuesday, Be thankful!

If you can’t wait to finally deck your halls for Christmas or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, AFTER Thanksgiving (some of you did it ahead of time) Be Thankful.

If you criticized 45 for his “horrible so-far job” as President and his tweets, REALLY BE THANKFUL!

If you are breathing right now normally and woke up: be thankful.

If you were removed from a company that had you started in the game, then a rift in Management occurred, but went to another company that is good so far, BE THANKFUL!

If many in the black community have black pride PLUS Melanin Responsibility to uplift our black people without sarcasm and forced stuff, BE THANKFUL!

Now I have to say this: if many have given back to our Veterans or supported our military while on duty, be thankful!

If you are a Veteran or service member of the Armed Forces, that had served or still. serving, BE THANKFUL!

If you are walking tall real good, be thankful.

If you are expecting a really good breakthrough like this year or next month, BE THANKFUL!

If you still condemn any racist act on the internet, social media, at your job, or in the house, your church demoninaton, or in the neighborhood, or any act of disrespect, forced patriotism, and you had to write letters of complaints to a certain company, STILL be always thankful to get your voice heard! Put the pressure on them on not coming back!

If you are upgrading your house to be better, be thankful!

If you got a plan to take a vacation, be thankful.

If you still got your old game systems on a Throwback Thursday and if they still work, be thankful!

If you still listen to your old school joints on your radio, or maybe some new school material, be thankful.

NOTE: For my readers that had to go through hell with school shootings, and still feeling hopeless. I want you all to understand that it’s a hard Thanksgiving Day for you as we know. But in a sense, you should be thankful that you can rebuild. And BE EXTRA THANKFUL that yet, you are still living! And be EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA THANKFUL that a breakthrough is coming for the better!

If you are a conscious-minded person, a defensive-minded person that you know is best, for your own opinions and viewpoints without any harm or hurtful feelings towards humanity, be thankful!

For my Sagittarius readers: guess what? Our season is back! Are we thankful, now? (SAGS RULE!)

And finally: If I missed anything that many have thought about, and it’s good: we all should be and forever so thankful that we must march on. Like they say at the black funerals: It’s already been said. It’s already done.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Oh wait a minute: I almost forgot. This blog post is not done yet! Here is a Be Thankful Extra!

For all the Medical Workers that are working on this Thanksgiving Day 2020 and had to constantly check the patients 24/7 with their coronavirus statistics, be thankful.

If you have a GOOD PAYING job that is good for you and it pays well for you or family, be thankful.

If you don’t have a job and still looking and STILL not quitting by going to the job fairs or making connections, be thatusankful!

If you have good insurance, either health, auto, home, vision, or dental STILL be thankful.

If you have a good car or truck that gets you to work every day, and still runs well with or without repairs, be thankful.

If you have a new home, or fixing up your old home, or investing in a home you grew up in and not selling it to those who want to rent out, but want it for life even more: BE THANKFUL!

If you FINALLY have a good doctor or you still don’t have one, but still want to get that monkey (and constant NAGGING) off your back, STILL be thankful about improving your health. And STILL trying. Take your time!

Now I need to say this: If you found out that you have a chronic illness like Diabetes, and you had a devastating moment of asking why it happened and didn’t have the words. But also you had conversations and online postings about those who have it already and knows the feelings of the battles, and you learn from them and they can inspire you to be better and get with the program of what they know, and still believe that it’s possible that you control diabetes and not let it get the best of you. In this month of National Diabetes Awareness Month: BE THANKFUL that you have a support system that can back you up. STICK WITH THE PLANS!

If you have a cool dentist and he or she is good and professional, be thankful.

Like any year, if you have lost any loved one this year or years past, and still feel down that the space is empty or the chair is empty, and you want to fill it up with a new generation of family members that want to pull ahead, even close friends, we must try to be thankful to carry on. It’s hard, but we must. I still miss my father, and like last year, my Thanksgiving will be different without him.

If you had folks praying for you all year for all the things you’ve been experienced no matter good or bad, be thankful that there are folks that know, and are in your corner.

If you are expecting a raise in 2020 and will be getting it, be thankful!

Do you still love your gifts and talents that are unappreciated? And still, do them all the time? Be thankful!

If you still got your parents and/or relatives as your back up, be thankful that they still care.

If you had a sibling in the freaking hospital more than once, who is being taken care of and heard good news about coming home, and I know this AGAIN: STILL BE THANKFUL!

Got any good neighbors that know you no matter how long? Be thankful.

Met any new neighbors lately? Be thankful.

Moved to a different city recently that you feel is best? Be thankful.

Moved back to a city that is best? Be Thankful.

Got a good plan to get that next step in your career, or a different career, and a mindset? Be thankful.

For all of my church folks: if you want your Church to succeed despite those want it to fail due to jealousy, BE THANKFUL that you are willing to fight!

If your birthday or anniversary is coming up or it already happened, be thankful!

If you are STILL very introverted and darn proud of it, and not ashamed to tell about it or embrace it, be thankful!

Oh you know I’m about to go in. 2019 was crazy! It had me on point, it had me on rotation, and it had me bugged out. But at the end of me asking these crazy questions we might understand it better. But…since this is the last Scratching my Head all this time of the year, but it’s not the last! So as we countdown to the last ticks of 2019, and we prepare for our Watch Night Services, All Night parties, and family gathering to usher in transition of 2020, and yes to get our resolutions out of what we want to do in all: you’ve guessed it, I’m scratching my head YET AGAIN!

Alright, who remembers any of my blog posts from 10 years ago like 2009?

Did Salt and Pepa really had to let go Spinderella?

Did anyone really pay attention to the fact that the 45 Administration is getting punked? And all this space force non sense?

Simone Biles happened this year. What was it?

You know that the impeachment process didn’t stop at level one, right?

What’s up with the Democrats and this inner circular war?

Which was worse in weather? Solar Vortex or the Polar Vortex?

How will Governor Evers in the first term actually give the Wisconsin citizens real results?

Remember when 20 years ago when Prince had the Rave UN2 the Year 2000 Concert? IN MINNESOTA?

Why was Lizzo had to go there in LA? Butt cheeks showing. Embarrassing!

And about #ADOS….why were they worked up for nothing without substance?!

Why is White Supremacy still a maximum programmed problem? Even if it’s a problem among black people in 2019?

What will be next for the Green Bay Packers that got into the playoffs and winning the North?

You know that again the Milwaukee Bucks are again for real, right?

So which folks in Milwaukee, has benefited of riding the streetcar thus far in its still free year?

Is the Fiserv Forum ready for year two?

What was the best car in 2019?

What were the worst jobs of 2019 that many will NEVER DO AGAIN for another decade or year?

Why did the black websites and Facebook Pages kept repeatedly on rotation published the same story about Roland Martin joining the Masons?

Level with me OWN viewers, what was the real reason why Love Is was canceled?

Was this the second year that many REALLY recognized International Men’s Day in November?!

For all of the Becky’s and other white folks that called the police on black folks doing civilized stuff this year and you know you did, where were your conscious minds at doing that foolishness in 2019?!

Did the #MeToo Movement reach its breaking point in a sense of things that backfired? Especially about Stacey Dash being arrested for Domestic Violence?

If you smelled like Marijuana all through 2019, and you’re in the store or were in a store, did you remember to wash up before leaving the house? Like seriously!

You realized that Lori Loughin messed up this year right with all that College stuff with the SAT’s?

Did Faceapp really get you with the Russian mess?

When will be the right time for many to explore NEW YORK for New Year’s Eve?

You realized it’s been 20 years since the Y2K Bug was a foul ball. Right?

Will the Wisconsin Badgers win the Rose Bowl FINALLY?!

What about those Packers so far? Can they be SuperBowl Ready? Yes, I’m realizing what I’m saying!

For all those hated Introverts, not understand Introverted people, especially BLACK Introverts, why you picked on them? Like seriously.

Will anymore Black Pastors meet with 45 in 2020 that embarrassed themselves in 2019? Trust me they’re coming!

So, Mortal Kombat 11 was a real hit. What will it actually take for EA to get a Madden game on the system? Still waiting!

What will it ACTUALLY take to get Bayonetta 3 on the Switch?!!

Most recently, I’ve seen black authors publish their books on Amazon about their Introvert experience in 2018. I need to see more. Can that happen in 2020?

Oh, this needs to be asked, Wolfenstein III was HOT in 2019. Will it be another for the Nintendo Switch?

Which jobs or careers were or are beneficial for the introverted crowd in Wisconsin in 2019?

In 2019, did many benefited using bitcoins or Stock?

When the Grads of 2019 had their moment of commencements, why were some were being touched by those after dancing or celebrating on stage?

Who has or is really learning from Roland Martin’s show online after one year?

This year’s Black History Month and Juneteenth Day was so pivotal with the 400th Anniversary of the Slave Trade. Has many really learned any thing about this besides going to Africa to get woke?

What was the worst interview this country has ever seen in 2019?

Was the Avengers, Terminator, Shaft, or Rambo were that darn good this year at the movies and on DVD?

CALLOUT: Why many black folks labeled the “Year Of The Return” a sham? KNOWINGLY many have not been to Africa?!!!!!!

Black Church folks, are you ready for the Watch Night Services?

Was not getting the flu shot that worst in 2019?!

Black Milwaukee, did WRRD 1510 lost its consciousness after Sherwin Hughes left in September?

So now the WWE got a new Intercontinental Title for 2019. Probably for the 40th Anniversary of the 1st win by Pat Patterson. But…………….which legendary title be next to upload for Raw, Smackdown, and/or NXT?

Black folks, why are we still saying the N-Word? Why is that really?!

In 2019: who got promoted?

In 2020: who will actually vote? Not just one time during the Presidential election!

In 2019: Did many actually went to the doctor?

In 2019: Did any of you retained your resolutions?

In 2018: Milwaukee, did you enjoyed the State Fair as well as Summerfest?

In 2019: Have any of you saved up financially for that nest egg?

In 2019: level with me, how many times that many of you DID NOT support your Alumni groups?

In 2019: Who did the most work in your community? Don’t say the same people!

In 2019: Who did no work in the community? They need to be called out.

In 2019: Who was the “Dark Horse” in your family, church, organizations, etc?

In 2019: who has a job lined up for 2020 that will be even MORE SECURE?

In 2019: Who wanted a job lined up that no one wanted but applied anyway?

In 2019: How many churches you prayed to, in order to be the best they can?

In 2019 : What influenced you to vote against the Republicans that many despised for 2020?

The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary turned 100 years old in 2019, right? I want to know how many African-Americans will join up and also, how many Sons of Black Veterans will join the Sons of the American Legion? Even Black Daughters the same with the Auxillary?

How many liked Black Lightning this year even more?

For all the Masons, Order of Eagles, Shriners, Divine 9, American Legion Family, Elks, VFW and others, based on what I have read this year regarding young folks joining your groups: what are you going to do about it and what will you do to get new members?

In Milwaukee, many of us have seen the sample of Light the Hoan yet again. Who made a donation in 2019?

Black Methodists in Wisconsin, guess what? BMCR made an impact this year. What did you think?

United Methodist Men in Wisconsin, you know there is a metro men’s group in town looking for “Men at Work”. Have any of you checked out any the meetings this year? If so, what did you think? If not, why?

So I have heard that some of the GM cars might be on the chopping block in the year ahead, which of those cars will be less to buy in the future? And what about Tesla?

I need to ask also, who will miss Empire? It’s the last season.

With all the retirees retired this year, who is next to go in 2020?

If many still did blackface in 2019 which was shameful, can many not do it in 2020?

Who actually “migrated” out of Milwaukee that moved to Atlanta or Texas just to get away from the racism but only to realize that racism is everywhere? Like violence?

If you hated Church folks so much in 2019, why keep talking about it?! Especially those who keep sharing those false memes?!

If many did this in 2019: Resumes. Did many kill it for job interviews?

Can someone explain again the bad connection between buying Christmas gifts and Tax Time?

In all of the 1,000 posts so far, what wasn’t mentioned?

In all of the 1,000 posts what was learned from you?

In all of the 1,000 posts did anyone ever to follow what else I had to say?

Which Wisconsin teams surprised many in 2019? Brewers, Packers, Badgers, or Bucks?

Of all the folks who passed away this year, who was the main person that didn’t receive much recognition?

Of all the folks who were honored this year for their hard work, even milestone work, who didn’t get any recognition after their hard work?

Anyone lost their job unfairly in 2019?

Who was EMBARRASSED HARSHLY in 2019 that will not go away? And will it take a long time too heal?

When folks in the United Methodist Church talk about the future of Black Churches how come many pass over it? And what is the main reason why many UMC objectifying the reasons of not including the LGBTQIA Community as being outcasts?!

And this is the last question before the ball drops and clocks out for 2019: What will you carry into 2020 that you learned in 2019? And also, what will you NOT take into 2020 that you went through hellfire and brimstone in 2019?

Now: let’s go party.

Happy New Year!

Photo by Skitterphoto on

So here we are yet again.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the blog story that is traditional. Let’s review of what I said last year with a twist:

Like Sgt. Hulka used to say in the movie Stripes: “before we proceed any further, we gotta get something straight.”

I’m going to be taking this blog to new heights. It’s not just going to be the same old song and dance. Nope, that is going to be one and done. It’s going to more than just one blog story. No matter if you are in America or in freaking India, be ready. This blog thing will one day, get real. If I got to get my Periscope, or own video thing on here to help my stories, well: that’s what I have to do one day. What does all this mean? It means that I have to get better with the idea of blogging with the issues and concerns. I have to. It’s not just that thing that needs to be done, it must be done to improve. To inspire and yes, to get to the point of view that I need to display.

Yes, folks will walk tall, shoulders back, chin up, conscious up to the 10th level, and of course, this is an idea that would be beneficial. I thought about destroying this blog and ending a 10+ year streak, all because of other concerns of boredom or that same story. But wait…..this could be a benefit to help and inspire. While many might think that one story from a blog is all there is, think again!

“Stephen’s Spot” is not just about one blog story. Or one picture. Or one anything. It can be revolutionary, inspirational, conscious, fun, life experienced, or just plain normal. It’s not a one dance show. It’s one in the million that can be experienced if many take the time to read more than one. Now, I know many are just now discovering the blog based on what I have written back in 2014 or whatever. But if you (yes you) the reader actually like what I write here, in a sense of right now, thank you.

Knowingly I can’t control what others might read, but by me writing more, and thinking more, it will be fully objectionable for me to carry on. I’m in the 40-year-old plus age bracket, and yes this age bracket will indeed test my theory and summarize.

So guess what: you want Stephen’s Spot? I’ll give you Stephen’s Spot! This is no same old song and dance. Nope, not here!

So for now: let’s start my New Year’s Tradition of Stephen’s Spot that doesn’t need a repeat: What do I want to see and not want to see in 2019! 19 things by the way.


First Five I want to see in THAT YEAR OF 2019:

Employment/Health & Wellness/Politics/Voting

1) It’s time to work, folks. If this is the year that you will get that real job, the time is now! No more wasting time by waiting on others. It won’t work. We need to have a “Career Awareness Month”. We need to have better job fairs, career expos, have a “seasonal vet” career fair for the mature folks. Not that watered down stuff that many are getting. Even if you still have that degree in the display, that many will pass up. We have to do EXTRA better.

2) If you got to get yourself checked, do it. You know where the doctors are. As well as the dentists, eye examination folks and more. Matter of fact some of them might be near you right now. And while we’re at it, we need to for real get educated about the issues of health. I hear say, “you need to do this or that”. or “you need a flu shot.” BEFORE ANY THAT HAPPENS: ASK QUESTIONS! Forget what you saw on Facebook, know that real stuff first! Really stop and ask definite questions!

3) 2019 also means that the Congress will take over with some new #45 laws being placed unfairly. If any of the new members screw up, get on their case! Don’t just complain on social media, complain to the So-and-sos! Write letters or emails with proper sentences! You can do that, you know. Oh, and if you approve of the work that some or many are doing to help this country and mainly in your districts, show some love! Volunteer or work on their staff, help in politics on their behalf. Be an Able Body Person to carry that out!

4) You should know that 2019 is a “mini” voting year? Oh, you didn’t know this? Pay attention! It’s not the Presidential election, but maybe some of your County Judges or Superintendents will up be running on the ballot. Do better!

5) Speaking of the voting thing, this would be a good time to get your voter registration checked and/or updated to get ready for the 2019-20 election years. I want to see this happen even more. Forget waiting until 2020! It’s best to do it NOW!

Next Five I don’t want to see:
Church/African-Americans/Credit Checks/Not Voting

6) Like last year, and the year before that and previous years: I don’t want to see NO ONE complaining about the lack of this or that in the church. If you don’t have a certain something going in your church, then make something happen! Keep at it! What did I say after my father’s passing in 2017: Be empowered, and Stay in the fight!

7) And like many many years ago: I don’t want to see black folks putting other black folks down for stupid pathetic reasons! No matter what happens we must continue to look in the mirror and raise up. Either for Jobs, Education (past or present) contributions, clubs/organizations etc. And that goes for anyone else. It doesn’t matter what you got with you. Either way, NO EXCUSES!

8) Never EVER OVERLOOK THIS: Black Queens: you say you LOVE us Black Kings right? DO YOU?! Here is a “whenever you get a chance” challenge that you might not think. Cater to us for ONE DAY at a restaurant, or maybe give us a day that we might enjoy. Think it over! Many of you got Brothers, Fathers, Uncles, Husbands, Boyfriends, Cousins, Neighbors, and many other male influences that you probably know that need that appreciation! Even Black Kings whom you overlook a lot, never thought about, or being Single and no relationships. You guys go all out for your thing and we’re in the seats. Why not us?

9) I HOPE TO GOD, I don’t want to see credit checks on black folks no more. Matter of fact, not on anyone anywhere with credit checks!

10) I don’t want to see those who didn’t vote to gloat. Guess what: Elections have Consequences. Period!

Five More things I want to see:

Alumni Associations/Results Doing Actual Work and Milestones/ Black Church Groups/Black Community/Fraternities and Sororities

11) I want to see more of us ALUMNI (YOUNG AND OLD) to reinvest in our Alumni Groups. Not just for the class reunions and everyone also shows up broke, mad, left out and uninformed. If you get pissed about not being informed about a class reunion or gathering, DO NOT GET MAD AT THE ALUMNI COMMITTEE! You need to be backing up your Alumni Contacts from your classmates, anyway. And if your Alumni Organizations messes up, get on their case!

12) I want to see the results of us “doing the work”. Not just the partial results of patting on the back and say “nice work”. But also what did it took to get the results needed. And if your employee is celebrating a milestone of service (10, 20, etc), give him or her the due of respect. It’s the right thing to do. Or even if no one gives you a pin of service: give yourself one!

13) I want us “non-scared and scared grown folks in the Black Church Groups” to talk to our youth. Seriously talk to them. Some of them need us to come to them. I don’t care if they are in the schools shooting basketballs or at the community centers or in church playing Chess or Madden. Or double dutching, or even learning a praise dance. Even tutoring and READING BOOKS! Let’s learn to #HashtagAndTalk to our young folks. Male members of the church: get the young men involved in these groups! Women, you know what it is.

14) I want to see more black folks in the communities who think there is nothing there to do, start something! Stop complaining! Stop moaning! Get up and get out and make the stuff happen! Such as Health stuff, job applications, resumes, networking, organizing a business venture. Able Body folks, if you’re still standing outside of a Walgreens or a Gas Station asking for money, and if you can still move around, get inside that building and ask for an application! Why is that so hard?

15) Like last year and year ago, here is a thought: I want to see ALL fraternities, and ALL sororities to “recruit and meet up” with seasoned vets that can help out. Especially those of the black fraternities and sororities. All of the Divine 9 folks: From the Alphas to the Iotas and from the AKA’s to the Sigma Gamma Rho’s: Have a day in which YOU need to go out to the seasoned vets of those who are 40-ish and up that want to join up to support the groups you represent. And also, don’t be so VERY judgmental about those who are at that 40’s range. The best place to find us: either at our church events, alumni group meetings, etc. And this goes for the American Legion Family, Masons, Elks, Eastern Stars, and etc. WE SEE YOU! You need to re-introduce yourselves!

Final four: I want not to see and want to see.
Black Lives Matter/Volunteerism/Grown After 18/If it doesn’t work…..

16) Of all the things I don’t want to see: enough of the blame game on Black Lives Matter that seemed violent or racist. For all you Blue Lives Matter or copying off the Black Lives Matter Movement, you will suck. Instead of hating on Black Lives Matter at least go to a meeting or hear from those who lost a brother, or sister or a parent that was black. Take notes, Blue Lives Matter. And don’t front!
MASSIVE NEW YEAR’S CALLOUT: And also white folks: enough calling the cops on black folks doing CIVILIZED stuff like campaigns, jobs, barbecues, community projects, volunteering or even waiting on a client, going into their apartment, swimming, selling lemonade, or to be SEATED AT A RESTAURANT OR AT STARBUCKS! Be advised and WARNED; if you work at a job, you will be fired for these stupid acts! And it takes a SMARTPHONE with video to get you TERMINATED!

17) Now, this probably might work in this 2019: Get grown in your own work and volunteerism. We know what we need to do, and what to do this year. So why not get involved? And the time is right now! Didn’t I say it’s time to work?

18) This is for the grown folks 18 and up: HANDLE your grown business! After all, we supposed to be grown after 18, right?

19) If any of the plans that don’t work, This should be seen and heard by EVERYONE: If there are things that might be difficult, stressful, unhealthy, not financially, and many others, Leave it alone! Find a Plan B, or what you know best and stick to that! Keywords: PLAN B!

Happy New Year!!

Everyone knows how this goes yet again. And it’s really simple. No need to link or google or even #Hashtag. Today, many around the country and in the household or other areas, we Americans will be celebrating that holiday of food called Thanksgiving. From the Parades to the NFL Games, Dog Shows, or other new traditional ideas that will boost the food day. And yes, there will be us going out to the clubs and shaking off the pounds to get loose for Christmas. Or staying home for the house parties.

And yes, there will be constant reminders of the horrors that our Native American brothers and sisters will not participate in this Thanksgiving Day due to the killing of their ancestors outside of a church on a Sunday morning many moons ago. Henceforth, The National Day of Mourning. We know this. 

But this holiday, yes does have the two words of Be Thankful for the things and ideas we already have. So here in its 11th Anniversary tradition, here is another traditional Stephen’s Spot Thanksgiving Blog of “Be Thankful”. Break out the tablets, Smartphones, PC’s or laptops. Start reading!

If you have a GOOD PAYING job that is good for you and it pays well, be thankful.

If you don’t have a job and still looking and STILL not quitting, be thankful!

If you have good insurance, either health, auto, home or dental STILL be thankful.

If you have a good car or truck that gets you to work every day, and still runs well with or without repair be thankful.

If you FINALLY have a good doctor or you still don’t have one, but still want to get that monkey (and constant NAGGING) off your back, STILL be thankful about improving your health. And STILL trying. Take your time!

Now I need to say this: If you found out that you have a chronic illness like Diabetes, and you had a devastating moment of asking why it happened and didn’t have the words. But also you had conversations and online postings about those who have it already and knows the feelings of the battles, and you learn from them and they can inspire you to be better and get with the program of what they know, and still believe that it’s possible that you control diabetes and not let it get the best of you. In the month of National Diabetes Awareness Month: BE THANKFUL that you have a support system that can back you up. I’m learning that since February 20th this year. And personally, if you read my blog story about me being a now Type 2 Diabetic, I thank you. 

If you have a cool dentist and he or she is good and professional, be thankful.

Like any year, if you have lost any loved one this year or years past, and still feel down that the space is empty or the chair is empty, and you want to fill it up with a new generation of family members that want to pull ahead, even close friends, we must try to be thankful to carry on. It’s hard, but we must. I still miss my father, and like last year, my Thanksgiving will be different without him.

If you had folks praying for you all year for all the things you’ve been experienced no matter good or bad, be thankful that there are folks that know, and are in your corner.

If you are expecting a raise in 2019 and will be getting it, be thankful!

Do you still love your gifts and talents that are unappreciated? And still, do them all the time? Be thankful!

If you still got your parents and/or relatives as your back up, be thankful that they still care.

If you had a sibling in the freaking hospital more than once, who is being taken care of and heard good news about coming home, and I know this AGAIN: BE THANKFUL!

If your Mother had a minor surgery done to remove kidney stones, and blood infections, and still be able to eat or move around then some: BE THANKFUL!

Got good neighbors that know you no matter how long? Be thankful.

Met any new neighbors lately? Be thankful.

Moved to a different city recently that you feel is best? Be thankful.

Moved back to a city that is best? Be Thankful.

Got a good plan to get that next step in your career, or a different career, and a mindset? Be thankful.

If you encountered a project or program that really SUCKED MAJOR BALLS and you tried your best, and you had a bad review to feel discouraged in all, but you also realized that there are other things you can do, still be thankful that you can still other things that make you stronger! To hell with the things that don’t work. Stay with the things that can work.

For all of my church folks: if you want your Church to succeed despite those want it to fail due to jealousy, BE THANKFUL that you are willing to fight!

If your birthday or anniversary is coming up or it already happened, be thankful!

If you are STILL very introverted and darn proud of it, and not ashamed to tell about it or embrace it, be thankful!

Single and not in a relationship? Be thankful.

Married with or without kids? Be thankful.

Single and no kids? Be thankful.

Single with kids? Be Thankful.

Divorced? Be thankful.

You still have a church home that you stay and willing to have your kids to grow IN THE CHURCH? Be thankful.

If you have been given a side gig, and love it to be paid with that cash money or checks, no matter what it is, be thankful.

Got a good pet or know a pet that knows you well? Be thankful.

If you STILL give back to your community, your Alumni, your Church, your Scholarship Committees, your Fraternity, your Sorority, your Unions or other groups that have been treating you good all this time, be thankful!

If you have served in your community as an Election Inspector (like me) for 12 years or more and still work, BE THANKFUL!

Wisconsin: If you have voted in this Election and if your favorite actually WON, BE THANKFUL!

If you STILL appreciate the value of your former teachers or coaches, or former principals, of anyone that knew your value of education, be thankful.

If you can’t wait to eat the meal that gives you life, be thankful you can still eat the grub.

Still avoiding fake news? Be thankful. They suck.

If you read the old blogs that I can’t control the reading, but still want to read what I want to say regardless from my black point of view, be thankful! Not just for me, but for you.

If you STILL got stuff in your house that you want to give away, be thankful. Somebody will take it.

Still fighting Racism, White Supremacy, Sexism, and others? – Be Thankful.

Got a good business handy? And it’s good for you to make that money like Uber or Lyft or It Works? Hey, be thankful!

If you switch your career to a new company in the past year or will go to a new company, be thankful!

Own a business? Got your own time schedule? Invested in a product or material? Be thankful.

If you got many reachable sources to give, or to provide, or to share, or to support, and it’s really catching on, you better be thankful!

If you are planning to vote in 2019 and 2020, be thankful! Get your ballots ready.

If you are looking forward to another holiday weekend of fun, be thankful.

If you are NOT shopping on Black Friday, but willing to spend Black Friday outdoors in the woods or parks, Be Thankful! It’s a release to avoid a violent backlash.

If you are not shopping on Black Friday, but willing to spend your cash at a local business, or on Cyber Monday, be thankful.

If you are donating to your favorite charity on Giving Tuesday, Be thankful!

If you can’t wait to deck your halls for Christmas or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, AFTER Thanksgiving (some of you did it ahead of time) Be Thankful.

If you criticized Donald Trump for his “horrible so-far job” as President and his tweets, REALLY BE THANKFUL!

If you are breathing right now normally: be thankful.

If you were removed from a company that had you started in the game, then a rift in Management occurred, but went to another company that is good so far, BE THANKFUL!

If many in the black community have black pride PLUS Melanin Responsibility to uplift our black people without sarcasm and forced stuff, BE THANKFUL!

Now I have to say this again: If you kneeled while supported the protest of inhumane acts of people of getting brutalized by the police (as in the NFL Players) and support the idea of waving the flag: your thankfulness is valid because even though many of you supported a kneeling movement in a Colin Kaepernick way. NOTE: It’s not about the Flag or against the military or veterans. It’s about the ongoing concern of black folks getting the wrong treatments of social injustice!

If you are walking tall real good, be thankful.

If you are expecting a really good breakthrough, BE THANKFUL!

If you condemn any racist act on the internet, social media, at your job, or in the house, or in the neighborhood, or any act of disrespect, forced patriotism, and you had to write letters of complaints to a certain company, STILL be always thankful to get your voice heard! Put the pressure on them on not coming back!

If you are upgrading your house to be better, be thankful!

If you got a plan to take a vacation, be thankful.

If you still got your old game systems on a Throwback Thursday and they still work, be thankful!

If you still listen to your old school joints on your radio, or maybe some new school material, be thankful.

NOTE: For my readers that had to go through hell with the wildfires in California, and the Hurricanes out east, and still feeling hopeless. I want you all to understand that it’s a hard Thanksgiving Day for you as we know. But in a sense, you should be thankful that you can rebuild. And BE EXTRA THANKFUL that yet, you are still living! And be EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA THANKFUL that a breakthrough is coming for the better!

If you are a conscious-minded person, a defensive-minded person that you know is best, for your own opinions and viewpoints without any harm or hurtful feelings towards humanity, be thankful!

As of today: I’m thankful that Stephen’s Spot has now reached 1,000 posts! If you read all or some of a few blog posts within the past decade in all: BE THANKFUL! And I thank you for reading! More to come. 

For my Sagittarius readers: guess what? Our season is back TODAY on Thanksgiving Day! Are we thankful, now? (SAGS RULE!)

And finally: If I missed anything that many have thought about, and it’s good: we all should be and forever so thankful that we must march on. Like they say at the black funerals: It’s already been said. It’s already done.

Happy Thanksgiving!
