Posts Tagged ‘Addias Shoes’


What in the living you know what is going on?!!!! I’m reading the wire, via the internet about some pics of Adidas.  And I had to notice this during the week of Juneteenth Day. Yes, I did attend my home city’s Juneteenth Day Celebrations more on that later. For this, WHY THIS? I’m seeing the shoes with shackles. I’m thinking, why in the world like Adidas, who had a great marketing theme with the likes of Run-D.M.C. would have a design of shoes like this? I’m going to say that one: It’s a slap in the face! It’s a slap in the face of what it views in terms of a gravey past of Slavery!  I mean for real, it’s a real SLAP!

Knowingly that this will pass and Adidas will realize that this was a bad idea of marketing shoes with shackles. I mean really. Companies have to be real of what they display or show. Obviously it’s a part of being responsible! And on the flip side, if that were to be fully marketable, it would be nothing more than a disgrace. Knowingly some would say, “Oh man, those shoes look tight! I gotta have those with orange looking shackles on it. Looks hot.” Excuse me for asking, but why would anyone would have a pair of shoes with shackles on it?! Hello!

I know that the Trayvon Martin mentality had sparked the ills against African-Americans in terms of violence. But where’s was the mentality of this about these shoes?!  I know I know the answer to that. But here’s another question: where’s the mentality of learning about how to Vote with having the Vote or Die moniker for whose who DONT Vote? Or the purpose of Juneteenth Day other than a day of celebration? Explain that. The same with Black History Month, Black Music Month, or get this, what’s the real reason of celebrating the 4th of July other than FIREWORKS?!

Somebody better talk! And talk NOW!

Real Talk. Stay educated.

Sorry for the rant. But hey, it needed to be done.