Posts Tagged ‘Social Distancing’

The usual holidays of spooks are upon us. Yes, it’s Halloween time in the city. While many of us still trying to crack the code of the Coronavirus, we are still haunted by 45’s lies. We are still haunted by black men being hunted like cattle. Oh, don’t forget that the Election is coming real quick like The Fog. Yes, like the horror movie. Oh, don’t forget about virtual learning that many can’t crack like Apple Computers. Oh, don’t forget that working from home can be valid thought, and many linger that. Oh don’t that Halloween is NOT A DEVIL DAY! And don’t forget that that Holidays will be coming quick after Veteran’s Day so yet we need to be ready. And don’t forget that well……Oh whom I kidding: I’m scratching my head again!

What is more frightening: Masking up or no masking in protest?

Since many like to label Black Lives Matter as Marxist Company and hating the Police, why was Alicia Garza was on someone’s target list?

So the Packers lost one Game to Tampa Bay, but bounced back to beat Houston. Has the term Bounce Back has not lost it’s soul?

Amy Barrett shouldn’t have been picked to take over the late RBG’s seat on Supreme Court. That is a big NO from me! Is the country really doomed now?

What really irks me that there are Black Men buying of what 45 is selling. Exactly what is the message that these men are paying attention to?!

Word is that 45’s rallies were getting more folks sick from the COVID. When are they going to learn? Oh that’s right they can’t.

In Movember…..I mean November who from the men’s gallery will not be a sissy and talk about the health concerns? We all got them. And who’s NOT SHAVING?!

Men – Our International Men’s Day on November 19th is coming so quick. Has any man have plans VIRTUALLY to celebrate and not get an attitude within the next 4 months?

According to the recent polling like Real Clear Politics, it appears that Joe Biden has the upper hand. Can the momentum continue?

Now 45 is saying that the Doctors are being paid when it regards the Coronavirus. Who does he think he is?

Trick or Treating this year was heavily talked about. Yes that. Will it be back better in 2021?

If you’re a Poll Worker that has not been called yet, does it feel weird not to get a call or an email, or a text or anything? What’s Up?!

I need to ask this question. I was watching Roland Martin Unfiltered recently and one of the segments featured that a group of Black Women take part of this Phone Conference that they do every Sunday night in discussing about regarding mobilizing, organizing, and fundraising. And here is the thing: they come from all walks of life. No matter the club, job, organization, etc. And they are all black. When Roland asked the panel, which was all Black Men with political angles of experience, many have not answered the question in asking had they heard any MEN doing this. This is not about the Boule, Masons, Divine 9 Fraternities, and other male organizations alike individually. Is there a space or a group or connection for Black Men that do the same like the Black Women? If not: START!

If you been to any Souls to the Polls, GOTV, or what ever preplan voting activity to get to the Election Sites to make those votes happen. Excellent work. Now have the results worked to get others motivated?

Why is Wisconsin is still a battleground state for voting?

Will the holiday jobs be remote just as in person?

Hey Milwaukee, what do you think of the Hoan like this?

As the season of Halloween converts to All Saints Day and the Day of the Dead, you realize that the memories of the departed haven’t really departed as much?

As the season of Election is dwindling down day by day, will we be either joyful or just repeated concerns of 45?

When Thanksgiving comes and it will come: how will us cope without the extra seat that the 200,000 plus left us in death?

So far, has the complaining of Virtual Learning been calmed down?

Word is that the 31st Simpsons Halloween show will be a day late after Halloween. We have been here before, right?

The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXXI Preview

After November 1st, you can’t forget about the DST ending and checking your smoke detectors, right? Come on now don’t act like you don’t know that routine.

So NBA Folks, how bout those Lakers exposing the Miami Heat?

What really works in elections: Absentee, Early Voting or the actual traditional in person voting?

Did anyone care that the Dodgers actually won the World Series?

And just to think, with all the Halloween Candy that the stores have, they need to donate to all the Homeless Shelters or the USO for our Military Overseas. For all of you Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and many other stores, think it over! Good idea?

And the last thing before the season of All Saints, Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead ends into November, and this needs to be asked: Have you or will you vote on November 3rd? They say this is the election we need to really get out and Vote! This is the nightmare that cannot repeat like 2016. Let me say this that many already know: Stop saying that you won’t vote. That is a cop out! You already know that for the last 4 years there has been a disdain about 45’s concerns regarding about our Health and Wellness, our Jobs, Economy, his viewpoints of Racism, calling our neighboring counties S-hole countries, calling our military and veterans suckers and losers, and most recently he thinks AGAIN that our doctors are being paid more just because of the corona. Already he is digging his own grave. Summon the Undertakers. And here’s the thing, when Joe Biden got into this race, many thought he had no chance. None! Look at him now. He and Senator Kamala Harris are about one foot away if possible to get to the White House. And many in the Black Community still got a gripe regarding the 1994 Crime Bill that many in the Democratic Senators, Mayors that many like now, favored it. Even black politicians favored the Crime Bill. Let’s be real! And yet Joe admit that was a mistake of getting the crime bill notarized since many of us Gen-Xers were in High School, College and the Military. Or starting a job. This was so 1990’s. So yes even a pandemic, and even facing lives of black folks, this election MUST NOT SLEPT ON! PERIOD!

If you don’t vote, don’t complain Wednesday morning that those voted messed up. Want to look for a reference? Take a look at 2016. A haunting reminder of this Halloween Season.

Happy Halloween!


So here we are once again. Mother’s Day 2020. For all the mothers still alive and teaching, Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. I hope that many of you will enjoy your day that is specialized with customized opportunities to be with your families and friends. And to many of us also, from all the round the clock of the Coronavirus, another rack of lies of the so-called president, Stay at Home Orders being unfairly challenged, stimulus checks running late: I’m scratching my head again.

So there are those whom have names of “Karens” that are being added to “Beckys” and “Nancys”. Oh, they know right?

For all those that work at Walmart, Target, in all you better be extra careful when you address the 6 ft rule. Someone might take it the wrong way and don’t act stupid to a customer. What would happen IF THEY ADDRESS YOUR MANAGER? Don’t be surprised.

Which is better: Working from home, or Working at the job on the job?

Which is better: acting like a mother, or being a mother?

Man…..2020 is already taking folks left and right like 2012. Why the deaths of Andre Harrell, Little Richard and now Betty Wright?

This needs to be asked AGAIN: why there are those 35 years old and under that don’t want to volunteer?

Do Progressive Radio stations really want black folks, or just their folks?

Is AEW Wrestling actually bringing the pain to the WWE weekly?

For all those asking and wondering AGAIN, what is the value of being in the group that is Woke and Conscious? Somebody needs answers!

Since the WWE had fanless shows out, many blamed them for not having fans. Then AEW, and UFC also had fanless events and shows. Will the MLB, NBA or other sports have fanless stuff while the Coronavirus passes?

In Michigan, their State Rep, Sarah Anthony was escorted to her office with armed Black Men. Wait hold the phone, black folks how many times we talked about how Black Men need to protect Black Women on the internet and in our families, and other groups? Now I need to clarify that black men are not going to hear about how they can protect themselves and then protect the Black Queens in all. The women will not say this. CALLOUT: Women, when was the last time you told your sons, cousins, nephews, grandsons, great grandsons, brothers in all that you(in your words) have to protect me? They need to learn how to defend themselves first even though they have to protect you!

Hold up, this needs to be extra clarified: Whenever we see all these foolish protesters with the rifles, the rebel flags and the Don’t Tread On Me Flags talking about reopen this state or reopen that state. For all you morons making a scene outside of that White Privilege, REALLY? You all are crying and pissed just because you want to governors to “Go Back To Normal” as usual. Well, I got news for you, we don’t know that! We don’t know if and when we will or would go back to normal. So technically if we are to open the state, you all ready know that many might DIE right? There are those of you might say, “Oh we are very aware about those dying in all….” Really? If you are really that concerned about those whom are on the illness, why are you fools are making this a political issue!? This is a HEALTH AND WELLNESS CONCERN! Wake up!

The month of May is two things: Military Appreciation Month and also, Mental Health Awareness Month. You know what it is. Why is it important to recognize them both you asked? READ THE HISTORY!

Hold Up, YET AGAIN: So you got this Shelly Luther didn’t close her shop in Dallas Texas because she defied a Executive Stay Home given by the state and city. Then by the judge, she was given 7 days of jail. After that, there was Go Fund Me page for the shop, and it was raised $500,000. A raise in….White Privilege! So opening a shop is worth than saving lives? This is was nothing more than insane thoughts. Ain’t it something? And oh, what would happen if a black woman or a black man opened a Barbershop or a Beauty Salon during the pandemic? Take a while guess.

If Virtual Learning is not that liked or criticized by those who are just now learning it, why complain? And if anyone knows this is me going through UW-Stout. By the date comes on May 13th: 14 years. And oh I survived it!

30 years ago in 1990, Milwaukee had a snow storm that was on May 10th. Did we almost had a repeat?

Last year, there were 20 Democrats for the determination to become the nominee for the General Election. Now since Joe Biden is the last man standing, will he go through

MTV needs more dance shows. Most recently they have brought back Club MTV after 30 years being on the shelf. And to ask, where’s Downtown Julie Brown?

Oh, fair question: how many of you have updated your resumes and portfolios?

Again people: I need to ask though, if you are looking for a job in all in your hometown, then all of a sudden you get calls from out of state that the jobs are open in a temporary basis. My question is: why are the LOCAL COMPANIES not calling or contacting the folks about the jobs in the community?! Very corny.

For the Class of 2020: Many of us are so sorry that you’ll not do the traditional way of walking with your classes. W can still say congrats. However, what about doing it virtually or has that happened?

Should CareerBuilder have an option to not have a choice of not making their customers choosing Temp Jobs?! That’s right I said it!

Since DJ D-Nice showed up on Instagram with the jams. It seems that every other DJ since him has done this on Facebook, Periscope, Twitch, Live TV, and other related platforms after him. Hold up: has this been done before, almost?

Introverts: My fellow Innies, are we winning?

For those whom miss our Barbershops, Beauty Salons, Nail Techs, and other needy stuff, why are we rushing to get back?

How does it feel to turn your homes into makeshift workplaces and dining rooms into makeshift altars for Church?

Speaking of Churches being quarantined: Press Play when you’re ready.

Church folks: does this sound familiar when working with the mute button? Don’t say its the devil, neither! Say Amen, people.

Now: this is for all the mothers:

For all the New School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Old School Mothers – Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mother’s that had to work and still work all day everyday: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers whom had to go back to school and get that degree many many many years later, but did it for her kids: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the mothers that continue to teach the Boys, the Girls, the Men and other Women to be productive citizens in life all the time: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers who served this nation in uniform and earned the title of Veteran: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that are currently serving this nation in uniform and earning the title of solider, airman, shipmate, coastie, or marine: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers whom are police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, mechanics, business owners, media, stockbrokers, and any other profession that is gender balanced: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers that just committed to Unions, Happy Mother’s Day

For all the Mothers whom are apart of any Sorority that is NOT on the list of Expelled Members, but paying their dues all the time for new members to join: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Mothers that guide offices and positions in the workforce, the church, the community, the neighborhoods and others: Happy Mother’s Day!

For all the Single Mothers whom constantly push against the grain but still manage to prove others wrong: Happy Mother’s Day.

For all the Mothers whom are heaven bound, as in gone home to God and had been memorialized, funeralized, had the last rights, had the 21 gun salute and many other final goodbyes: We thank those in their memories to live on continuously!

EXTRA: For all the mothers whom are on the front line during this pandemic, and missing their children and husbands, and missing the free time, family time, and had to Zoom, or FaceTime their folks: yes you get an ultra Happy Mother’s Day!

And for all the mothers whom don’t have children. Yes, not every woman is a mother! Those whom are like mothers, and whom are just there as needed to be called upon. Yes, they too deserve a Mother’s Day also. EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN’T MOTHERS!

And to the mothers that look at my blog all the time or some of the time: yes you too, deserve a Mother’s Day. Even to all the Introverted Mothers and Dark Horse Mothers that keep the peace in times of conflict and telling the truth! And still working.

So to the Momz, Mothers, Mommies, Mami’s, Madres, Mommas, Mother Dears, Big mamas, grannies, aunties, great aunts, Godmothers, Matriarchs, and the New Big Mamas that need transitional ideas to move forward, and many other mothers I can’t even think about: yes this is your Mother’s Day. Enjoy it!

Oh, and PS: Dad’s count too in a sense.