It’s interesting to say that it’s now February. We know it’s the 92nd Anniversary of Black History Month. Now many are getting out the programs, books, events, and many other ideal information that we already have. But guess what, we still gotta learn.

I find really funny that when many of us in the black community have a day about us being black every month. Partially, that to me is a way to copy out the February tradition. Yes I’m saying this! Of course we’re black every day, month, year, second, hour, minute and others. We get it! Part of me wants to slap myself and wake up. What the hell do you mean?! Stop tripping. Is that all we have to say? That is not enough to say in the fight. Plus that is not enough for us period.

Black History Month for those whom have forgotten, is a everyday reminder (via 1926) about us black folks having our say. Our viewpoints. Our stories the way to be told. Obviously, many of us (also whom are Woke) seem to forgotten that. And I kept wondering, we have our young kids whom look up to us like LeBron James or Steph Curry don’t want to acknowledge the past but want to embrace the now. What I’m saying is, those of us who are grown, this is on us! I don’t care how conscious you are. Yes we pride ourselves being from Kings and Queens in which we are, but have a solid weakness in our commentary of voting, health, finance, communication, education and many factors and concerns. And if we are really upset about this, maybe Dr. Carter Woodson is the blame for the encouragement of this start. And part for the problem is this: we hear this quote that “Black History is American History.”

CALLOUT: If black history is part of American History, why there are schools in this COUNTRY REFUSING TO HAVE BLACK HISTORY IN THE CURRICULUM?! Explain that!

Every news report from the most school systems that have low percentages of black students get all cynical of the hate of Black History, even MLK Day. And the nerve to think that these are the same folks who say they have black friends, or they don’t see color. Well that’s a bold face lie.

In the era of 45, have we forgotten who we are? It’s a shame that we left that. Let me remind you, that 45 called out Africa and Haiti Sh*t-Hole Countries, and many of us had or have visited those countries, while many of us NEVER visited once! It’s also a shame many of us stand in line waiting for the new Air Jordans to drop, but couldn’t the most stand in line to vote! Until Alabama came in and showed us how it’s done!

And I know that we are anticipating the release of Black Panther, in which has been the hype of 2018’s breakthrough movies. Plus also while that is coming up, has anyone seen Black Lightning lately? If not, you are missing out! Black Lightning for those whom are unfamiliar, is not a marvel character. This is out of the DC Comics, and the character made it’s debut since 1977. About a decade plus later after Black Panther. The TV Show is creating a buzz on the CW Network being a hit so far and it’s the first Superhero Show that is centered around an African-American Family that tackles real issues. From Black Lives Matter to Gun Violence. The head character we know from Living Single, (aka Scooter) Cress Williams plays a principal – Jefferson Pierce by day, but when his daughters (played by Nafessa Williams and China Anne McClain) were captured by the gangs of the 100’s, Black Lightning returns to the streets to clean up the mess. Black Lightning is off to a strong debut, but if you like the show – SUPPORT IT! Just like many of you WILL SUPPORT Black Panther or are supporting the movie with a star black cast. Speaking of that, Nafessa Williams’ character Anissa has a hidden power coming up and has an angle of being a black lesbian in the mix. China’s character Jennifer is teen in high school, but expect her character to have Super Powers too. Lynn (played by Christine Adams) is Jefferson’s ex wife, the mother of Anissa and Jennifer had concerns earlier with Jefferson’s Powers and abilities, but still supports the comfort of the family in this new angle with the return of Black Lightning.

Expect my next blog to be more commented about the use and ideas of black superheroes! And the reasons why it matters like Superman or Spider-Man.

But for now, with all the mess of our history (and the lack of acknowledgements): BLACK FOLKS, stay in the fight for Black History Month! Not just for the future, but for our ancestors and the now.

We may unleash the centerpiece.

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